// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices;
internal static partial class ID
public static class Menu
public const int HiddenCommands = 0x3451; // IDM_HIDDEN_COMMANDS
public const int ContextIntelliSense = 0x3471; // IDM_CSHARP_CTX_INTELLISENSE
public const int SmartTag = 0x3600; // IDM_CSHARP_SMART_TAG
public const int Resolve = 0x3700; // IDM_CSHARP_RESOLVE
public const int ContextResolve = 0x3740; // IDM_CSHARP_CTX_RESOLVE
public const int ImplementInterface = 0x3800; // IDM_CSHARP_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE
public const int ContextImplementInterface = 0x3850; // IDM_CSHARP_CTX_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE
public const int Generate = 0x3951; // IDM_CSHARP_GENERATE
public const int ContextGenerate = 0x3952; // IDM_CSHARP_CTX_GENERATE