File: ProjectSystem\OpenTextBufferProvider.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\VisualStudio\Core\Def\Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices_zuuaqqql_wpftmp.csproj (Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.ComponentModel.Composition;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.Mef;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.ProjectSystem;
/// <summary>
/// A class that provides access to the currently open list of files in Visual Studio.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>
/// You are able to ask for the text buffer for a document on any thread; events are raised on the UI thread, and any method that provides a <see cref="IVsHierarchy"/> must be used on the UI thread.
/// Individual methods are documented for which threading contracts they expect.
/// </remarks>
internal sealed class OpenTextBufferProvider : IVsRunningDocTableEvents3, IDisposable
    private bool _isDisposed = false;
    private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext;
    /// <summary>
    /// A simple object for asserting when we're on the UI thread.
    /// </summary>
    private readonly IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService _editorAdaptersFactoryService;
    private readonly IVsRunningDocumentTable4 _runningDocumentTable;
    private ImmutableArray<IOpenTextBufferEventListener> _listeners = [];
    /// <summary>
    /// The map from monikers to open text buffers; because we can only fetch the text buffer on the UI thread, all updates to this must be done from the UI thread.
    /// </summary>
    private ImmutableDictionary<string, ITextBuffer> _monikerToTextBufferMap = ImmutableDictionary<string, ITextBuffer>.Empty.WithComparers(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
    private uint _runningDocumentTableEventsCookie;
    [Obsolete(MefConstruction.ImportingConstructorMessage, error: true)]
    public OpenTextBufferProvider(
        IThreadingContext threadingContext,
        IVsEditorAdaptersFactoryService editorAdaptersFactoryService,
        [Import(typeof(SVsServiceProvider))] IServiceProvider serviceProvider,
        IAsynchronousOperationListenerProvider listenerProvider)
        _threadingContext = threadingContext;
        _editorAdaptersFactoryService = editorAdaptersFactoryService;
        // The running document table since 16.0 has limited operations that can be done in a free threaded manner, specifically fetching the service and advising events.
        // This is specifically guaranteed by the shell that those limited operations are safe and do not cause RPCs, and it's important we don't try to fetch the service
        // via a helper that will "helpfully" try to jump to the UI thread.
        var runningDocumentTable = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(SVsRunningDocumentTable));
        _runningDocumentTable = (IVsRunningDocumentTable4)runningDocumentTable;
        runningDocumentTable.AdviseRunningDocTableEvents(this, out _runningDocumentTableEventsCookie);
        // We also need to check for any documents that might have been open before we subscribed. That we do have to do on the UI thread.
        var listener = listenerProvider.GetListener(FeatureAttribute.Workspace);
        var asyncToken = listener.BeginAsyncOperation(nameof(CheckForExistingOpenDocumentsAsync));
    private void RaiseEventForEachListener(Action<IOpenTextBufferEventListener> action)
        foreach (var listener in _listeners)
            catch (Exception e) when (FatalError.ReportAndCatch(e, ErrorSeverity.Critical))
                // We'll catch the exception; this way if one listener is broken, we don't end up breaking other features that might no longer get events. Any exceptions would get caught by the
                // RunningDocumentTable itself which wouldn't report them in a useful way regardless.
    private async Task CheckForExistingOpenDocumentsAsync(IThreadingContext threadingContext)
        await threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync();
        foreach (var (filePath, textBuffer, hierarchy) in EnumerateDocumentSet())
            // We might or might not have seen this file be opened if it was opened between when we subscribed to the running document table and when
            // we got scheduled to the UI thread.
            if (!_monikerToTextBufferMap.ContainsKey(filePath))
                _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Add(filePath, textBuffer);
                RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnOpenDocument(filePath, textBuffer, hierarchy));
    public void AddListener(IOpenTextBufferEventListener listener) => ImmutableInterlocked.Update(ref _listeners, static (array, listener) => array.Add(listener), listener);
    public void RemoveListener(IOpenTextBufferEventListener listener) => ImmutableInterlocked.Update(ref _listeners, static (array, listener) => array.Remove(listener), listener);
    public int OnAfterFirstDocumentLock(uint docCookie, uint dwRDTLockType, uint dwReadLocksRemaining, uint dwEditLocksRemaining)
        => VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
    public int OnBeforeLastDocumentUnlock(uint docCookie, uint dwRDTLockType, uint dwReadLocksRemaining, uint dwEditLocksRemaining)
        if (dwReadLocksRemaining + dwEditLocksRemaining == 0)
            if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie))
                var moniker = _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentMoniker(docCookie);
                _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Remove(moniker);
                RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnCloseDocument(moniker));
        return VSConstants.S_OK;
    public int OnAfterSave(uint docCookie)
        if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie))
            var moniker = _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentMoniker(docCookie);
            RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnSaveDocument(moniker));
        return VSConstants.S_OK;
    public int OnAfterAttributeChange(uint docCookie, uint grfAttribs)
        => VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
    public int OnAfterAttributeChangeEx(uint docCookie, uint grfAttribs, IVsHierarchy pHierOld, uint itemidOld, string pszMkDocumentOld, IVsHierarchy pHierNew, uint itemidNew, string pszMkDocumentNew)
        // Did we rename?
        if ((grfAttribs & (uint)__VSRDTATTRIB.RDTA_MkDocument) != 0)
            if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie))
                // We should already have a text buffer for this one
                if (_monikerToTextBufferMap.TryGetValue(pszMkDocumentOld, out var textBuffer))
                    _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Remove(pszMkDocumentOld).Add(pszMkDocumentNew, textBuffer);
                    // Odd we don't have one, but fetch it now
                    if (TryGetBufferFromRunningDocumentTable(docCookie, out textBuffer))
                        _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Add(pszMkDocumentNew, textBuffer);
                // Only raise an event if we had a text buffer; otherwise this is a rename of something else and we don't need to report it
                if (textBuffer != null)
                    RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnRenameDocument(newMoniker: pszMkDocumentNew, oldMoniker: pszMkDocumentOld, textBuffer: textBuffer));
        // Either RDTA_DocDataReloaded or RDTA_DocumentInitialized will be triggered if there's a lazy load and the document is now available.
        // See for a scenario where we do need the RDTA_DocumentInitialized check.
        // We still check for RDTA_DocDataReloaded because the RDT will mark something as initialized as soon as there is something in the doc data,
        // but that might still not be associated with an ITextBuffer.
        if ((grfAttribs & ((uint)__VSRDTATTRIB.RDTA_DocDataReloaded | (uint)__VSRDTATTRIB3.RDTA_DocumentInitialized)) != 0)
            if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie) && TryGetMoniker(docCookie, out var moniker) && TryGetBufferFromRunningDocumentTable(docCookie, out var buffer))
                _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Add(moniker, buffer);
                _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(docCookie, out var hierarchy, out _);
                RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnOpenDocument(moniker, buffer, hierarchy));
        if ((grfAttribs & (uint)__VSRDTATTRIB.RDTA_Hierarchy) != 0)
            if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie) && TryGetMoniker(docCookie, out var moniker))
                _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(docCookie, out var hierarchy, out _);
                RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnRefreshDocumentContext(moniker, hierarchy));
        return VSConstants.S_OK;
    public int OnBeforeDocumentWindowShow(uint docCookie, int fFirstShow, IVsWindowFrame pFrame)
        // Doc data reloaded is not triggered for the underlying aspx.cs file when changes are made to the aspx file, so catch it here.
        if (fFirstShow != 0 && _runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(docCookie) && TryGetMoniker(docCookie, out var moniker))
            // If we hadn't already raised an event for this, do it now
            if (!_monikerToTextBufferMap.ContainsKey(moniker) && TryGetBufferFromRunningDocumentTable(docCookie, out var buffer))
                _monikerToTextBufferMap = _monikerToTextBufferMap.Add(moniker, buffer);
                _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(docCookie, out var hierarchy, out _);
                RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnOpenDocument(moniker, buffer, hierarchy));
            RaiseEventForEachListener(l => l.OnDocumentOpenedIntoWindowFrame(moniker, pFrame));
        return VSConstants.S_OK;
    public int OnAfterDocumentWindowHide(uint docCookie, IVsWindowFrame pFrame)
        => VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
    public int OnBeforeSave(uint docCookie)
        => VSConstants.E_NOTIMPL;
    /// <summary>
    /// Attempts to get a text buffer from the specified file path. May be called on any thread.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="filePath">The file path to retrieve the text buffer for.</param>
    /// <param name="textBuffer">The buffer if the file is open and initialized.</param>
    /// <returns>true if the buffer was found with a non null value.</returns>
    public bool TryGetBufferFromFilePath(string filePath, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ITextBuffer? textBuffer)
        return _monikerToTextBufferMap.TryGetValue(filePath, out textBuffer);
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks if a file is open. May be called on any thread.
    /// </summary>
    public bool IsFileOpen(string filePath)
        return _monikerToTextBufferMap.ContainsKey(filePath);
    /// <summary>
    /// Fetches the <see cref="IVsHierarchy"/> for a document. Must be called on the UI thread.
    /// </summary>
    public IVsHierarchy? GetDocumentHierarchy(string filePath)
        if (!_runningDocumentTable.IsFileOpen(filePath))
            return null;
        var cookie = _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentCookie(filePath);
        _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(cookie, out var hierarchy, out _);
        return hierarchy;
    /// <summary>
    /// Enumerates the running document table to retrieve all initialized files. Must be called on the UI thread, since this returns <see cref="IVsHierarchy"/> objects.
    /// </summary>
    public IEnumerable<(string filePath, ITextBuffer textBuffer, IVsHierarchy hierarchy)> EnumerateDocumentSet()
        var documents = ArrayBuilder<(string, ITextBuffer, IVsHierarchy)>.GetInstance();
        foreach (var cookie in GetInitializedRunningDocumentTableCookies())
            if (TryGetMoniker(cookie, out var moniker) && TryGetBufferFromRunningDocumentTable(cookie, out var buffer))
                _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentHierarchyItem(cookie, out var hierarchy, out _);
                documents.Add((moniker, buffer, hierarchy));
        return documents.ToArray();
    private IEnumerable<uint> GetInitializedRunningDocumentTableCookies()
        foreach (var cookie in _runningDocumentTable.GetRunningDocuments())
            if (_runningDocumentTable.IsDocumentInitialized(cookie))
                yield return cookie;
    private bool TryGetMoniker(uint docCookie, out string moniker)
        moniker = _runningDocumentTable.GetDocumentMoniker(docCookie);
        return !string.IsNullOrEmpty(moniker);
    private bool TryGetBufferFromRunningDocumentTable(uint docCookie, [NotNullWhen(true)] out ITextBuffer? textBuffer)
        return _runningDocumentTable.TryGetBuffer(_editorAdaptersFactoryService, docCookie, out textBuffer);
    public void Dispose()
        if (_isDisposed)
        var runningDocumentTableForEvents = (IVsRunningDocumentTable)_runningDocumentTable;
        _runningDocumentTableEventsCookie = 0;
        _isDisposed = true;