// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace MS.Internal.Ink.InkSerializedFormat
/// <summary>
/// A Math helper class.
/// </summary>
internal static class MathHelper
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute value of a 32-bit signed integer.
/// Unlike Math.Abs, this method doesn't throw OverflowException
/// when the signed integer equals int.MinValue (-2,147,483,648/0x80000000).
/// It will return the same value (-2,147,483,648).
/// In this case, value can be casted to unsigned value which will be positive (2,147,483,648)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static int AbsNoThrow(int data)
// This behavior is desired for ISF decoder. Please refer to the below macro in old native code (codec.h).
// template{typename DataType}
// inline DataType Abs(DataType data) { return (data < 0) ? -data : data; };
return (data < 0) ? -data : data;
/// <summary>
/// Returns the absolute value of a 64-bit signed integer.
/// Unlike Math.Abs, this method doesn't throw OverflowException
/// when the signed integer equals int.MinValue (-9,223,372,036,854,775,808/0x8000000000000000).
/// It will return the same value -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 instead.
/// In this case, value can be casted to unsigned value which will be positive (9,223,372,036,854,775,808)
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal static long AbsNoThrow(long data)
// This behavior is desired for ISF decoder. Please refer to the below macro in old native code (codec.h).
// template{typename DataType}
// inline DataType Abs(DataType data) { return (data < 0) ? -data : data; };
return (data < 0) ? -data : data;
/// <summary>
/// Abstact base class for DeltaDelta and some others
/// </summary>
internal abstract class DataXform
internal abstract void Transform(int data, ref int xfData, ref int extra);
internal abstract void ResetState();
internal abstract int InverseTransform(int xfData, int extra);
/// <summary>
/// Oddly named because we have unmanged code we keep in sync with this that
/// has this name.
/// </summary>
internal class DeltaDelta : DataXform
private long _d_i_1 = 0;
private long _d_i_2 = 0;
internal DeltaDelta()
/// <summary>
/// Your guess is as good as mine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="data"></param>
/// <param name="xfData"></param>
/// <param name="extra"></param>
internal override void Transform(int data, ref int xfData, ref int extra)
// Find out the delta delta of the number
// Its absolute value could potentially be more than LONG_MAX
long llxfData = (data + _d_i_2 - (_d_i_1 << 1));
// Save the state info for next number
_d_i_2 = _d_i_1;
_d_i_1 = data;
// Most of the cases, the delta delta will be less than LONG_MAX
if ( Int32.MaxValue >= MathHelper.AbsNoThrow(llxfData) )
// In those cases, we set 0 to nExtra and
// assign the delta delta to xfData
extra = 0;
xfData = (int)llxfData;
long absLxfData = MathHelper.AbsNoThrow(llxfData);
// Additional bits in most significant 32 bits
extra = (int)(absLxfData >> (sizeof(int) << 3));
// Left sift one bit and append sign bit the the LSB
extra = (extra << 1) | ((llxfData < 0) ? 1 : 0);
// Save least significant 32 bits in xfData
xfData = (int)((unchecked((uint)~0 & absLxfData)));
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
internal override void ResetState()
_d_i_1 = 0;
_d_i_2 = 0;
/// <summary>
/// Your guess is as good as mine
/// </summary>
/// <param name="xfData"></param>
/// <param name="extra"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
internal override int InverseTransform(int xfData, int extra)
long llxfData;
// Find out whether the original delta delta exceeded the limit
if (0 != extra)
// Yes, we had |delta delta| more than LONG_MAX
// Find out the original delta delta was negative
bool negative = ((extra & 0x01) != 0);
// Construct the |DelDel| from xfData and nExtra
llxfData = (((long)extra >> 1) << (sizeof(int) << 3)) | (unchecked((uint)~0) & xfData);
// Do the sign adjustment
llxfData = (negative) ? -llxfData : llxfData;
llxfData = xfData;
// Reconstruct the number from delta delta
long orgData = (llxfData - _d_i_2 + (_d_i_1 << 1));
_d_i_2 = _d_i_1;
_d_i_1 = orgData;
// Typecast to LONG and return it
return (int)orgData;