// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows.Media.Media3D;
using System.Windows.Media.Composition;
using MS.Internal;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace System.Windows.Media
internal static class MILUtilities
internal static readonly D3DMATRIX D3DMATRIXIdentity =
new D3DMATRIX(1, 0, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1);
/// <summary>
/// Converts a System.Windows.Media.Matrix to a D3DMATRIX.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="matrix"> Input Matrix to convert </param>
/// <param name="d3dMatrix"> Output convered D3DMATRIX </param>
internal static unsafe void ConvertToD3DMATRIX(
/* in */ Matrix* matrix,
/* out */ D3DMATRIX* d3dMatrix
*d3dMatrix = D3DMATRIXIdentity;
float* pD3DMatrix = (float*)d3dMatrix;
double* pMatrix = (double*)matrix;
// m11 = m11
pD3DMatrix[0] = (float)pMatrix[0];
// m12 = m12
pD3DMatrix[1] = (float)pMatrix[1];
// m21 = m21
pD3DMatrix[4] = (float)pMatrix[2];
// m22 = m22
pD3DMatrix[5] = (float)pMatrix[3];
// m41 = offsetX
pD3DMatrix[12] = (float)pMatrix[4];
// m42 = offsetY
pD3DMatrix[13] = (float)pMatrix[5];
/// <summary>
/// Converts a D3DMATRIX to a System.Windows.Media.Matrix.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="d3dMatrix"> Input D3DMATRIX to convert </param>
/// <param name="matrix"> Output converted Matrix </param>
internal static unsafe void ConvertFromD3DMATRIX(
/* in */ D3DMATRIX* d3dMatrix,
/* out */ Matrix* matrix
float* pD3DMatrix = (float*)d3dMatrix;
double* pMatrix = (double*)matrix;
// Convert first D3DMatrix Vector
pMatrix[0] = (double) pD3DMatrix[0]; // m11 = m11
pMatrix[1] = (double) pD3DMatrix[1]; // m12 = m12
// Assert that non-affine fields are identity or NaN
// Multiplication with an affine 2D matrix (i.e., a matrix
// with only _11, _12, _21, _22, _41, & _42 set to non-identity
// values) containing NaN's, can cause the NaN's to propagate to
// all other fields. Thus, we allow NaN's in addition to
// identity values.
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[2] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[2]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[3] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[3]));
// Convert second D3DMatrix Vector
pMatrix[2] = (double) pD3DMatrix[4]; // m21 = m21
pMatrix[3] = (double) pD3DMatrix[5]; // m22 = m22
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[6] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[6]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[7] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[7]));
// Convert third D3DMatrix Vector
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[8] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[8]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[9] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[9]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[10] == 1.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[10]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[11] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[11]));
// Convert fourth D3DMatrix Vector
pMatrix[4] = (double) pD3DMatrix[12]; // m41 = offsetX
pMatrix[5] = (double) pD3DMatrix[13]; // m42 = offsetY
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[14] == 0.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[14]));
Debug.Assert(pD3DMatrix[15] == 1.0f || Single.IsNaN(pD3DMatrix[15]));
*((MatrixTypes*)(pMatrix+6)) = MatrixTypes.TRANSFORM_IS_UNKNOWN;
internal struct MILRect3D
public MILRect3D(ref Rect3D rect)
X = (float)rect.X;
Y = (float)rect.Y;
Z = (float)rect.Z;
LengthX = (float)rect.SizeX;
LengthY = (float)rect.SizeY;
LengthZ = (float)rect.SizeZ;
public float X;
public float Y;
public float Z;
public float LengthX;
public float LengthY;
public float LengthZ;
internal struct MilRectF
public float Left;
public float Top;
public float Right;
public float Bottom;
private extern static /*HRESULT*/ int MIL3DCalcProjected2DBounds(
ref D3DMATRIX pFullTransform3D,
ref MILRect3D pboxBounds,
out MilRectF prcDestRect);
[DllImport(DllImport.MilCore, EntryPoint = "MilUtility_CopyPixelBuffer", PreserveSig = false)]
internal extern static unsafe void MILCopyPixelBuffer(
byte * pOutputBuffer,
uint outputBufferSize,
uint outputBufferStride,
uint outputBufferOffsetInBits,
byte * pInputBuffer,
uint inputBufferSize,
uint inputBufferStride,
uint inputBufferOffsetInBits,
uint height,
uint copyWidthInBits
internal static Rect ProjectBounds(
ref Matrix3D viewProjMatrix,
ref Rect3D originalBox)
D3DMATRIX viewProjFloatMatrix = CompositionResourceManager.Matrix3DToD3DMATRIX(viewProjMatrix);
MILRect3D originalBoxFloat = new MILRect3D(ref originalBox);
MilRectF outRect = new MilRectF();
ref viewProjFloatMatrix,
ref originalBoxFloat,
out outRect));
if (outRect.Left == outRect.Right ||
outRect.Top == outRect.Bottom)
return Rect.Empty;
return new Rect(
outRect.Right - outRect.Left,
outRect.Bottom - outRect.Top