// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Extensions;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Tagging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Tagging;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PooledObjects;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Collections;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.TestHooks;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Threading;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Utilities;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServer.Client;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Utilities;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Threading;
using Roslyn.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.DocumentOutline;
/// <summary>
/// Responsible for updating data related to Document outline. It is expected that all public methods on this type
/// do not need to be on the UI thread. Two properties: <see cref="SortOption"/> and <see cref="SearchText"/> are
/// intended to be bound to a WPF view and should only be set from the UI thread.
/// </summary>
internal sealed partial class DocumentOutlineViewModel : INotifyPropertyChanged, IDisposable
private readonly IThreadingContext _threadingContext;
private readonly VsCodeWindowViewTracker _codeWindowViewTracker;
private readonly ILanguageServiceBroker2 _languageServiceBroker;
private readonly ITaggerEventSource _taggerEventSource;
private readonly ITextBuffer _textBuffer;
/// <summary>
/// Queue that computes the new model and updates the UI state.
/// </summary>
private readonly AsyncBatchingWorkQueue _workQueue;
/// <summary>
/// Queue responsible for updating the ui after a change/move happens.
/// </summary>
private readonly AsyncBatchingWorkQueue _selectionQueue;
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler? PropertyChanged;
// Mutable state. Should only update on UI thread.
private Visibility _visibility_doNotAccessDirectly = Visibility.Visible;
private SortOption _sortOption_doNotAccessDirectly = SortOption.Location;
private string _searchText_doNotAccessDirectly = "";
private ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> _documentSymbolViewModelItems_doNotAccessDirectly = [];
private DocumentOutlineViewState _lastPresentedViewState_doNotAccessDirectly;
/// <summary>
/// Use to prevent reeentrancy on navigation/selection.
/// </summary>
private bool _isNavigating_doNotAccessDirectly;
private bool _isDisposed;
public DocumentOutlineViewModel(
IThreadingContext threadingContext,
VsCodeWindowViewTracker codeWindowViewTracker,
ILanguageServiceBroker2 languageServiceBroker,
IAsynchronousOperationListener asyncListener)
_threadingContext = threadingContext;
_codeWindowViewTracker = codeWindowViewTracker;
_languageServiceBroker = languageServiceBroker;
_textBuffer = codeWindowViewTracker.GetActiveView().TextBuffer;
// initialize us to an empty state.
_lastPresentedViewState_doNotAccessDirectly = CreateEmptyViewState(_textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
_workQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue(
_selectionQueue = new AsyncBatchingWorkQueue(
_taggerEventSource = TaggerEventSources.Compose(
TaggerEventSources.OnWorkspaceChanged(_textBuffer, asyncListener),
_taggerEventSource.Changed += OnEventSourceChanged;
// queue initial model update
public void Dispose()
_isDisposed = true;
_taggerEventSource.Changed -= OnEventSourceChanged;
private static DocumentOutlineViewState CreateEmptyViewState(ITextSnapshot currentSnapshot)
=> new(
searchText: "",
private void OnEventSourceChanged(object sender, TaggerEventArgs e)
=> _workQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
/// <summary>
/// Keeps track if we're currently in the middle of navigating or not. For example, when the user clicks on an
/// item, we will navigate to it. That will then kick of a caret move. This flag helps us realize the caret move
/// is not user driven, so we don't then start the work to go expand/select something.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This property is not bound to the UI.</remarks>
public bool IsNavigating
return _isNavigating_doNotAccessDirectly;
Debug.Assert(_isNavigating_doNotAccessDirectly != value);
_isNavigating_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
/// <summary>
/// Keeps track of all the inputs/computed-state for the last values we presented on the UI. Used so we can
/// track prior state forward (like which nodes are expanded).
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>This property is not bound to the UI.</remarks>
private DocumentOutlineViewState LastPresentedViewState
return _lastPresentedViewState_doNotAccessDirectly;
_lastPresentedViewState_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
/// <remarks>This property is bound to the UI. However, it is only read/written by the UI. We only act as
/// storage for the value. When this value is true, UI updates are deferred.</remarks>
public Visibility Visibility
return _visibility_doNotAccessDirectly;
_visibility_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
/// <remarks>This property is bound to the UI. However, it is only read/written by the UI. We only act as
/// storage for the value. When the value changes, the sorting is actually handled by
/// DocumentSymbolDataViewModelSorter.</remarks>
public SortOption SortOption
return _sortOption_doNotAccessDirectly;
_sortOption_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
/// <remarks>This property is bound to the UI. However, it is read/written by the UI, and also read by us when
/// computing the model to know what to filter it down to.</remarks>
public string SearchText
return _searchText_doNotAccessDirectly;
// Called from WPF. When this changes, kick off the work to actually filter down our models.
_searchText_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
_workQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
/// <remarks>This property is bound to the UI. It is only read by the UI, but can be read/written by us.</remarks>
public ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> DocumentSymbolViewModelItems
return _documentSymbolViewModelItems_doNotAccessDirectly;
// Setting this only happens from within this type once we've computed new items or filtered down the existing set.
private set
if (_documentSymbolViewModelItems_doNotAccessDirectly == value)
_documentSymbolViewModelItems_doNotAccessDirectly = value;
PropertyChanged?.Invoke(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(DocumentSymbolViewModelItems)));
public void ExpandOrCollapseAll(bool shouldExpand)
ExpandOrCollapse(this.DocumentSymbolViewModelItems, shouldExpand);
static void ExpandOrCollapse(ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> models, bool shouldExpand)
foreach (var model in models)
model.IsExpanded = shouldExpand;
ExpandOrCollapse(model.Children, shouldExpand);
private async ValueTask ComputeViewStateAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);
if (_isDisposed)
if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
// Retry the update after a delay
_workQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
// Do any expensive semantic/computation work in the background.
await TaskScheduler.Default;
// Do the expensive LSP work of actually computing the items to show.
var (documentSymbolData, newTextSnapshot) = await ComputeDocumentSymbolDataAsync(cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
// Now, go back to the UI and grab the prior view state we set, and the current UI values we want to update the data with.
await _threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);
if (_isDisposed)
if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
// Retry the update after a delay
_workQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
var searchText = this.SearchText;
var sortOption = this.SortOption;
var lastPresentedViewState = this.LastPresentedViewState;
// Jump back to the BG to do all our work.
await TaskScheduler.Default;
var searchTextChanged = searchText != lastPresentedViewState.SearchText;
var oldViewModelItems = lastPresentedViewState.ViewModelItems;
// if we got new data or the user changed the search text, recompute our items to correspond to this new state.
// Apply whatever the current search text is to what the model returned, and produce the new items.
var newViewModelItems = GetDocumentSymbolItemViewModels(
sortOption, SearchDocumentSymbolData(documentSymbolData, searchText, cancellationToken));
// If the search text changed, just show everything in expanded form, so the user can see everything
// that matched, without anything being hidden.
// in the case of no search text change, attempt to keep the same open/close expansion state from before.
if (!searchTextChanged)
oldSnapshot: lastPresentedViewState.TextSnapshot,
newSnapshot: newTextSnapshot,
oldItems: oldViewModelItems,
newItems: newViewModelItems);
// Now create an interval tree out of the view models. This will allow us to easily find the intersecting view
// models given any position in the file with any particular text snapshot.
using var _ = SegmentedListPool.GetPooledList<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel>(out var models);
AddAllModels(newViewModelItems, models);
var intervalTree = ImmutableIntervalTree<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel>.CreateFromUnsorted(
new IntervalIntrospector(), models);
var newViewState = new DocumentOutlineViewState(
await _threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);
if (_isDisposed)
if (Visibility != Visibility.Visible)
// Retry the update after a delay
_workQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
this.LastPresentedViewState = newViewState;
this.DocumentSymbolViewModelItems = newViewModelItems;
// Now that we've updated our state, enqueue the work to expand/select the right item.
static void AddAllModels(ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> viewModels, SegmentedList<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> result)
foreach (var model in viewModels)
AddAllModels(model.Children, result);
static void ApplyOldStateToNewItems(
ITextSnapshot oldSnapshot,
ITextSnapshot newSnapshot,
ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> oldItems,
ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> newItems)
// Walk through the old items, mapping their spans forward and keeping track if they were expanded or
// collapsed. Then walk through the new items and see if they have the same span as a prior item. If
// so, preserve the expansion state.
using var _ = PooledDictionary<Span, (bool isExpanded, bool isSelected)>.GetInstance(out var oldState);
AddPreviousState(newSnapshot, oldItems, oldState);
// If we had any items from before, and they were all collapsed, the collapse all the new items.
if (oldItems.Length > 0 && oldItems.All(static i => !i.IsExpanded))
foreach (var item in newItems)
item.IsExpanded = false;
if (oldState.TryGetValue(item.Data.SelectionRangeSpan.Span, out var oldValues) && oldValues.isSelected)
item.IsSelected = true;
ApplyOldState(oldState, newItems);
static void AddPreviousState(
ITextSnapshot newSnapshot,
ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> oldItems,
PooledDictionary<Span, (bool isExpanded, bool isSelected)> oldState)
foreach (var item in oldItems)
// EdgeInclusive so that if we type on the end of an existing item it maps forward to the new full span.
var mapped = item.Data.SelectionRangeSpan.TranslateTo(newSnapshot, SpanTrackingMode.EdgeInclusive);
oldState[mapped.Span] = (item.IsExpanded, item.IsSelected);
AddPreviousState(newSnapshot, item.Children, oldState);
static void ApplyOldState(
PooledDictionary<Span, (bool isExpanded, bool isSelected)> oldState,
ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolDataViewModel> newItems)
foreach (var item in newItems)
if (oldState.TryGetValue(item.Data.SelectionRangeSpan.Span, out var oldValues))
item.IsExpanded = oldValues.isExpanded;
item.IsSelected = oldValues.isSelected;
ApplyOldState(oldState, item.Children);
private async Task<(ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolData> documentSymbolData, ITextSnapshot newTextSnapshot)> ComputeDocumentSymbolDataAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var filePath = _textBuffer.GetRelatedDocuments().FirstOrDefault(static d => d.FilePath is not null)?.FilePath;
if (filePath != null)
// Obtain the LSP response and text snapshot used.
var response = await DocumentSymbolsRequestAsync(
_textBuffer, _languageServiceBroker.RequestAsync, filePath, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false);
if (response != null)
var newTextSnapshot = response.Value.snapshot;
var documentSymbolData = CreateDocumentSymbolData(response.Value.response, newTextSnapshot);
return (documentSymbolData, newTextSnapshot);
return (ImmutableArray<DocumentSymbolData>.Empty, _textBuffer.CurrentSnapshot);
public void ExpandAndSelectItemAtCaretPosition()
_selectionQueue.AddWork(cancelExistingWork: true);
private async ValueTask UpdateSelectionAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
await _threadingContext.JoinableTaskFactory.SwitchToMainThreadAsync(cancellationToken);
if (_isDisposed)
if (this.IsNavigating)
// Map the caret back to the snapshot used to create the last set of items.
var modelTree = this.LastPresentedViewState.ViewModelItemsTree;
var textView = _codeWindowViewTracker.GetActiveView();
var caretPosition = textView.Caret.Position.BufferPosition.TranslateTo(this.LastPresentedViewState.TextSnapshot, PointTrackingMode.Positive);
this.IsNavigating = true;
// Treat the caret as if it has length 1. That way if it is in between two items, it will naturally
// only intersect right the item on the right of it.
var overlappingModels = modelTree.Algorithms.GetIntervalsThatOverlapWith(
caretPosition.Position, 1, new IntervalIntrospector());
if (overlappingModels.Length == 0)
// Order from smallest to largest. The smallest is the innermost and should be the one we actually select.
// The others are the parents and we should expand those so the innermost one is visible.
overlappingModels = overlappingModels.Sort(static (m1, m2) =>
return m1.Data.RangeSpan.Span.Length - m2.Data.RangeSpan.Span.Length;
overlappingModels[0].IsSelected = true;
for (var i = 1; i < overlappingModels.Length; i++)
overlappingModels[i].IsExpanded = true;
this.IsNavigating = false;