// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Reflection;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.HttpResults;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http.Metadata;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
var builder = WebApplication.CreateBuilder(args);
var app = builder.Build();
app.Logger.LogInformation($"Current process ID: {Environment.ProcessId}");
string Plaintext() => "Hello, World!";
app.MapGet("/plaintext", Plaintext);
app.MapGet("/", () => $"""
Operating System: {Environment.OSVersion}
.NET version: {Environment.Version}
Username: {Environment.UserName}
Date and Time: {DateTime.Now}
var outer = app.MapGroup("/outer");
var inner = outer.MapGroup("/inner");
inner.AddEndpointFilterFactory((routeContext, next) =>
IReadOnlyList<string>? tags = null;
return async invocationContext =>
var endpoint = invocationContext.HttpContext.GetEndpoint();
tags ??= endpoint?.Metadata.GetMetadata<ITagsMetadata>()?.Tags ?? Array.Empty<string>();
Console.WriteLine("Running filter!");
var result = await next(invocationContext);
return $"{result} | /inner filter! Tags: {(tags.Count == 0 ? "(null)" : string.Join(", ", tags))}";
outer.MapGet("/outerget", () => "I'm nested.");
inner.MapGet("/innerget", () => "I'm more nested.");
inner.AddEndpointFilterFactory((routeContext, next) =>
Console.WriteLine($"Building filter! Num args: {routeContext.MethodInfo.GetParameters().Length}");
return async invocationContext =>
Console.WriteLine("Running filter!");
var result = await next(invocationContext);
return $"{result} | nested filter!";
var superNested = inner.MapGroup("/group/{groupName}")
.WithTags("nested", "more", "tags");
superNested.MapGet("/", (string groupName, string nestedName) =>
return $"Hello from {groupName}:{nestedName}!";
object Json() => new { message = "Hello, World!" };
app.MapGet("/json", Json).WithTags("json");
string SayHello(string name) => $"Hello, {name}!";
app.MapGet("/hello/{name}", SayHello);
app.MapGet("/null-result", IResult () => null!);
app.MapGet("/todo/{id}", Results<Ok<Todo>, NotFound, BadRequest> (int id) => id switch
<= 0 => TypedResults.BadRequest(),
>= 1 and <= 10 => TypedResults.Ok(new Todo(id, "Walk the dog")),
_ => TypedResults.NotFound()
var extensions = new Dictionary<string, object?>() { { "traceId", "traceId123" } };
var errors = new Dictionary<string, string[]>() { { "Title", new[] { "The Title field is required." } } };
app.MapGet("/problem/{problemType}", (string problemType) => problemType switch
"plain" => Results.Problem(statusCode: 500, extensions: extensions),
"object" => Results.Problem(new ProblemDetails() { Status = 500, Extensions = { { "traceId", "traceId123" } } }),
"validation" => Results.ValidationProblem(errors, statusCode: 400, extensions: extensions),
"objectValidation" => Results.Problem(new HttpValidationProblemDetails(errors) { Status = 400, Extensions = { { "traceId", "traceId123" } } }),
"validationTyped" => TypedResults.ValidationProblem(errors, extensions: extensions),
_ => TypedResults.NotFound()
app.MapPost("/todos", (TodoBindable todo) => todo);
app.MapGet("/todos", () => new Todo[] { new Todo(1, "Walk the dog"), new Todo(2, "Come back home") });
internal record Todo(int Id, string Title);
public class TodoBindable : IBindableFromHttpContext<TodoBindable>
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; } = string.Empty;
public bool IsComplete { get; set; }
public static ValueTask<TodoBindable?> BindAsync(HttpContext context, ParameterInfo parameter)
return ValueTask.FromResult<TodoBindable?>(new TodoBindable { Id = 1, Title = "I was bound from IBindableFromHttpContext<TodoBindable>.BindAsync!" });