5 writes to _collection
PresentationCore (5)
System\Windows\FreezableCollection.cs (5)
42_collection = new List<T>(); 51_collection = new List<T>(capacity); 71_collection = new List<T>(count); 75_collection = new List<T>(); 796_collection = new List<T>(count);
32 references to _collection
PresentationCore (32)
System\Windows\FreezableCollection.cs (32)
87_collection.Add(item); 152for (int i = _collection.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--) 154OnFreezablePropertyChanged(/* oldValue = */ _collection[i], /* newValue = */ null); 157_collection.Clear(); 159Debug.Assert(_collection.Count == 0); 174return _collection.Contains(value); 184return _collection.IndexOf(value); 203_collection.Insert(index, value); 232T oldValue = _collection[index]; 238_collection.RemoveAt(index); 259T oldValue = _collection[ index ]; 283T oldValue = _collection[ index ]; 287_collection.RemoveAt(index); 305return _collection[index]; 318T oldValue = _collection[ index ]; 325_collection[ index ] = value; 351return _collection.Count; 368ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(index, array.Length - _collection.Count); 370_collection.CopyTo(array, index); 478ArgumentOutOfRangeException.ThrowIfGreaterThan(index, array.Length - _collection.Count); 489int count = _collection.Count; 492array.SetValue(_collection[i], index + i); 622DependencyObject inheritanceChild = _collection[i]; 701_collection.Add(value); 709return _collection.Count; 794int count = source._collection.Count; 800T newValue = source._collection[i]; 832_collection.Add(newValue); 889int count = _collection.Count; 892T item = _collection[i]; 1010if (_index > -2 && _index < _list._collection.Count - 1) 1012_current = _list._collection[++_index];