File: Telemetry\Shared\TelemetryLogger.cs
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Project: src\src\VisualStudio\Core\Def\Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices_zuuaqqql_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Concurrent;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Internal.Log;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Telemetry;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Telemetry;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Telemetry;
internal abstract class TelemetryLogger : ILogger
    private sealed class Implementation : TelemetryLogger
        private readonly TelemetrySession _session;
        private Implementation(TelemetrySession session, bool logDelta)
            _session = session;
            LogDelta = logDelta;
        public static new Implementation Create(TelemetrySession session, bool logDelta)
            var logger = new Implementation(session, logDelta);
            // Two stage initialization as TelemetryLogProvider.Create needs access to
            //  the ILogger that this class implements.
            TelemetryLogProvider.Create(session, logger);
            return logger;
        protected override bool LogDelta { get; }
        public override bool IsEnabled(FunctionId functionId)
            => _session.IsOptedIn;
        protected override void PostEvent(TelemetryEvent telemetryEvent)
            => _session.PostEvent(telemetryEvent);
        protected override object Start(string eventName, LogType type)
            => type switch
                LogType.Trace => _session.StartOperation(eventName),
                LogType.UserAction => _session.StartUserTask(eventName),
                _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(type),
        protected override TelemetryEvent GetEndEvent(object scope)
            => scope switch
                TelemetryScope<OperationEvent> operation => operation.EndEvent,
                TelemetryScope<UserTaskEvent> userTask => userTask.EndEvent,
                _ => throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(scope)
        protected override void End(object scope, TelemetryResult result)
            if (scope is TelemetryScope<OperationEvent> operation)
            else if (scope is TelemetryScope<UserTaskEvent> userTask)
                throw ExceptionUtilities.UnexpectedValue(scope);
    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<int, object> _pendingScopes = new(concurrencyLevel: 2, capacity: 10);
    private const string EventPrefix = "vs/ide/vbcs/";
    private const string PropertyPrefix = "vs.ide.vbcs.";
    // these don't have concurrency limit on purpose to reduce chance of lock contention. 
    // if that becomes a problem - by showing up in our perf investigation, then we will consider adding concurrency limit.
    private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<FunctionId, string> s_eventMap = [];
    private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<(FunctionId id, string name), string> s_propertyMap = [];
    protected abstract bool LogDelta { get; }
    internal static string GetEventName(FunctionId id)
         => s_eventMap.GetOrAdd(id, id => EventPrefix + GetTelemetryName(id, separator: '/'));
    internal static string GetPropertyName(FunctionId id, string name)
        => s_propertyMap.GetOrAdd((id, name), key => PropertyPrefix + GetTelemetryName(id, separator: '.') + "." +;
    private static string GetTelemetryName(FunctionId id, char separator)
        => Enum.GetName(typeof(FunctionId), id)!.Replace('_', separator).ToLowerInvariant();
    public static TelemetryLogger Create(TelemetrySession session, bool logDelta)
        => Implementation.Create(session, logDelta);
    public abstract bool IsEnabled(FunctionId functionId);
    protected abstract void PostEvent(TelemetryEvent telemetryEvent);
    protected abstract object Start(string eventName, LogType type);
    protected abstract void End(object scope, TelemetryResult result);
    protected abstract TelemetryEvent GetEndEvent(object scope);
    public void Log(FunctionId functionId, LogMessage logMessage)
        if (IgnoreMessage(logMessage))
        var telemetryEvent = new TelemetryEvent(GetEventName(functionId));
        SetProperties(telemetryEvent, functionId, logMessage);
    public void LogBlockStart(FunctionId functionId, LogMessage logMessage, int blockId, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (IgnoreMessage(logMessage))
        var eventName = GetEventName(functionId);
        var kind = GetKind(logMessage);
            _pendingScopes[blockId] = Start(eventName, kind);
    public void LogBlockEnd(FunctionId functionId, LogMessage logMessage, int blockId, int delta, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
        if (IgnoreMessage(logMessage))
        Contract.ThrowIfFalse(_pendingScopes.TryRemove(blockId, out var scope));
        var endEvent = GetEndEvent(scope);
        SetProperties(endEvent, functionId, logMessage, LogDelta ? delta : null);
        var result = cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested ? TelemetryResult.UserCancel : TelemetryResult.Success;
            End(scope, result);
    private static bool IgnoreMessage(LogMessage logMessage)
        => logMessage.LogLevel < LogLevel.Information;
    private static LogType GetKind(LogMessage logMessage)
        => logMessage is KeyValueLogMessage kvLogMessage
                            ? kvLogMessage.Kind
                            : logMessage.LogLevel switch
                                >= LogLevel.Information => LogType.UserAction,
                                _ => LogType.Trace
    private static void SetProperties(TelemetryEvent telemetryEvent, FunctionId functionId, LogMessage logMessage, int? delta = null)
        if (logMessage is KeyValueLogMessage kvLogMessage)
            AppendProperties(telemetryEvent, functionId, kvLogMessage);
            var message = logMessage.GetMessage();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(message))
                var propertyName = GetPropertyName(functionId, "Message");
                telemetryEvent.Properties.Add(propertyName, message);
        if (delta.HasValue)
            var propertyName = GetPropertyName(functionId, "Delta");
            telemetryEvent.Properties.Add(propertyName, delta.Value);
    private static void AppendProperties(TelemetryEvent telemetryEvent, FunctionId functionId, KeyValueLogMessage logMessage)
        foreach (var (name, value) in logMessage.Properties)
            // call SetProperty. VS telemetry will take care of finding correct
            // API based on given object type for us.
            // numeric data will show up in ES with measurement prefix.
            telemetryEvent.Properties.Add(GetPropertyName(functionId, name), value switch
                PiiValue pii => new TelemetryPiiProperty(pii.Value),
                IEnumerable<object> items => new TelemetryComplexProperty(items.Select(item => (item is PiiValue pii) ? new TelemetryPiiProperty(pii.Value) : item)),
                _ => value