// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Media;
using Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Editor;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Formatting;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Text.Projection;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TextManager.Interop;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Utilities;
namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.DebuggerIntelliSense;
internal partial class DebuggerTextView : IWpfTextView, IDebuggerTextView2, ITextView2
/// <summary>
/// The actual debugger view of the watch or immediate window that we're wrapping
/// </summary>
private readonly IWpfTextView _innerTextView;
private readonly IVsTextLines _debuggerTextLinesOpt;
private IMultiSelectionBroker _multiSelectionBroker;
// This name "CompletionRoot" is specified on the Editor side.
// Roslyn must match the name.
// The const should be removed with resolution of https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/31189
public const string CompletionRoot = nameof(CompletionRoot);
public DebuggerTextView(
IWpfTextView innerTextView,
IBufferGraph bufferGraph,
IVsTextLines debuggerTextLinesOpt,
bool isImmediateWindow)
_innerTextView = innerTextView;
_debuggerTextLinesOpt = debuggerTextLinesOpt;
BufferGraph = bufferGraph;
IsImmediateWindow = isImmediateWindow;
// The editor requires the current top buffer.
// TODO it seems to be a hack. It should be removed.
// Here is an issue to track: https://github.com/dotnet/roslyn/issues/31189
// Starting debugging for the second time, we already have the property set.
_innerTextView.Properties[CompletionRoot] = bufferGraph.TopBuffer;
/// <summary>
/// We basically replace the innerTextView's BufferGraph with our own custom projection graph
/// that projects the immediate window contents into a context buffer:
/// (1)
/// (2) (5)
/// (3) (6)
/// (4)
/// (1) Top level projection buffer - the subject buffer used by intellisense
/// (2/3) Currently a double projection buffer combo that elides away the ? in the immediate window, and may add some
/// boilerplate code to force an expression context.
/// (4) innerTextView.TextBuffer, what the user actually sees in the watch/immediate windows
/// (5) A read-only projection of (6)
/// (6) The context buffer which is typically a source file
/// </summary>
public IBufferGraph BufferGraph
public bool IsImmediateWindow
public uint StartBufferUpdate()
// null in unit tests
if (_debuggerTextLinesOpt == null)
return 0;
_debuggerTextLinesOpt.GetStateFlags(out var bufferFlags);
_debuggerTextLinesOpt.SetStateFlags((uint)((BUFFERSTATEFLAGS)bufferFlags & ~BUFFERSTATEFLAGS.BSF_USER_READONLY));
return bufferFlags;
public void EndBufferUpdate(uint cookie)
// null in unit tests
public ITextCaret Caret
get { return _innerTextView.Caret; }
public bool HasAggregateFocus
get { return _innerTextView.HasAggregateFocus; }
public bool InLayout
get { return _innerTextView.InLayout; }
public bool IsClosed
get { return _innerTextView.IsClosed; }
public bool IsMouseOverViewOrAdornments
get { return _innerTextView.IsMouseOverViewOrAdornments; }
public double LineHeight
get { return _innerTextView.LineHeight; }
public double MaxTextRightCoordinate
get { return _innerTextView.MaxTextRightCoordinate; }
public IEditorOptions Options
get { return _innerTextView.Options; }
public PropertyCollection Properties
get { return _innerTextView.Properties; }
public ITrackingSpan ProvisionalTextHighlight
return _innerTextView.ProvisionalTextHighlight;
_innerTextView.ProvisionalTextHighlight = value;
public ITextViewRoleSet Roles
get { return _innerTextView.Roles; }
public ITextSelection Selection
get { return _innerTextView.Selection; }
public ITextViewLineCollection TextViewLines
get { return _innerTextView.TextViewLines; }
public ITextViewModel TextViewModel
get { return _innerTextView.TextViewModel; }
public IViewScroller ViewScroller
get { return _innerTextView.ViewScroller; }
public double ViewportBottom
get { return _innerTextView.ViewportBottom; }
public double ViewportHeight
get { return _innerTextView.ViewportHeight; }
public double ViewportLeft
return _innerTextView.ViewportLeft;
_innerTextView.ViewportLeft = value;
public double ViewportRight
get { return _innerTextView.ViewportRight; }
public double ViewportTop
get { return _innerTextView.ViewportTop; }
public double ViewportWidth
get { return _innerTextView.ViewportWidth; }
public ITextSnapshot VisualSnapshot
get { return _innerTextView.VisualSnapshot; }
public ITextDataModel TextDataModel
get { return _innerTextView.TextDataModel; }
public ITextBuffer TextBuffer
return _innerTextView.TextBuffer;
public ITextSnapshot TextSnapshot
return _innerTextView.TextSnapshot;
public FrameworkElement VisualElement
return _innerTextView.VisualElement;
public Brush Background
return _innerTextView.Background;
_innerTextView.Background = value;
IWpfTextViewLineCollection IWpfTextView.TextViewLines
return _innerTextView.TextViewLines;
public IFormattedLineSource FormattedLineSource
return _innerTextView.FormattedLineSource;
public ILineTransformSource LineTransformSource
return _innerTextView.LineTransformSource;
public double ZoomLevel
return _innerTextView.ZoomLevel;
_innerTextView.ZoomLevel = value;
public bool InOuterLayout => throw new NotImplementedException();
public IMultiSelectionBroker MultiSelectionBroker
_multiSelectionBroker ??= _innerTextView.GetMultiSelectionBroker();
return _multiSelectionBroker;
public void Close()
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public void DisplayTextLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition, double verticalDistance, ViewRelativePosition relativeTo, double? viewportWidthOverride, double? viewportHeightOverride)
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public void DisplayTextLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition, double verticalDistance, ViewRelativePosition relativeTo)
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public SnapshotSpan GetTextElementSpan(SnapshotPoint point)
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public ITextViewLine GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition)
=> _innerTextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(bufferPosition);
public void QueueSpaceReservationStackRefresh()
=> throw new NotSupportedException();
public IAdornmentLayer GetAdornmentLayer(string name)
=> _innerTextView.GetAdornmentLayer(name);
public ISpaceReservationManager GetSpaceReservationManager(string name)
=> _innerTextView.GetSpaceReservationManager(name);
IWpfTextViewLine IWpfTextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition)
=> _innerTextView.GetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(bufferPosition);
public void Cleanup()
// The innerTextView of the immediate window never closes, but we want
// our completion subscribers to unsubscribe from events when this
// DebuggerTextView is no longer in use.
if (this.IsImmediateWindow)
this.ClosedInternal?.Invoke(this, EventArgs.Empty);
public void QueuePostLayoutAction(Action action) => _innerTextView.QueuePostLayoutAction(action);
public bool TryGetTextViewLines(out ITextViewLineCollection textViewLines) => _innerTextView.TryGetTextViewLines(out textViewLines);
public bool TryGetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(SnapshotPoint bufferPosition, out ITextViewLine textViewLine)
=> _innerTextView.TryGetTextViewLineContainingBufferPosition(bufferPosition, out textViewLine);
private event EventHandler ClosedInternal;
#pragma warning disable 67
public event EventHandler MaxTextRightCoordinateChanged;
#pragma warning restore 67
public event EventHandler Closed
if (this.IsImmediateWindow)
this.ClosedInternal += value;
_innerTextView.Closed += value;
if (this.IsImmediateWindow)
this.ClosedInternal -= value;
_innerTextView.Closed -= value;
public event EventHandler GotAggregateFocus
add { _innerTextView.GotAggregateFocus += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.GotAggregateFocus -= value; }
public event EventHandler<TextViewLayoutChangedEventArgs> LayoutChanged
add { _innerTextView.LayoutChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.LayoutChanged -= value; }
public event EventHandler LostAggregateFocus
add { _innerTextView.LostAggregateFocus += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.LostAggregateFocus -= value; }
public event EventHandler<MouseHoverEventArgs> MouseHover
add { _innerTextView.MouseHover += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.MouseHover -= value; }
public event EventHandler ViewportHeightChanged
add { _innerTextView.ViewportHeightChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.ViewportHeightChanged -= value; }
public event EventHandler ViewportLeftChanged
add { _innerTextView.ViewportLeftChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.ViewportLeftChanged -= value; }
public event EventHandler ViewportWidthChanged
add { _innerTextView.ViewportWidthChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.ViewportWidthChanged -= value; }
public event EventHandler<BackgroundBrushChangedEventArgs> BackgroundBrushChanged
add { _innerTextView.BackgroundBrushChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.BackgroundBrushChanged -= value; }
public event EventHandler<ZoomLevelChangedEventArgs> ZoomLevelChanged
add { _innerTextView.ZoomLevelChanged += value; }
remove { _innerTextView.ZoomLevelChanged -= value; }