// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description:
// ResourceManagerWrapper is responsbile for getting resource
// stream for a given Uri from :
// A. Right SatelliteAssembly for localizable resource.
// B. Main assembly for non-localizable resource.
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Globalization;
using MS.Internal.PresentationCore; // SafeSecurityHelper
namespace MS.Internal.Resources
internal class ResourceManagerWrapper
// Constructor
// Take an Assembly instance as input.
// For a Uri which stands for resource in main application
// assembly, this constructor will be called.
internal ResourceManagerWrapper(Assembly assembly)
_assembly = assembly;
#region Internal methods
internal Stream GetStream(string name)
Stream stream = null;
// Try to search the resource from localizable resourceManager.
// ResourceManager will do all the culture probe-and-fallback work.
stream = this.ResourceManager.GetStream(name, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
catch (SystemException e)
bool bMissingResource;
bMissingResource = (e is MissingManifestResourceException || e is MissingSatelliteAssemblyException);
if (!bMissingResource)
// If it is missing Resource Manfifest exception, it is possible
// the resource is in unlocalizable part. catch and eat the
// exception here so that the code has chance to search the resource
// from unlocalizable resource set part.
if (stream == null)
// Try to search the unlocalizable resource from Main assembly only.
if (ResourceSet != null)
stream = this.ResourceSet.GetObject(name) as Stream;
catch (SystemException e)
if (!(e is MissingManifestResourceException))
// Don't throw exception here.
// If it doesn't return a valid stream, later code GetStreamCore in
// ResourcePart will throw exception and let user know what happened
// with more helpful information.
return stream;
#endregion Internal methods
#region Internal property
internal Assembly Assembly
return _assembly;
_assembly = value;
_resourceManager = null;
_resourceSet = null;
_resourceList = null;
// Readonly property
// Return a list of resources available in this ResourceManagerWrapper.
// It contains both localizable and unlocalizable resources.
internal IList ResourceList
if (_resourceList == null)
_resourceList = new ArrayList();
if (this.ResourceManager != null)
CultureInfo ciNeutral = GetNeutralResourcesLanguage();
// ResourceSet for neutral language contains all the available resources
// in this ResourceManager.
// Set true to the second parameter, createIfNotExists, in GetResourceSet( )
// This is to guarantee that API GetResourceSet( ) can always return ResourceSet
// instance for the neutral language.
// If RM.GetObject or GetStream is called first, ResourceManager can create
// ResourceSet instance for each cutlure and cache them in memory, so later
// GetResourceSet( ) can return right instance no matter what value in second parm.
// But if GetObject/GetStream is not called first in user's code, and the second parm
// is set to false, the resourceSet instance for the language is not available when
// this API is called. Even though this API can get the Resource streams internally,
// but it would NOT create instance of ResourceSet and return the object because
// createIfNotExists is false.
ResourceSet rsLoc = this.ResourceManager.GetResourceSet(ciNeutral, true, false);
if (rsLoc != null)
AddResourceNameToList(rsLoc, ref _resourceList);
if (this.ResourceSet != null)
// This contains non-localizable resources in Main assembly.
AddResourceNameToList(this.ResourceSet, ref _resourceList);
return (IList)_resourceList;
#endregion Internal property
#region private methods
// Get Neutral Resource language for the assembly of this ResourceManagerWrapper
private CultureInfo GetNeutralResourcesLanguage( )
// If NeutralResourceLanguageAttribute is not set, the resource must be
// in Main assembly, return CultureInfor.InvariantCulture.
CultureInfo ciNeutral = CultureInfo.InvariantCulture;
NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute neutralLangAttr = Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(_assembly, typeof(NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute)) as NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute;
if (neutralLangAttr != null)
ciNeutral = new CultureInfo(neutralLangAttr.CultureName);
return ciNeutral;
// Add all the availabe resource names in ResourceSet to ArrayList
private void AddResourceNameToList(ResourceSet rs, ref ArrayList resourceList)
IDictionaryEnumerator deResources;
deResources = rs.GetEnumerator();
if (deResources != null)
while (deResources.MoveNext())
string resName = deResources.Key as string;
#endregion private methods
#region private properties
// Get ResourceSet for non-localizable resources.
private ResourceSet ResourceSet
if (_resourceSet == null)
string manifestResourceName = $"{ReflectionUtils.GetAssemblyPartialName(_assembly)}{UnLocalizableResourceNameSuffix}";
ResourceManager manager = new(manifestResourceName, _assembly);
_resourceSet = manager.GetResourceSet(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, true, false);
return _resourceSet;
// Get ResourceManger for the localizable resources.
private ResourceManager ResourceManager
if (_resourceManager == null)
// Our build system always generate a resource base name "$(AssemblyShortname).g"
string baseResourceName = $"{ReflectionUtils.GetAssemblyPartialName(_assembly)}{LocalizableResourceNameSuffix}";
_resourceManager = new ResourceManager(baseResourceName, _assembly);
return _resourceManager;
#endregion private properties
#region private field
private ResourceManager _resourceManager = null; // For localizable resources.
private ResourceSet _resourceSet = null; // For non-localizable resources.
private Assembly _assembly = null;
private ArrayList _resourceList = null;
private const string LocalizableResourceNameSuffix = ".g";
private const string UnLocalizableResourceNameSuffix = ".unlocalizable.g";
#endregion private field