// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Ink;
namespace MS.Internal.Ink
#region Lasso
/// <summary>
/// Represents a lasso for selecting/cutting ink strokes with.
/// Lasso is a sequence of points defining a complex region (polygon)
/// </summary>
internal class Lasso
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Default c-tor. Used in incremental hit-testing.
/// </summary>
internal Lasso()
_points = new List<Point>();
#region API
/// <summary>
/// Returns the bounds of the lasso
/// </summary>
internal Rect Bounds
get { return _bounds; }
set { _bounds = value;}
/// <summary>
/// Tells whether the lasso captures any area
/// </summary>
internal bool IsEmpty
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
// The value is based on the assumption that the lasso is normalized
// i.e. it has no duplicate points or collinear sibling segments.
return (_points.Count < 3);
/// <summary>
/// Returns the count of points in the lasso
/// </summary>
internal int PointCount
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
return _points.Count;
/// <summary>
/// Index-based read-only accessor to lasso points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="index">index of the point to return</param>
/// <returns>a point in the lasso</returns>
internal Point this[int index]
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert((0 <= index) && (index < _points.Count));
return _points[index];
/// <summary>
/// Extends the lasso by appending more points
/// </summary>
/// <param name="points">new points</param>
internal void AddPoints(IEnumerable<Point> points)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(null != points);
foreach (Point point in points)
/// <summary>
/// Appends a point to the lasso
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point">new lasso point</param>
internal void AddPoint(Point point)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
if (!Filter(point))
// The point is not filtered, add it to the lasso
/// <summary>
/// This method implement the core algorithm to check whether a point is within a polygon
/// that are formed by the lasso points.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point"></param>
/// <returns>true if the point is contained within the lasso; false otherwise </returns>
internal bool Contains(Point point)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
if (false == _bounds.Contains(point))
return false;
bool isHigher = false;
int last = _points.Count;
while (--last >= 0)
if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(_points[last].Y,point.Y))
isHigher = (point.Y < _points[last].Y);
bool isInside = false;
Point prevLassoPoint = _points[_points.Count - 1];
for (int i = 0; i < _points.Count; i++)
Point lassoPoint = _points[i];
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(lassoPoint.Y, point.Y))
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(lassoPoint.X, point.X))
isInside = true;
if ((0 != i) && DoubleUtil.AreClose(prevLassoPoint.Y, point.Y) &&
DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(point.X, Math.Min(prevLassoPoint.X, lassoPoint.X)) &&
DoubleUtil.LessThanOrClose(point.X, Math.Max(prevLassoPoint.X, lassoPoint.X)))
isInside = true;
else if (isHigher != (point.Y < lassoPoint.Y))
isHigher = !isHigher;
if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(point.X, Math.Max(prevLassoPoint.X, lassoPoint.X)))
// there certainly is an intersection on the left
isInside = !isInside;
else if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(point.X, Math.Min(prevLassoPoint.X, lassoPoint.X)))
// The X of the point lies within the x ranges for the segment.
// Calculate the x value of the point where the segment intersects with the line.
Vector lassoSegment = lassoPoint - prevLassoPoint;
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(lassoSegment.Y != 0);
double x = prevLassoPoint.X + (lassoSegment.X / lassoSegment.Y) * (point.Y - prevLassoPoint.Y);
if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(point.X, x))
isInside = !isInside;
prevLassoPoint = lassoPoint;
return isInside;
internal StrokeIntersection[] HitTest(StrokeNodeIterator iterator)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(_points != null);
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(iterator != null);
if (_points.Count < 3)
// it takes at least 3 points to create a lasso
return Array.Empty<StrokeIntersection>();
// We're about to perform hit testing with a lasso.
// To do so we need to iterate through each StrokeNode.
// As we do, we calculate the bounding rect between it
// and the previous StrokeNode and store this in 'currentStrokeSegmentBounds'
// Next, we check to see if that StrokeNode pair's bounding box intersects
// with the bounding box of the Lasso points. If not, we continue iterating through
// StrokeNode pairs.
// If it does, we do a more granular hit test by pairing points in the Lasso, getting
// their bounding box and seeing if that bounding box intersects our current StrokeNode
// pair
Point lastNodePosition = new Point();
Point lassoLastPoint = _points[_points.Count - 1];
Rect currentStrokeSegmentBounds = Rect.Empty;
// Initilize the current crossing to be an empty one
LassoCrossing currentCrossing = LassoCrossing.EmptyCrossing;
// Creat a list to hold all the crossings
List<LassoCrossing> crossingList = new List<LassoCrossing>();
for (int i = 0; i < iterator.Count; i++)
StrokeNode strokeNode = iterator[i];
Rect nodeBounds = strokeNode.GetBounds();
// Skip the node if it's outside of the lasso's bounds
if (currentStrokeSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(_bounds) == true)
// currentStrokeSegmentBounds, made up of the bounding box of
// this StrokeNode unioned with the last StrokeNode,
// intersects the lasso bounding box.
// Now we need to iterate through the lasso points and find out where they cross
Point lastPoint = lassoLastPoint;
foreach (Point point in _points)
// calculate a segment of the lasso from the last point
// to the current point
Rect lassoSegmentBounds = new Rect(lastPoint, point);
// see if this lasso segment intersects with the current stroke segment
if (!currentStrokeSegmentBounds.IntersectsWith(lassoSegmentBounds))
lastPoint = point;
// the lasso segment DOES intersect with the current stroke segment
// find out precisely where
StrokeFIndices strokeFIndices = strokeNode.CutTest(lastPoint, point);
lastPoint = point;
if (strokeFIndices.IsEmpty)
// current lasso segment does not hit the stroke segment, continue with the next lasso point
// Create a potentially new crossing for the current hit testing result.
LassoCrossing potentialNewCrossing = new LassoCrossing(strokeFIndices, strokeNode);
// Try to merge with the current crossing. If the merge is succussful (return true), the new crossing is actually
// continueing the current crossing, so do not start a new crossing. Otherwise, start a new one and add the existing
// one to the list.
if (!currentCrossing.Merge(potentialNewCrossing))
// start a new crossing and add the existing on to the list
currentCrossing = potentialNewCrossing;
// Continue with the next node
currentStrokeSegmentBounds = nodeBounds;
lastNodePosition = strokeNode.Position;
// Adding the last crossing to the list, if valid
if (!currentCrossing.IsEmpty)
// Handle the special case of no intersection at all
if (crossingList.Count == 0)
// the stroke was either completely inside the lasso
// or outside the lasso
if (this.Contains(lastNodePosition))
StrokeIntersection[] strokeIntersections = new StrokeIntersection[1];
strokeIntersections[0] = StrokeIntersection.Full;
return strokeIntersections;
return Array.Empty<StrokeIntersection>();
// It is still possible that the current crossing list is not sorted or overlapping.
// Sort the list and merge the overlapping ones.
SortAndMerge(ref crossingList);
// Produce the hit test results and store them in a list
List<StrokeIntersection> strokeIntersectionList = new List<StrokeIntersection>();
ProduceHitTestResults(crossingList, strokeIntersectionList);
return strokeIntersectionList.ToArray();
/// <summary>
/// Sort and merge the crossing list
/// </summary>
/// <param name="crossingList">The crossing list to sort/merge</param>
private static void SortAndMerge(ref List<LassoCrossing> crossingList)
// Sort the crossings based on the BeginFIndex values
List<LassoCrossing> mergedList = new List<LassoCrossing>();
LassoCrossing mcrossing = LassoCrossing.EmptyCrossing;
foreach (LassoCrossing crossing in crossingList)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!crossing.IsEmpty && crossing.StartNode.IsValid && crossing.EndNode.IsValid);
if (!mcrossing.Merge(crossing))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!mcrossing.IsEmpty && mcrossing.StartNode.IsValid && mcrossing.EndNode.IsValid);
mcrossing = crossing;
if (!mcrossing.IsEmpty)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(!mcrossing.IsEmpty && mcrossing.StartNode.IsValid && mcrossing.EndNode.IsValid);
crossingList = mergedList;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to find out whether a point is inside the lasso
/// </summary>
private bool SegmentWithinLasso(StrokeNode strokeNode, double fIndex)
bool currentSegmentWithinLasso;
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(fIndex, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))
// This should check against the very first stroke node
currentSegmentWithinLasso = this.Contains(strokeNode.GetPointAt(0f));
else if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(fIndex, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
// This should check against the last stroke node
currentSegmentWithinLasso = this.Contains(strokeNode.Position);
currentSegmentWithinLasso = this.Contains(strokeNode.GetPointAt(fIndex));
return currentSegmentWithinLasso;
/// <summary>
/// Helper function to find out the hit test result
/// </summary>
private void ProduceHitTestResults(
List<LassoCrossing> crossingList, List<StrokeIntersection> strokeIntersections)
bool previousSegmentInsideLasso = false;
for (int x = 0; x <= crossingList.Count; x++)
bool currentSegmentWithinLasso = false;
bool canMerge = true;
StrokeIntersection si = new StrokeIntersection();
if (x == 0)
si.HitBegin = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
si.InBegin = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
si.InBegin = crossingList[x - 1].FIndices.EndFIndex;
si.HitBegin = crossingList[x - 1].FIndices.BeginFIndex;
currentSegmentWithinLasso = SegmentWithinLasso(crossingList[x - 1].EndNode, si.InBegin);
if (x == crossingList.Count)
// For a special case when the last intersection is something like (1.2, AL).
// As a result the last InSegment should be empty.
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(si.InBegin, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
si.InEnd = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
si.InEnd = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
si.HitEnd = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
si.InEnd = crossingList[x].FIndices.BeginFIndex;
// For a speical case when the first intersection is something like (BF, 0.67).
// As a result the first InSegment should be empty
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(si.InEnd, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(DoubleUtil.AreClose(si.InBegin, StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst));
si.InBegin = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
si.HitEnd = crossingList[x].FIndices.EndFIndex;
currentSegmentWithinLasso = SegmentWithinLasso(crossingList[x].StartNode, si.InEnd);
// If both the start and end position of the current crossing is
// outside the lasso, the crossing is a hit-only intersection, i.e., the in-segment is empty.
if (!currentSegmentWithinLasso && !SegmentWithinLasso(crossingList[x].EndNode, si.HitEnd))
currentSegmentWithinLasso = true;
si.HitBegin = crossingList[x].FIndices.BeginFIndex;
si.InBegin = StrokeFIndices.AfterLast;
si.InEnd = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;
canMerge = false;
if (currentSegmentWithinLasso)
if (x > 0 && previousSegmentInsideLasso && canMerge)
// we need to consolidate with the previous segment
StrokeIntersection previousIntersection = strokeIntersections[strokeIntersections.Count - 1];
// For example: previousIntersection = [BF, AL, BF, 0.0027], si = [BF, 0.0027, 0.049, 0.063]
if (previousIntersection.InSegment.IsEmpty)
previousIntersection.InBegin = si.InBegin;
previousIntersection.InEnd = si.InEnd;
previousIntersection.HitEnd = si.HitEnd;
strokeIntersections[strokeIntersections.Count - 1] = previousIntersection;
if (DoubleUtil.AreClose(si.HitEnd, StrokeFIndices.AfterLast))
// The strokeIntersections already cover the end of the stroke. No need to continue.
previousSegmentInsideLasso = currentSegmentWithinLasso;
/// <summary>
/// This flag is set to true when a lasso point has been modified or removed
/// from the list, which will invalidate incremental lasso hitteting
/// </summary>
internal bool IsIncrementalLassoDirty
return _incrementalLassoDirty;
_incrementalLassoDirty = value;
/// <summary>
/// Get a reference to the lasso points store
/// </summary>
protected List<Point> PointsList
return _points;
/// <summary>
/// Filter out duplicate points (and maybe in the futuer colinear points).
/// Return true if the point should be filtered
/// </summary>
protected virtual bool Filter(Point point)
// First point should not be filtered
if (0 == _points.Count)
return false;
// ISSUE-2004/06/14-vsmirnov - If the new segment is collinear with the last one,
// don't add the point but modify the last point instead.
Point lastPoint = _points[_points.Count - 1];
Vector vector = point - lastPoint;
// The point will be filtered out, i.e. not added to the list, if the distance to the previous point is
// within the tolerance
return (Math.Abs(vector.X) < MinDistance && Math.Abs(vector.Y) < MinDistance);
/// <summary>
/// Implemtnation of add point
/// </summary>
/// <param name="point"></param>
protected virtual void AddPointImpl(Point point)
#region Fields
private List<Point> _points;
private Rect _bounds = Rect.Empty;
private bool _incrementalLassoDirty = false;
private const double MinDistance = 1.0;
/// <summary>
/// Simple helper struct used to track where the lasso crosses a stroke
/// we should consider making this a class if generics perf is bad for structs
/// </summary>
private struct LassoCrossing : IComparable
internal StrokeFIndices FIndices;
internal StrokeNode StartNode;
internal StrokeNode EndNode;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="newFIndices"></param>
/// <param name="strokeNode"></param>
public LassoCrossing(StrokeFIndices newFIndices, StrokeNode strokeNode)
FIndices = newFIndices;
StartNode = EndNode = strokeNode;
/// <summary>
/// ToString
/// </summary>
public override string ToString()
return FIndices.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Construct an empty LassoCrossing
/// </summary>
public static LassoCrossing EmptyCrossing
LassoCrossing crossing = new LassoCrossing
FIndices = StrokeFIndices.Empty
return crossing;
/// <summary>
/// Return true if this crossing is an empty one; false otherwise
/// </summary>
public bool IsEmpty
get { return FIndices.IsEmpty;}
/// <summary>
/// Implement the interface used for comparison
/// </summary>
/// <param name="obj"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public int CompareTo(object obj)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(obj is LassoCrossing);
LassoCrossing crossing = (LassoCrossing)obj;
if (crossing.IsEmpty && this.IsEmpty)
return 0;
else if (crossing.IsEmpty)
return 1;
else if (this.IsEmpty)
return -1;
return FIndices.CompareTo(crossing.FIndices);
/// <summary>
/// Merge two crossings into one.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="crossing"></param>
/// <returns>Return true if these two crossings are actually overlapping and merged; false otherwise</returns>
public bool Merge(LassoCrossing crossing)
if (crossing.IsEmpty)
return false;
if (FIndices.IsEmpty && !crossing.IsEmpty)
FIndices = crossing.FIndices;
StartNode = crossing.StartNode;
EndNode = crossing.EndNode;
return true;
if(DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(crossing.FIndices.EndFIndex, FIndices.BeginFIndex) &&
DoubleUtil.GreaterThanOrClose(FIndices.EndFIndex, crossing.FIndices.BeginFIndex))
if (DoubleUtil.LessThan(crossing.FIndices.BeginFIndex, FIndices.BeginFIndex))
FIndices.BeginFIndex = crossing.FIndices.BeginFIndex;
StartNode = crossing.StartNode;
if (DoubleUtil.GreaterThan(crossing.FIndices.EndFIndex, FIndices.EndFIndex))
FIndices.EndFIndex = crossing.FIndices.EndFIndex;
EndNode = crossing.EndNode;
return true;
return false;
#region Single-Loop Lasso
/// <summary>
/// Implement a special lasso that considers only the first loop
/// </summary>
internal class SingleLoopLasso : Lasso
/// <summary>
/// Default constructor
/// </summary>
internal SingleLoopLasso() : base(){}
/// <summary>
/// Return true if the point will be filtered out and should NOT be added to the list
/// </summary>
protected override bool Filter(Point point)
List<Point> points = PointsList;
// First point should not be filtered
if (0 == points.Count)
// Just add the new point to the lasso
return false;
// Don't add this point if the lasso already has a loop; or
// if it's filtered by base class's filter.
if (true == _hasLoop || true == base.Filter(point))
// Don't add this point to the lasso.
return true;
double intersection = 0f;
// Now check whether the line lastPoint->point intersect with the
// existing lasso.
if (true == GetIntersectionWithExistingLasso(point, ref intersection))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(intersection >= 0 && intersection <= points.Count - 2);
if (intersection == points.Count - 2)
return true;
// Adding the new point will form a loop
int i = (int) intersection;
if (!DoubleUtil.AreClose(i, intersection))
// Move points[i] to the intersection position
Point intersectionPoint = new Point(0, 0)
X = points[i].X + (intersection - i) * (points[i + 1].X - points[i].X),
Y = points[i].Y + (intersection - i) * (points[i + 1].Y - points[i].Y)
points[i] = intersectionPoint;
IsIncrementalLassoDirty = true;
// Since the lasso has a self loop and the loop starts at points[i], points[0] to
// points[i-1] should be removed
if (i > 0)
points.RemoveRange(0, count: i); // Remove points[0] to points[i-1]
IsIncrementalLassoDirty = true;
if (true == IsIncrementalLassoDirty)
// Update the bounds
Rect bounds = Rect.Empty;
for (int j = 0; j < points.Count; j++)
Bounds = bounds;
// The lasso has a self_loop, any more points will be neglected.
_hasLoop = true;
// Don't add this point to the lasso.
return true;
// Just add the new point to the lasso
return false;
protected override void AddPointImpl(Point point)
_prevBounds = Bounds;
/// <summary>
/// If the line _points[Count -1]->point insersect with the existing lasso, return true
/// and bIndex value is set to a doulbe value representing position of the intersection.
/// </summary>
private bool GetIntersectionWithExistingLasso(Point point, ref double bIndex)
List<Point> points = PointsList;
int count = points.Count;
Rect newRect = new Rect(points[count - 1], point);
if (false == _prevBounds.IntersectsWith(newRect))
// The point is not contained in the bound of the existing lasso, no intersection.
return false;
for (int i = 0; i < count -2; i++)
Rect currRect = new Rect(points[i], points[i+1]);
if (!currRect.IntersectsWith(newRect))
double s = FindIntersection(
hitBegin: points[count-1] - points[i],
hitEnd: point - points[i],
orgBegin: new Vector(0, 0),
orgEnd: points[i+1] - points[i]);
if (s >=0 && s <= 1)
// Intersection found, adjust the fIndex
bIndex = i + s;
return true;
// No intersection
return false;
/// <summary>
/// Finds the intersection between the segment [hitBegin, hitEnd] and the segment [orgBegin, orgEnd].
/// </summary>
private static double FindIntersection(Vector hitBegin, Vector hitEnd, Vector orgBegin, Vector orgEnd)
System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(hitEnd != hitBegin && orgBegin != orgEnd);
// Source: http://isc.faqs.org/faqs/graphics/algorithms-faq/
// Subject 1.03: How do I find intersections of 2 2D line segments?
// Let A,B,C,D be 2-space position vectors. Then the directed line
// segments AB & CD are given by:
// AB=A+r(B-A), r in [0,1]
// CD=C+s(D-C), s in [0,1]
// If AB & CD intersect, then
// A+r(B-A)=C+s(D-C), or Ax+r(Bx-Ax)=Cx+s(Dx-Cx)
// Ay+r(By-Ay)=Cy+s(Dy-Cy) for some r,s in [0,1]
// Solving the above for r and s yields
// (Ay-Cy)(Dx-Cx)-(Ax-Cx)(Dy-Cy)
// r = ----------------------------- (eqn 1)
// (Bx-Ax)(Dy-Cy)-(By-Ay)(Dx-Cx)
// (Ay-Cy)(Bx-Ax)-(Ax-Cx)(By-Ay)
// s = ----------------------------- (eqn 2)
// (Bx-Ax)(Dy-Cy)-(By-Ay)(Dx-Cx)
// Let P be the position vector of the intersection point, then
// P=A+r(B-A) or Px=Ax+r(Bx-Ax) and Py=Ay+r(By-Ay)
// By examining the values of r & s, you can also determine some
// other limiting conditions:
// If 0 <= r <= 1 && 0 <= s <= 1, intersection exists
// r < 0 or r > 1 or s < 0 or s > 1 line segments do not intersect
// If the denominator in eqn 1 is zero, AB & CD are parallel
// If the numerator in eqn 1 is also zero, AB & CD are collinear.
// If they are collinear, then the segments may be projected to the x-
// or y-axis, and overlap of the projected intervals checked.
// If the intersection point of the 2 lines are needed (lines in this
// context mean infinite lines) regardless whether the two line
// segments intersect, then
// If r > 1, P is located on extension of AB
// If r < 0, P is located on extension of BA
// If s > 1, P is located on extension of CD
// If s < 0, P is located on extension of DC
// Also note that the denominators of eqn 1 & 2 are identical.
// References:
// [O'Rourke (C)] pp. 249-51
// [Gems III] pp. 199-202 "Faster Line Segment Intersection,"
// Calculate the vectors.
Vector AB = orgEnd - orgBegin; // B - A
Vector CA = orgBegin - hitBegin; // A - C
Vector CD = hitEnd - hitBegin; // D - C
double det = Vector.Determinant(AB, CD);
if (DoubleUtil.IsZero(det))
// The segments are parallel. no intersection
return NoIntersection;
double r = AdjustFIndex(Vector.Determinant(AB, CA) / det);
if (r >= 0 && r <= 1)
// The line defined AB does cross the segment CD.
double s = AdjustFIndex(Vector.Determinant(CD, CA) / det);
if (s >= 0 && s <= 1)
// The crossing point is on the segment AB as well.
// Intersection found.
return s;
// No intersection found
return NoIntersection;
/// <summary>
/// Clears double's computation fuzz around 0 and 1
/// </summary>
internal static double AdjustFIndex(double findex)
return DoubleUtil.IsZero(findex) ? 0 : (DoubleUtil.IsOne(findex) ? 1 : findex);
private bool _hasLoop = false;
private Rect _prevBounds = Rect.Empty;
private static readonly double NoIntersection = StrokeFIndices.BeforeFirst;