// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows;
using FluentAssertions;
using System.IO;
using PresentationCore.Tests.TestUtilities;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
namespace PresentationCore.Tests.BinaryFormat;
public class PrimitiveTypeTests
public void WriteReadPrimitiveValue_RoundTrip(byte type, object value)
MemoryStream stream = new();
using (BinaryWriter writer = new(stream, Encoding.UTF8, leaveOpen: true))
TestRecord.WritePrimitiveValue(writer, (PrimitiveType)type, value);
stream.Position = 0;
using BinaryReader reader = new(stream);
object result = TestRecord.ReadPrimitiveValue(reader, (PrimitiveType)type);
public static TheoryData<byte, object> RoundTrip_Data => new()
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int64, 0L },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int64, -1L },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int64, 1L },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int64, long.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int64, long.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt64, ulong.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt64, ulong.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int32, 0 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int32, -1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int32, 1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int32, int.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int32, int.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt32, uint.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt32, uint.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int16, (short)0 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int16, (short)-1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int16, (short)1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int16, short.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Int16, short.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt16, ushort.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.UInt16, ushort.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.SByte, (sbyte)0 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.SByte, (sbyte)-1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.SByte, (sbyte)1 },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.SByte, sbyte.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.SByte, sbyte.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Byte, byte.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Byte, byte.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Boolean, true },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Boolean, false },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, 0.0f },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, -1.0f },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, 1.0f },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, float.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, float.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, float.NegativeZero },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, float.NaN },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Single, float.NegativeInfinity },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, 0.0d },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, -1.0d },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, 1.0d },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, double.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, double.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, double.NegativeZero },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, double.NaN },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.Double, double.NegativeInfinity },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.TimeSpan, TimeSpan.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.TimeSpan, TimeSpan.MaxValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.DateTime, DateTime.MinValue },
{ (byte)PrimitiveType.DateTime, DateTime.MaxValue },
public void BinaryFormatWriter_WritePrimitive(object value)
MemoryStream stream = new();
BinaryFormatWriter.WritePrimitive(stream, value);
stream.Position = 0;
using BinaryFormatterScope formatterScope = new(enable: true);
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0011 // Type or member is obsolete
BinaryFormatter formatter = new();
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0011 // Type or member is obsolete
object deserialized = formatter.Deserialize(stream);
public static TheoryData<object> Primitive_Data => new()
public static TheoryData<object> Primitive_ExtendedData => new()
internal class TestRecord : System.Windows.Record
public static void WritePrimitiveValue(BinaryWriter writer, PrimitiveType type, object value)
=> WritePrimitiveType(writer, type, value);
public static object ReadPrimitiveValue(BinaryReader reader, PrimitiveType type)
=> type switch
PrimitiveType.Boolean => reader.ReadBoolean(),
PrimitiveType.Byte => reader.ReadByte(),
PrimitiveType.SByte => reader.ReadSByte(),
PrimitiveType.Char => reader.ReadChar(),
PrimitiveType.Int16 => reader.ReadInt16(),
PrimitiveType.UInt16 => reader.ReadUInt16(),
PrimitiveType.Int32 => reader.ReadInt32(),
PrimitiveType.UInt32 => reader.ReadUInt32(),
PrimitiveType.Int64 => reader.ReadInt64(),
PrimitiveType.UInt64 => reader.ReadUInt64(),
PrimitiveType.Single => reader.ReadSingle(),
PrimitiveType.Double => reader.ReadDouble(),
PrimitiveType.Decimal => decimal.Parse(reader.ReadString(), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture),
PrimitiveType.DateTime => ReadDateTime(reader),
PrimitiveType.TimeSpan => new TimeSpan(reader.ReadInt64()),
// String is handled with a record, never on it's own
_ => throw new SerializationException($"Failure trying to read primitve '{type}'"),
/// <summary>
/// Reads a binary formatted <see cref="DateTime"/> from the given <paramref name="reader"/>.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="SerializationException">The data was invalid.</exception>
private static unsafe DateTime ReadDateTime(BinaryReader reader)
=> CreateDateTimeFromData(reader.ReadInt64());
/// <summary>
/// Creates a <see cref="DateTime"/> object from raw data with validation.
/// </summary>
/// <exception cref="SerializationException"><paramref name="data"/> was invalid.</exception>
private static DateTime CreateDateTimeFromData(long data)
// Copied from System.Runtime.Serialization.Formatters.Binary.BinaryParser
// Use DateTime's public constructor to validate the input, but we
// can't return that result as it strips off the kind. To address
// that, store the value directly into a DateTime via an unsafe cast.
// See BinaryFormatterWriter.WriteDateTime for details.
const long TicksMask = 0x3FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF;
_ = new DateTime(data & TicksMask);
catch (ArgumentException ex)
// Bad data
throw new SerializationException(ex.Message, ex);
return Unsafe.As<long, DateTime>(ref data);
public override void Write(BinaryWriter writer)
throw new NotImplementedException();