// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
// Description: An MSBuild Task that can generate .xaml markup file to specific
// Mangaged language code such as .cs, .js, .vb,etc, and /or binary
// token file .baml
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Build.Framework;
using Microsoft.Build.Utilities;
using MS.Utility;
using MS.Internal;
using MS.Internal.Tasks;
namespace Microsoft.Build.Tasks.Windows
#region MarkupCompilePass1 Task class
/// <summary>
/// Class of MarkupCompilePass1 Task
/// </summary>
public sealed class MarkupCompilePass1 : Task
// Security Concerns:
// 1) OutputPath property exposes the current dir and is publicly available.
// 2) This class generates code files and copies them on the disk.
// The above two are already mitigated by the following facts:
// 1) PresentationBuildTasks is not APTCA and thus partial trust assemblies
// cannot call into it.
// 2) There is a possibility that some APTCA assembly (eg. PF.dll) can create
// this object and pass it on to partial trust code. This is mitigated by
// FxCop rule against it.
// Constructors
#region Constructors
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
public MarkupCompilePass1( ) : base(SR.SharedResourceManager)
// set the source directory
_sourceDir = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
_outputType = SharedStrings.WinExe;
// By default, no localization information is stripped out.
_localizationDirectives = MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.None;
_nErrors = 0;
#endregion Constructors
// Public Methods
#region Public Methods
/// <summary>
/// Execute method in Task
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public override bool Execute()
TaskHelper.DisplayLogo(Log, nameof(MarkupCompilePass1));
bool bSuccess = true;
// Create the TaskFileService instance here
_taskFileService = new TaskFileService(this) as ITaskFileService;
_compilerState = new CompilerState(
OutputPath + AssemblyName + (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild? SharedStrings.StateFile : SharedStrings.IntellisenseStateFile),
_compilerLocalRefCache = new CompilerLocalReference(
OutputPath + AssemblyName + (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild? SharedStrings.LocalTypeCacheFile : SharedStrings.IntellisenseLocalTypeCacheFile),
if ((PageMarkup == null || PageMarkup.Length == 0) &&
(ApplicationMarkup == null || ApplicationMarkup.Length == 0))
// Don't need to do further work.
// stop here.
return true;
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.CurrentDirectory), SourceDir);
// If wrong files are set to some properties, the task
// should stop here immediatelly.
if (_nErrors > 0)
// create output directory
if (!Directory.Exists(OutputPath))
// Analyze project inputs to detect which xaml files require to recompile.
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.AnalysisResult), CompilerAnalyzer.AnalyzeResult);
if (!SkipMarkupCompilation)
if (CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages.Length; i++)
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.RecompiledXaml), CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages[i]);
// If recompile is required, CompilerAnalyzer contains all the files which need to recompile.
// Cleanup baml files and code files generated in previous build.
if (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild)
// Call the Markup Compiler to do the real compiling work
// Generate the required output items.
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.CompilationDone));
catch (Exception e)
string message;
string errorId;
errorId = Log.ExtractMessageCode(e.Message, out message);
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorId))
errorId = UnknownErrorID;
message = SR.Format(SR.UnknownBuildError, message);
Log.LogError(null, errorId, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0, message, null);
catch // Non-CLS compliant errors
if (_nErrors > 0)
// When error counter is changed, the appropriate error message should have
// been reported, simply return false here.
bSuccess = false;
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.CompileSucceed_Pass1));
return bSuccess;
#endregion Public Methods
// Public Properties
#region Public Properties
/// <summary>
/// The Language the managed compiler supports.
/// the valid languages are C#, VB, Jscript, J#, C++
/// </summary>
public string Language
get { return _language; }
set { _language = value;}
/// <summary>
/// The valid source file extension for the passed language.
/// Normally a language supports more valid source file extensions.
/// User could choose one of them in project file.
/// If this property is not set, we will take use of the default one for the language.
/// </summary>
public string LanguageSourceExtension
get { return _languageSourceExtension; }
set { _languageSourceExtension = value; }
/// OutputPath : Generated code files, Baml fles will be put in this directory.
public string OutputPath
get { return _outputDir; }
string filePath = value;
// Get the relative path based on sourceDir
_outputDir= TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(filePath, SourceDir);
// Make sure OutputDir always ends with Path.DirectorySeparatorChar
if (!_outputDir.EndsWith(string.Empty + Path.DirectorySeparatorChar, StringComparison.Ordinal))
_outputDir += Path.DirectorySeparatorChar;
/// OutputType
/// Valid types: winexe, exe, library, netmodule.
public string OutputType
get { return _outputType; }
set { _outputType = TaskHelper.GetLowerString(value); }
/// AssemblyName
/// The short name of assembly which will be generated for this project.
public string AssemblyName
get { return _assemblyName; }
set { _assemblyName = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The version of the assembly
/// </summary>
public string AssemblyVersion
get { return _assemblyVersion; }
set { _assemblyVersion = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The public key token of the assembly
/// </summary>
public string AssemblyPublicKeyToken
get { return _assemblyPublicKeyToken; }
set { _assemblyPublicKeyToken = value; }
/// Root namespace for the classes inside the project.
/// It is also used as default CLR namespace of a generated code file
/// when the corresponding markup page is not set x:Class attribute.
public string RootNamespace
get { return _rootNamespace; }
set { _rootNamespace = value; }
/// <summary>
/// The UI Culture controls which culture satellite assembly will hold
/// the generated baml files.
/// If UICulture is not set, the generated baml files will be embedded
/// into main assembly.
/// </summary>
public string UICulture
get { return _uiCulture; }
set { _uiCulture = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Source code file list for the current project.
/// It doesnt include any generated code files.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] SourceCodeFiles
get { return _sourceCodeFiles; }
set { _sourceCodeFiles = value; }
/// <summary>
/// DefineConstants
/// Keep the current value of DefineConstants.
/// DefineConstants can affect the final assembly generation, if DefineConstants
/// value is changed, the public API might be changed in the target assembly, which
/// then has potential impacts on compilation for xaml files which contains local types.
/// </summary>
public string DefineConstants
get { return _defineConstants; }
set { _defineConstants = value; }
/// ApplicationMarkup
public ITaskItem [] ApplicationMarkup
get { return _applicationMarkup; }
set { _applicationMarkup = value;}
/// Description
public ITaskItem [] PageMarkup
get { return _pagemarkupFiles; }
set { _pagemarkupFiles = value; }
/// Splash screen image to be displayed before application init
public ITaskItem[] SplashScreen
get { return _splashScreen; }
set { _splashScreen = value; }
internal string SplashImageName
if (SplashScreen != null && SplashScreen.Length > 0)
return SplashScreen[0].ItemSpec.ToLowerInvariant();
return null;
/// <summary>
/// Loose file content list
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] ContentFiles
get { return _contentFiles; }
set { _contentFiles = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Assembly References.
/// </summary>
/// <value></value>
public ITaskItem[] References
get { return _references; }
set { _references = value; }
public bool XamlDebuggingInformation
get { return _xamlDebuggingInformation; }
set { _xamlDebuggingInformation = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the checksum algorithm used in code-behind.
/// </summary>
public string ChecksumAlgorithm { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Keep a list of Build control files.
/// If one of them is changed since last build, it would trigger recompilation of all the xaml files.
/// Such as WinFX target file change could require a rebuild etc.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem [] ExtraBuildControlFiles
get { return _extraBuildControlFiles; }
set { _extraBuildControlFiles = value; }
///If true code for supporting hosting in Browser is generated
public string HostInBrowser
get { return _hostInBrowser; }
set { _hostInBrowser = TaskHelper.GetLowerString(value); }
/// <summary>
/// Controls how to generate localization information for each xaml file.
/// Valid values: None, CommentsOnly, All.
/// </summary>
public string LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile
string localizationDirectives = SharedStrings.Loc_None;
switch (_localizationDirectives)
case MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.None :
localizationDirectives = SharedStrings.Loc_None;
case MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.CommentsOnly:
localizationDirectives = SharedStrings.Loc_CommentsOnly;
case MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.All:
localizationDirectives = SharedStrings.Loc_All;
return localizationDirectives;
string localizationDirectives = value;
if (localizationDirectives != null)
localizationDirectives = localizationDirectives.ToLower(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
switch (localizationDirectives)
case SharedStrings.Loc_None :
_localizationDirectives = MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.None;
case SharedStrings.Loc_CommentsOnly :
_localizationDirectives = MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.CommentsOnly;
case SharedStrings.Loc_All :
_localizationDirectives = MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.All;
_localizationDirectives = MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.Unknown;
/// <summary>
/// Known reference paths hold referenced assemblies which are never changed during the build procedure.
/// such as references in GAC, in framework directory or framework SDK directory etc.
/// Users could add their own known reference paths in project files.
/// </summary>
public string[] KnownReferencePaths
return _knownReferencePaths;
_knownReferencePaths = value;
/// <summary>
/// A list of reference assemblies that are to change for sure during the build cycle.
/// Such as in VS.NET, if one project wants to reference another project's output, the
/// second project's output could be put in AssembliesGeneratedDuringBuild list.
/// Note: Once this property is set, it must contain the complete list of generated
/// assemblies in this build solution.
/// </summary>
public string[] AssembliesGeneratedDuringBuild
return _assembliesGeneratedDuringBuild;
_assembliesGeneratedDuringBuild = value;
/// <summary>
/// Control whether to run the compilation in second appdomain.
/// By default, it is set to true, but project can set this property
/// to false to make markup file compilation faster.
/// </summary>
public bool AlwaysCompileMarkupFilesInSeparateDomain
get { return _alwaysCompileMarkupFilesInSeparateDomain; }
set { _alwaysCompileMarkupFilesInSeparateDomain = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Set to true when called from Visual Studio.
/// <summary>
public bool IsRunningInVisualStudio
get { return _isRunningInVisualStudio; }
set { _isRunningInVisualStudio = value; }
/// Support custom IntermediateOutputPath and BaseIntermediateOutputPath outside the project path
public bool SupportCustomOutputPaths { get; set; } = false;
/// Generated source code files for the given programing language.
public ITaskItem [] GeneratedCodeFiles
if (_generatedCodeFiles == null)
_generatedCodeFiles = Array.Empty<TaskItem>();
return _generatedCodeFiles;
_generatedCodeFiles = value;
/// Generated Baml files for the passed Markup files.
public ITaskItem [] GeneratedBamlFiles
if (_generatedBamlFiles == null)
_generatedBamlFiles = Array.Empty<TaskItem>();
return _generatedBamlFiles;
_generatedBamlFiles = value;
/// <summary>
/// The generated localization file for each localizable xaml file.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] GeneratedLocalizationFiles
if (_generatedLocalizationFiles == null)
_generatedLocalizationFiles = Array.Empty<TaskItem>();
return _generatedLocalizationFiles;
_generatedLocalizationFiles = value;
#region Local Reference Xaml markup files
/// <summary>
/// Indicate whether the project contains xaml files which reference local types and
/// the corresponding baml file will be embedded into main assembly.
/// </summary>
public bool RequirePass2ForMainAssembly
get { return _requirePass2ForMainAssembly; }
set { _requirePass2ForMainAssembly = value; }
/// <summary>
/// Indicate whether the project contains xaml files which reference local types and
/// the corresponding baml file will be embedded into satellite assembly for current UICulture.
/// </summary>
public bool RequirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly
get { return _requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly; }
set { _requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly = value; }
#endregion Local Reference Xaml markup files
/// <summary>
/// A complete list of files which are generated by MarkupCompiler.
/// </summary>
public ITaskItem[] AllGeneratedFiles
get { return _allGeneratedFiles; }
set { _allGeneratedFiles = value; }
#endregion Public Properties
#region internal methods
// Get the generated code file and baml file for a given xaml file
// If the generated file doesn't exist, the output paramter is set to empty string.
internal void GetGeneratedFiles(string xamlFile, out string codeFile, out string bamlFile)
string newSourceDir = SourceDir;
codeFile = String.Empty;
bamlFile = String.Empty;
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xamlFile))
// if xaml file is empty, return it now.
string relativeFilePath = GetResolvedFilePath(xamlFile, ref newSourceDir);
// Optimize the number of intermediate strings that get generated
// in the common C# case. (we can add Vb here as well, I suppose)
string buildExtension = (LanguageSourceExtension == SharedStrings.CsExtension)
? SharedStrings.CsBuildCodeExtension
: SharedStrings.GeneratedExtension + LanguageSourceExtension;
string intellisenseExtension = (LanguageSourceExtension == SharedStrings.CsExtension)
? SharedStrings.CsIntelCodeExtension
: SharedStrings.IntellisenseGeneratedExtension + LanguageSourceExtension;
string buildCodeFile = OutputPath + Path.ChangeExtension(relativeFilePath, buildExtension);
string intelCodeFile = OutputPath + Path.ChangeExtension(relativeFilePath, intellisenseExtension);
// If the file doesn't exist, return empty string for the corresponding output parameter.
// return .g.i files for intellisense builds
// return .g & .baml files for MsBuild builds (and real VS builds).
if (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild)
codeFile = buildCodeFile;
bamlFile = OutputPath + Path.ChangeExtension(relativeFilePath, SharedStrings.BamlExtension);
if (!TaskFileService.Exists(codeFile))
codeFile = String.Empty;
// Baml file is only generated for real build.
if (!TaskFileService.Exists(bamlFile))
bamlFile = String.Empty;
codeFile = intelCodeFile;
if (!TaskFileService.Exists(codeFile))
codeFile = String.Empty;
#endregion internal methods
#region internal Properties
internal bool IsApplicationTarget
get { return _isApplicationTarget; }
// ApplicationFile
internal string ApplicationFile
get { return _applicationFile; }
// PageMarkupCache
// It is caculated from current PageMarkup list, will be saved in the
// cache file to support incremental compilation.
internal string PageMarkupCache
get { return _pageMarkupCache; }
// ContentFilesCache
// It is caculated from current ContentFiles list, will be saved in the
// cache file to support incremental compilation.
internal string ContentFilesCache
get { return _contentFilesCache; }
// SourceCodeFilesCache
// It is caculated from current SourceCodeFiles list, will be saved in the
// cache file to support incremental compilation.
internal string SourceCodeFilesCache
get { return _sourceCodeFilesCache; }
// ReferencesCache
// It is caculated from current ReferencesCache list, will be saved in the
// cache file to support incremental compilation.
internal string ReferencesCache
get { return _referencesCache; }
// Application File with Local Type
internal LocalReferenceFile LocalApplicationFile
get { return _localApplicationFile; }
// Markup Page files with local types
internal LocalReferenceFile[] LocalMarkupPages
get { return _localMarkupPages; }
// TaskFileService
internal ITaskFileService TaskFileService
get { return _taskFileService; }
// CompilerState
internal CompilerState CompilerState
get { return _compilerState; }
// CompilerLocalReference
internal CompilerLocalReference CompilerLocalReference
get { return _compilerLocalRefCache; }
// Tell MarkupCompilePass2 whether it further handles InternalTypeHelper class.
internal bool FurtherCheckInternalTypeHelper
get { return _furtherCheckInternalTypeHelper; }
set { _furtherCheckInternalTypeHelper = value; }
// Get the file path for the generated InternalTypeHelper class.
internal string InternalTypeHelperFile
string fileName = SharedStrings.GeneratedInternalTypeHelperFileName
+ (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild? SharedStrings.GeneratedExtension : SharedStrings.IntellisenseGeneratedExtension)
+ LanguageSourceExtension;
return Path.Combine(OutputPath, fileName);
#endregion internal Properties
// Private Methods
#region Private Methods
// Check if all the input properties are set valid values
// If any property contains an invalid value, Error counter _nErrors will
// be changed.
private void VerifyInputs()
// Check if the OutputType is valid type.
// Check if the Localization property is set correctly.
if (PageMarkup != null && PageMarkup.Length > 0)
if (SplashScreen != null && SplashScreen.Length > 1)
// Verify if the Application file is set correctly
// in project file.
private void VerifyApplicationFile()
if (!IsApplicationTarget)
// For non Application target type.
if (ApplicationMarkup != null && ApplicationMarkup.Length > 0)
// For non-Application target type, Application definition should not be set.
// For Application Target type.
if (ApplicationMarkup != null && ApplicationMarkup.Length > 0)
if (ApplicationMarkup.Length > 1)
_applicationFile = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(ApplicationMarkup[0].ItemSpec, SourceDir);
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.ApplicationDefinitionFile), ApplicationFile);
if (!TaskFileService.Exists(ApplicationFile))
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(nameof(SR.FileNotFound), ApplicationFile);
// Don't support local reference xaml compilation for Container and netmodule type.
private bool IsSupportedOutputType(string outputType)
bool isSupported = false;
switch (outputType)
case SharedStrings.Exe:
case SharedStrings.WinExe:
isSupported = true;
_isApplicationTarget = true;
case SharedStrings.Library:
case SharedStrings.Module:
isSupported = true;
isSupported = false;
if (isSupported == false)
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(nameof(SR.TargetIsNotSupported), outputType);
// Keep the error numbers so that the task can stop immediatelly
// later when Execute( ) is called.
return isSupported;
private bool IsValidLocalizationDirectives()
bool bValid = true;
if (_localizationDirectives == MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.Unknown)
bValid = false;
// Keep the error numbers so that the task can stop immediatelly
// later when Execute( ) is called.
return bValid;
// <summary>
// Check if the passed TaskItems have valid ItemSpec
// </summary>
// <param name="inputItems"></param>
// <returns></returns>
private bool VerifyInputTaskItems(ITaskItem[] inputItems)
bool bValid = true;
foreach (ITaskItem inputItem in inputItems)
bool bValidItem;
bValidItem = IsValidInputFile(inputItem.ItemSpec);
if (bValidItem == false)
bValid = false;
return bValid;
private bool IsValidInputFile(string filePath)
bool bValid = true;
if (!TaskFileService.Exists(TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(filePath, SourceDir)))
bValid = false;
Log.LogErrorWithCodeFromResources(nameof(SR.FileNotFound), filePath);
// Keep the error numbers so that the task can stop immediatelly
// later when Execute( ) is called.
_nErrors ++;
return bValid;
// Return a new sourceDir and relative filepath for a given filePath.
// This is for supporting of fullpath or ..\ in the original FilePath.
private string GetResolvedFilePath(string filePath, ref string newSourceDir)
// Create a full path for the originalFilePath.
string fullFilePath = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(filePath, SourceDir);
// Get the relative path based on sourceDir
string relPath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(SourceDir, fullFilePath);
string newRelativeFilePath;
if (relPath.Length > 0)
// the original file is relative to the SourceDir.
newSourceDir = SourceDir;
newRelativeFilePath = relPath;
// the original file is not relative to the SourceDir.
// it could have its own fullpath or contains "..\" etc.
// In this case, we want to put the filename as relative filepath
// and put the deepest directory that file is in as the new
// SourceDir.
int pathEndIndex = fullFilePath.LastIndexOf(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
newSourceDir = fullFilePath.Substring(0, pathEndIndex + 1);
newRelativeFilePath = TaskHelper.GetRootRelativePath(newSourceDir, fullFilePath);
return newRelativeFilePath;
// Analyze the project setting and input files for incremental build support.
private void AnalyzeInputsAndSetting()
// Initialize the cache file paths and related information.
_pageMarkupCache = CompilerState.GenerateCacheForFileList(PageMarkup);
_contentFilesCache = CompilerState.GenerateCacheForFileList(ContentFiles);
_sourceCodeFilesCache = CompilerState.GenerateCacheForFileList(SourceCodeFiles);
_referencesCache = CompilerState.GenerateCacheForFileList(References);
_compilerAnalyzer = new IncrementalCompileAnalyzer(this);
_isCleanBuild = (CompilerAnalyzer.AnalyzeResult == RecompileCategory.All) ? true : false;
// Specially handle Reference list to prepare for xaml file compilation.
private ArrayList ProcessReferenceList( )
ArrayList referenceList = new ArrayList();
// Generate the asmmebly reference list.
if (References != null && References.Length > 0)
ReferenceAssembly asmReference;
string refpath, asmname;
for (int i = 0; i < References.Length; i++)
// The reference path must be full file path.
refpath = References[i].ItemSpec;
refpath = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(refpath, SourceDir);
asmname = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(refpath);
asmReference = new ReferenceAssembly(refpath, asmname);
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.ReferenceFile), refpath);
return referenceList;
// Cleanup baml files and code files generated in previous build.
private void CleanupGeneratedFiles( )
string codeFile, bamlFile;
if (IsApplicationTarget && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileApplicationFile.Path))
GetGeneratedFiles(CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileApplicationFile.Path, out codeFile, out bamlFile);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeFile))
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlFile))
if (CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages != null)
for (int i = 0; i < CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages.Length; i++)
GetGeneratedFiles(CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages[i].Path, out codeFile, out bamlFile);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(codeFile))
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlFile))
// If the content file setting is changed, the generated content.g.cs code file should be updated later,
// so delete the file here first.
// This includes the scenario that all the previous content files are removed from the content item list in
// this build run.
if ((CompilerAnalyzer.AnalyzeResult & RecompileCategory.ContentFiles) == RecompileCategory.ContentFiles)
if (TaskFileService.Exists(ContentCodeFile))
// If this is for CleanBuild, and the InternalTypeHelper file exists, delete it first.
if (IsCleanBuild && TaskFileService.Exists(InternalTypeHelperFile))
// Call MarkupCompiler to do the real compilation work.
private void DoMarkupCompilation()
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.DoCompilation));
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.OutputType), OutputType);
// When code goes here, the MarkupCompilation is really required, so don't need
// to do more further validation inside this private method.
AppDomain appDomain = null;
CompilerWrapper compilerWrapper = null;
compilerWrapper = TaskHelper.CreateCompilerWrapper();
if (compilerWrapper != null)
compilerWrapper.OutputPath = OutputPath;
compilerWrapper.AssemblyVersion = AssemblyVersion;
compilerWrapper.AssemblyPublicKeyToken = AssemblyPublicKeyToken;
compilerWrapper.LanguageSourceExtension = LanguageSourceExtension;
compilerWrapper.HostInBrowser = TaskHelper.BooleanStringValue(HostInBrowser);
compilerWrapper.SplashImage = SplashImageName;
compilerWrapper.TaskLogger = Log;
compilerWrapper.UnknownErrorID = UnknownErrorID;
compilerWrapper.XamlDebuggingInformation = XamlDebuggingInformation;
compilerWrapper.ChecksumAlgorithm = ChecksumAlgorithm;
compilerWrapper.TaskFileService = TaskFileService;
if (IsApplicationTarget)
compilerWrapper.ApplicationMarkup = CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileApplicationFile;
compilerWrapper.ContentFiles = CompilerAnalyzer.ContentFiles;
compilerWrapper.SupportCustomOutputPaths = SupportCustomOutputPaths;
// Process Reference list here.
ArrayList referenceList = ProcessReferenceList();
compilerWrapper.References = referenceList;
compilerWrapper.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile = (int)_localizationDirectives;
compilerWrapper.DoCompilation(AssemblyName, Language, RootNamespace, CompilerAnalyzer.RecompileMarkupPages, false);
// Keep the Local-Type-Ref file lists
_localXamlPages = compilerWrapper.LocalXamlPages;
_localXamlApplication = compilerWrapper.LocalXamlApplication;
_hasInternals = compilerWrapper.HasInternals;
if (compilerWrapper != null && compilerWrapper.ErrorTimes > 0)
_nErrors += compilerWrapper.ErrorTimes;
if (appDomain != null)
System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Run(() =>
// Better GC behavior in 4.6 and later when wrapped in Task.Run().
// Inside of VisualStudio, when DesignTimeMarkupCompilation happens, it uses MarkupCompilePass1 only (not Pass2).
// AppDomains are not supported on .NET Core. 'AppDomain.Unload' will always throw `CannotUnloadAppDomainException`.
#pragma warning disable SYSLIB0024
#pragma warning restore SYSLIB0024
compilerWrapper = null;
// <summary>
// Generate the required Output Items.
// </summary>
private void GenerateOutputItems( )
// For the rest target types,
// Create the output lists for CS and Baml files.
ArrayList bamlFileList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList csFileList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList localRefPageList = new ArrayList();
ArrayList localRefAppdefList = new ArrayList();
// Generate Output Items for PageMarkup
if (PageMarkup != null && PageMarkup.Length > 0)
ref bamlFileList,
ref csFileList,
ref localRefPageList);
// Generate output items for ApplicationDefinition if it is set in the project file.
if (ApplicationFile != null && ApplicationFile.Length > 0)
string[] appdefLocalList = null;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_localXamlApplication))
appdefLocalList = new string[1] { _localXamlApplication };
ref bamlFileList,
ref csFileList,
ref localRefAppdefList);
if (TaskFileService.Exists(ContentCodeFile))
csFileList.Add(new TaskItem(ContentCodeFile));
// Generate the Baml, code and /or locally-defined type related output items.
GeneratedBamlFiles = (ITaskItem[])bamlFileList.ToArray(typeof(ITaskItem));
if (!SkipMarkupCompilation)
if (localRefAppdefList.Count > 0)
_localApplicationFile = (LocalReferenceFile)localRefAppdefList[0];
if (localRefPageList.Count > 0)
_localMarkupPages = (LocalReferenceFile[])localRefPageList.ToArray(typeof(LocalReferenceFile));
// If MarkupCompilePass2 is required for Main assembly, there is no need to invoke MarkupCompilePass2
// for satellite assembly again.
if (_requirePass2ForMainAssembly)
_requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly = false;
// Detect whether or not to ask Pass2 to do further handling for the InternalTypeHelper class.
// Only when all of below conditions are true, it requires Pass2 to further handling this wrapper class:
// 1. InternalTypeHelper file exists.
// 2. It is a CleanBuild.
// 3. No any xaml files which don't contain local types contains internal types from friend assembly.
// 4. _requirePass2ForMainAssembly is true.
// If InternalTypeHelper File exists, Pass1 would always add it to the code file list, so that consequent task
// can take it. If Pass2 determines that this wrapper class is not required, it can simply make an empty file.
// But we still keep the list of generated code files.
bool existsInternalTypeHelper = TaskFileService.Exists(InternalTypeHelperFile);
if (IsCleanBuild && existsInternalTypeHelper && _requirePass2ForMainAssembly && !_hasInternals)
FurtherCheckInternalTypeHelper = true;
FurtherCheckInternalTypeHelper = false;
if (existsInternalTypeHelper)
csFileList.Add(new TaskItem(InternalTypeHelperFile));
GeneratedCodeFiles = (ITaskItem[])csFileList.ToArray(typeof(ITaskItem));
// Generate the Localization Output files
if (_localizationDirectives != MS.Internal.LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile.None)
// Put all the generated files into one output Item so that it can be set to
// FileWrites item in target file, this list of files will be cleaned up for
// next clean build by msbuild.
// The generated files should include Baml files, code files, localization files
// and the cache files.
ArrayList allGeneratedFiles = new ArrayList( );
for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedBamlFiles.Length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedCodeFiles.Length; i++)
for (int i = 0; i < GeneratedLocalizationFiles.Length; i++)
// Add the CompilerState cache file into the list
allGeneratedFiles.Add(new TaskItem(CompilerState.CacheFilePath));
if (CompilerLocalReference.CacheFileExists())
allGeneratedFiles.Add(new TaskItem(CompilerLocalReference.CacheFilePath));
AllGeneratedFiles = (ITaskItem[])allGeneratedFiles.ToArray(typeof(ITaskItem));
// Both MarkupPage and MarkupResource have the similar code to generate
// output baml, code file and /or locallyDefined xaml files.
// so put all the common code in this private method.
// Inputs :
// Xaml file items: PageMarkup or MarkupResource
// LocallyDefined Xaml List (Generated by MarkupCompiler)
// Outputs: BamlFile List,
// CodeFile List,
// LocallyDefined Xaml List
private void GenerateOutputItemsForCompiledXamlFiles(ITaskItem[] inputXamlItemList,
string[] inputLocalRefXamlFileList,
ref ArrayList outputBamlFileList,
ref ArrayList outputCodeFileList,
ref ArrayList outputLocalRefXamlList)
// For each input xaml file, check if the code and baml file are generated or not.
// If baml or code files are generated, put them into the appropriate output file item list.
for (int i = 0; i < inputXamlItemList.Length; i++)
string genLangFilePath, bamlFile;
GetGeneratedFiles(inputXamlItemList[i].ItemSpec, out genLangFilePath, out bamlFile);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(genLangFilePath) && outputCodeFileList != null)
TaskItem codeItem;
codeItem = new TaskItem
ItemSpec = genLangFilePath
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.GeneratedCodeFile), codeItem.ItemSpec);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(bamlFile))
TaskItem bamlItem = GenerateBamlItem(bamlFile, inputXamlItemList[i]);
// Add bamlItem to the output Baml List
Log.LogMessageFromResources(MessageImportance.Low, nameof(SR.GeneratedBamlFile), bamlItem.ItemSpec);
} // End of for { } loop.
// If the project contains local-type xaml files, put them into the right output item list here.
// If MarkupCompilation is skipped, there is no need to check local-type xaml files.
if (!SkipMarkupCompilation && inputLocalRefXamlFileList != null && inputLocalRefXamlFileList.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < inputLocalRefXamlFileList.Length; i++)
string fullLocalXamlFile = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(inputLocalRefXamlFileList[i], SourceDir);
LocalReferenceFile localFile = GenerateLocalTypeItem(fullLocalXamlFile, inputXamlItemList);
if (localFile != null && outputLocalRefXamlList != null)
// Generate appropriate output file list for local-type xaml file. This information will be saved
// into the .lref cache file so that the MarkupCompilePass2 can take it.
private LocalReferenceFile GenerateLocalTypeItem(string localTypeXamlFile, ITaskItem[] inputXamlItemList)
LocalReferenceFile localFile = null;
bool isLocalizable = false;
string linkAlias = String.Empty;
string logicalName = String.Empty;
// Check if the local-type xaml file is localizable or not.
for (int i = 0; i < inputXamlItemList.Length; i++)
ITaskItem inputXamlItem = inputXamlItemList[i];
string xamlInputFullPath = TaskHelper.CreateFullFilePath(inputXamlItem.ItemSpec, SourceDir);
if (string.Equals(localTypeXamlFile, xamlInputFullPath, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
// Got this file from the original XamlFile TaskItem list.
// Check if this item is localizable or not and stop the search here.
isLocalizable = IsItemLocalizable(inputXamlItem);
linkAlias = inputXamlItem.GetMetadata(SharedStrings.Link);
logicalName = inputXamlItem.GetMetadata(SharedStrings.LogicalName);
// Generate the instance of LocalReferenceFile for this local-type xaml file.
localFile = new LocalReferenceFile(localTypeXamlFile, isLocalizable, linkAlias, logicalName);
if (isLocalizable)
_requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly = true;
_requirePass2ForMainAssembly = true;
return localFile;
// Generate a baml TaskItem for the given xaml file, and transfer the appropriate
// source task item's custom attributes to the generated baml item if necessary.
// The xaml file could be an application definition file, a Markup Page.
// The bamlFile must exist before this method is called.
private TaskItem GenerateBamlItem(string bamlFile, ITaskItem SourceItem)
TaskItem bamlItem;
bamlItem = new TaskItem
ItemSpec = bamlFile
// Transfer some special custom attributes from source task item
// to output item.
// Such as transfer the Localizable attribute from a given .xaml file item
// to the generated .baml file item.
// Normally MarkupPage and MarkupResource need to transfer their attributes.
// But Application definition doesn't require this.
if (SourceItem != null)
string[] listCarryOverAttribute = new string[] {
for (int j = 0; j < listCarryOverAttribute.Length; j++)
string attributeValue;
attributeValue = SourceItem.GetMetadata(listCarryOverAttribute[j]);
if (attributeValue != null)
bamlItem.SetMetadata(listCarryOverAttribute[j], attributeValue);
return bamlItem;
// Generate output item list for localization files.
private void GenerateOutputItemsForLocFiles()
ArrayList locFileItemList = new ArrayList();
TaskItem tiLoc;
ITaskItem xamlItem;
if (ApplicationMarkup != null && ApplicationMarkup.Length > 0 && ApplicationMarkup[0] != null)
tiLoc = ProcessLocFileForXamlItem(ApplicationMarkup[0]);
if (tiLoc != null)
// Add this LocItem to the locFileItemList
if (PageMarkup != null)
for (int i = 0; i < PageMarkup.Length; i++)
xamlItem = PageMarkup[i];
tiLoc = ProcessLocFileForXamlItem(xamlItem);
if (tiLoc != null)
// Add this LocItem to the locFileItemList
// Generate the Output TaskItem List
GeneratedLocalizationFiles = (ITaskItem[])locFileItemList.ToArray(typeof(ITaskItem));
// General method to handle an input xaml file item for Localization.
// If the XamlFile is localizable, generate a TaskItem for LocFile.
// If the XamlFile is not localizable, and if the .loc file is generated, delete it
// so that it won't affect the incremental build next time.
private TaskItem ProcessLocFileForXamlItem(ITaskItem xamlItem)
TaskItem tiLoc = null;
string tempDir = SourceDir; // Just for calling GetResolvedFilePath, the value is not used here.
// Get a relative file path for the passed .xaml file
string xamlRelativeFilePath = GetResolvedFilePath(xamlItem.ItemSpec, ref tempDir);
string locFile;
// Change the extension from .xaml to .loc
locFile = Path.ChangeExtension(xamlRelativeFilePath, SharedStrings.LocExtension);
// the .loc file is at OutputPath + relative Path.
locFile = OutputPath + locFile;
if (TaskFileService.Exists(locFile))
// Per discussion with Globalization team:
// Globalization requests to collect .loc file for a baml file
// no matter the baml is in main assembly or satelliate assembly.
// The localization tool can localize the baml from the main assembly as well.
// Generate a TaskItem to include .loc file
// The item is going to add to the output LocFile list
tiLoc = new TaskItem(locFile);
return tiLoc;
// Check if the given TaskItem localizable.
private bool IsItemLocalizable(ITaskItem ti)
// if UICulture is not set, all baml files are not localizable.
// The Localizable metadata value is ignored for this case.
bool bIsLocalizable = false;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UICulture))
string strLocalizable = ti.GetMetadata(SharedStrings.Localizable);
// if UICulture is set, by default all the baml files are localizable unless
// an explicit value "false" is set to Localizable metadata.
if (!string.Equals(strLocalizable, "false", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
bIsLocalizable = true;
return bIsLocalizable;
// Cleanup the cache files.
// It could happen if build error occurs.
private void CleanupCacheFiles()
// A central place to update cache files based on current build status MarkupCompiler result.
// This method should be called after the markupcompiler is done or skipped.
private void HandleCacheFiles()
// Update the CompilerState file based on new project setting, no matter MarkupCompiler is skipped or not.
if ( (CompilerAnalyzer.AnalyzeResult & ( RecompileCategory.PagesWithLocalType | RecompileCategory.ModifiedPages )) != RecompileCategory.NoRecompile)
// The modified xaml files and all the local-type xaml files should be recompiled, depends on the
// MarkupCompiler return, it will keep or delete the cache file for local type xaml files.
if (_requirePass2ForMainAssembly || _requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly)
// if build doesn't handle the local-ref xaml files, (it implies not handling the modified xaml files either),
// such as the build handles only for Application (HIB change) and Content files changes, or the markup compilation
// is skipped, ( NoRecompile).
// For this scenario, if .lref file exists, it should still be kept.
#endregion Private Methods
// Private Properties
#region Private Properties
// <summary>
// The root directory for the applicaiton project.
// </summary>
private string SourceDir
get { return _sourceDir; }
private IncrementalCompileAnalyzer CompilerAnalyzer
get { return _compilerAnalyzer; }
// If no input file is modified, Markup compilation will be skipped.
// But the code still generates the correct output item lists.
private bool SkipMarkupCompilation
get { return CompilerAnalyzer.AnalyzeResult == RecompileCategory.NoRecompile; }
private string ContentCodeFile
return OutputPath + AssemblyName + SharedStrings.ContentFile
+ (TaskFileService.IsRealBuild? SharedStrings.GeneratedExtension : SharedStrings.IntellisenseGeneratedExtension)
+ LanguageSourceExtension;
// Whether this is a clean build or not
private bool IsCleanBuild
get { return _isCleanBuild; }
#endregion Private Properties
// Private Fields
#region Private Fields
private string _language;
private string _languageSourceExtension = string.Empty;
private ITaskItem [] _pagemarkupFiles;
private ITaskItem [] _contentFiles;
private ITaskItem [] _references;
private bool _xamlDebuggingInformation = false;
private string _outputType;
private string _assemblyName;
private string _assemblyVersion;
private string _assemblyPublicKeyToken;
private string _rootNamespace = String.Empty;
private ITaskItem [] _applicationMarkup;
private ITaskItem[] _splashScreen;
private bool _alwaysCompileMarkupFilesInSeparateDomain = true;
private bool _isRunningInVisualStudio;
private string[] _assembliesGeneratedDuringBuild;
private string[] _knownReferencePaths;
private string _sourceDir;
private string _outputDir;
private ITaskItem[] _extraBuildControlFiles;
private string _uiCulture = String.Empty;
private string _applicationFile = String.Empty;
private bool _isApplicationTarget = false;
private string _hostInBrowser = String.Empty;
private LocalizationDirectivesToLocFile _localizationDirectives;
private ITaskItem [] _generatedCodeFiles;
private ITaskItem [] _generatedBamlFiles;
private ITaskItem [] _generatedLocalizationFiles;
private ITaskItem [] _allGeneratedFiles = null;
private string _localXamlApplication;
private string[] _localXamlPages;
private bool _hasInternals = false;
private int _nErrors;
private string _defineConstants = String.Empty;
private ITaskItem[] _sourceCodeFiles;
private string _pageMarkupCache = String.Empty;
private string _contentFilesCache = String.Empty;
private string _sourceCodeFilesCache = String.Empty;
private string _referencesCache = String.Empty;
private LocalReferenceFile _localApplicationFile = null;
private LocalReferenceFile[] _localMarkupPages = null;
private bool _requirePass2ForMainAssembly = false;
private bool _requirePass2ForSatelliteAssembly = false;
private bool _furtherCheckInternalTypeHelper = false;
private CompilerState _compilerState;
private CompilerLocalReference _compilerLocalRefCache;
private IncrementalCompileAnalyzer _compilerAnalyzer;
private ITaskFileService _taskFileService;
private bool _isCleanBuild = true; // Indicates whether this is a cleanbuild or incremental build.
#region const string
private const string UnknownErrorID = "MC1000";
#endregion const string
#endregion Private Fields
#endregion MarkupCompilePass1 Task class