// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using System.IO;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; // for BindUriHelper.UriToString
#error Class is being used from an unknown assembly.
namespace MS.Internal
internal static class MimeTypeMapper
static internal ContentType GetMimeTypeFromUri(Uri uriSource)
ContentType mimeType = ContentType.Empty;
if (uriSource != null)
Uri uri = uriSource;
if (uri.IsAbsoluteUri == false)
uri = new Uri("http://foo/bar/");
uri = new Uri(uri, uriSource);
string completeExt = GetFileExtension(uri);
lock (((ICollection)_fileExtensionToMimeType).SyncRoot)
// initialize for the first time
if (_fileExtensionToMimeType.Count == 0)
// Adding the known mime types to the hash table.
_fileExtensionToMimeType.Add(XamlExtension, XamlMime);
_fileExtensionToMimeType.Add(BamlExtension, BamlMime);
_fileExtensionToMimeType.Add(JpgExtension, JpgMime);
_fileExtensionToMimeType.Add(XbapExtension, XbapMime);
if (!_fileExtensionToMimeType.TryGetValue(completeExt, out mimeType))
// If the hashtable doesn't contain the MimeType for this extension,
// Call UrlMon API to get it, once UrlMon API returns a vallid MimeType,
// update it into the hashtable, so that the next time query for a Uri
// with the same extension will be faster.
mimeType = GetMimeTypeFromUrlMon(uriSource);
if (mimeType != ContentType.Empty)
_fileExtensionToMimeType.Add(completeExt, mimeType);
return mimeType;
// Call UrlMon API to get MimeType for a given extension.
static private ContentType GetMimeTypeFromUrlMon(Uri uriSource)
ContentType mimeType = ContentType.Empty;
if (uriSource != null)
int retValue;
string mimeTypeString;
retValue = MS.Win32.Compile.UnsafeNativeMethods.FindMimeFromData(null,
BindUriHelper.UriToString( uriSource ) ,
out mimeTypeString,
// For PreSharp 56031,
// This return value must be checked as the function
// will not throw an exception on failure.
// the expected return value is S_OK.
if (retValue == 0 && mimeTypeString != null)
mimeType = new ContentType(mimeTypeString);
return mimeType;
static private string GetDocument(Uri uri)
string docstring;
if (uri.IsFile)
// LocalPath will un-escape characters, convert a file:///
// URI back into a local file system path. It will also
// drop any post-pended characters. (rogerch)
// "file:///c:/Program%20Files/foo.xmf#bar.jpg"
// becomes
// "C:\Program Files\foo.xmf"
docstring = uri.LocalPath;
// When not using the file scheme, escaped characters need
// to stay there and we rely on the Uri class to take care
// of figuring out what's going on.
docstring = uri.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Path);
return docstring;
static internal string GetFileExtension(Uri uri)
string docString = GetDocument(uri);
string extensionWithDot = Path.GetExtension(docString);
string extension = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(extensionWithDot) == false)
extension = extensionWithDot.Substring(1).ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
return extension;
static internal bool IsHTMLMime(ContentType contentType)
return (HtmlMime.AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(contentType)
|| HtmMime.AreTypeAndSubTypeEqual(contentType));
// The initial size of the hashtable mapps to the initial Known mimetypes.
// If more known mimetypes are added later, please change this number also
// for better perf.
private static readonly Dictionary<string, ContentType> _fileExtensionToMimeType = new Dictionary<string, ContentType>(4);
// Unspported MIME type
internal static readonly ContentType OctetMime = new ContentType("application/octet-stream");
internal static readonly ContentType TextPlainMime = new ContentType("text/plain");
// Known file extensions
internal const string XamlExtension = "xaml";
internal const string BamlExtension = "baml";
internal const string XbapExtension = "xbap";
internal const string JpgExtension = "jpg";
// Supported MIME types:
internal static readonly ContentType XamlMime = new ContentType("application/xaml+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType BamlMime = new ContentType("application/baml+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType JpgMime = new ContentType("image/jpg");
internal static readonly ContentType IconMime = new ContentType("image/x-icon");
internal static readonly ContentType FixedDocumentSequenceMime = new ContentType("application/vnd.ms-package.xps-fixeddocumentsequence+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType FixedDocumentMime = new ContentType("application/vnd.ms-package.xps-fixeddocument+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType FixedPageMime = new ContentType("application/vnd.ms-package.xps-fixedpage+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType ResourceDictionaryMime = new ContentType("application/vnd.ms-package.xps-resourcedictionary+xml");
internal static readonly ContentType HtmlMime = new ContentType("text/html");
internal static readonly ContentType HtmMime = new ContentType("text/htm");
internal static readonly ContentType XbapMime = new ContentType("application/x-ms-xbap");