13 writes to _count
PresentationCore (13)
System\Windows\Media\Animation\TimeIntervalCollection.cs (13)
115_count = 0; 147_count = 1; 190_count = 1; 217_count = 2; 237_count = 0; 1261projection._count++; 1274projection._count++; 1292projection._count++; 1513_count = 2; 1577_count--; 1598_count++; 1626_count = 2; 1754_count += netIncreaseInNodes; // Update the array size
48 references to _count
PresentationCore (48)
System\Windows\Media\Animation\TimeIntervalCollection.cs (48)
194Debug.Assert(_count == 0); // The boolean constructor already did the job for us 247return (_count < 2) || (_count == 2 && _nodeIsInterval[0]); 256Debug.Assert(_count > 0); 278if (_count < 2 || slipTime > _nodeTime[1] - _nodeTime[0]) 304Debug.Assert(0 < _count && _count <= 2); 306if (_count == 1) 907while (_current < _count) 991if (_count < 2 // If we have 0-1 real points, no intersection with multiple periods is possible 1010TimeSpan lastNodeTime = _nodeTime[_count - 1]; 1043Debug.Assert(!_nodeIsInterval[_count - 1]); // We should not have an infinite domain set 1166Debug.Assert(_nodeTime[_count - 1] >= beginTime); // Our last node must come at least at begin time (since we must intersect the active period) 1169Debug.Assert(!_nodeIsInterval[_count - 1]); // We should not have an infinite domain set 1179&& (_nodeTime[_count - 1] > endTime.Value + fillDuration.TimeSpan // ...we intersect space after endTime+fill, or... 1180|| (_nodeTime[_count - 1] == endTime.Value + fillDuration.TimeSpan // ...as we fall right onto the end of fill zone... 1181&& _nodeIsPoint[_count - 1] && (endTime > beginTime || fillDuration.TimeSpan > TimeSpan.Zero)))); // ...we may have a point intersection with the stopped zone 1270while(_current < _count && (!endTime.HasValue || CurrentNodeTime < endTime)) // Copy the main set of segments, transforming them 1284if (_current < _count // We have an interval reaching beyond the active zone, clip that interval 1339} while (!quitFlag && (_current < _count)); 1571for (int n = index; n + 1 < _count; n++) // Shift over the contents 1586EnsureAllocatedCapacity(_count + 1); 1588for (int n = _count - 1; n > index; n--) // Shift over the contents 1731Debug.Assert(_count + netIncreaseInNodes >= 2); // We should never shrink past size 2 1735EnsureAllocatedCapacity(_count + netIncreaseInNodes); // Make sure we have enough space allocated 1736for (int n = _count - 1; n > lastNodeToDelete; n--) 1746for (int n = lastNodeToDelete + 1; n < _count; n++) 1797for (int n = 0; n < _count; n++) 1835while (_current < _count && CurrentNodeTime < accelEnd) 1843while (_current < _count && CurrentNodeTime <= decelStart) // We bias the edge points towards the simpler linear computation, which yields the same result 1851while (_current < _count) 2129if (_count == 0 || time < _nodeTime[0]) 2135Debug.Assert(_count > 0); // Count cannot be negative 2139int right = _count - 1; 2161Debug.Assert(right == _count - 1); 2171return (_count == 0); 2179return (_count == 0 && !_containsNullPoint); 2191Debug.Assert(_current <= _count); 2198return (_current + 1 == _count); 2206Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2211Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2220Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2225Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2234Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2239Debug.Assert(_current < _count); 2248Debug.Assert(_current + 1 < _count); 2257Debug.Assert(_current + 1 < _count); 2266Debug.Assert(_current + 1 < _count);