1 instantiation of Id
PresentationCore (1)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\Id.cs (1)
19public static implicit operator Id(int value) => new(value);
34 references to Id
PresentationCore (34)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ArrayInfo.cs (2)
20public Id ObjectId { get; } 23public ArrayInfo(Id objectId, Count length)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ArrayRecord.cs (1)
37public Id ObjectId => ArrayInfo.ObjectId;
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\BinaryLibrary.cs (2)
21public Id LibraryId { get; } 24public BinaryLibrary(Id libraryId, string libraryName)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\BinaryObjectString.cs (2)
21public Id ObjectId { get; } 26public BinaryObjectString(Id objectId, string value)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ClassInfo.cs (2)
21public Id ObjectId { get; } 25public ClassInfo(Id objectId, string name, IReadOnlyList<string> memberNames)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ClassRecord.cs (1)
25public virtual Id ObjectId => ClassInfo.ObjectId;
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ClassTypeInfo.cs (2)
21public readonly Id LibraryId; 23public ClassTypeInfo(string typeName, Id libraryId)
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ClassWithId.cs (4)
24public override Id ObjectId { get; } 30public Id MetadataId { get; } 32public ClassWithId(Id id, ClassRecord metadataClass, IReadOnlyList<object> memberValues) 64public static implicit operator Id(ClassWithId value) => value.MetadataId;
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\ClassWithMembersAndTypes.cs (3)
22public Id LibraryId { get; } 26Id libraryId, 37Id libraryId,
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\Id.cs (9)
11internal readonly struct Id : IEquatable<Id> 18public static implicit operator int(Id value) => value._id; 19public static implicit operator Id(int value) => new(value); 22=> (obj is Id id && Equals(id)) || (obj is int value && value == _id); 24public bool Equals(Id other) => _id == other._id || -1 * _id == other._id; 29public static bool operator ==(Id left, Id right) => left.Equals(right); 31public static bool operator !=(Id left, Id right) => !(left == right);
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\MemberReference.cs (3)
20public Id IdRef { get; } 22public MemberReference(Id idRef) => IdRef = idRef; 35public static implicit operator Id(MemberReference value) => value.IdRef;
System\Windows\BinaryFormat\SerializationHeader.cs (3)
23public Id RootId; 33public Id MajorVersion; 38public Id MinorVersion;