' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Collections.Immutable
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices.ComTypes
Imports System.Threading
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor.Shared.Utilities
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.ComponentModelHost
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.CodeModel
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.ProjectSystem
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.ProjectSystem.Legacy
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.TaskList
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.VisualBasic.ProjectSystemShim.Interop
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop
Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.VisualBasic.ProjectSystemShim
Partial Friend NotInheritable Class VisualBasicProject
Inherits AbstractLegacyProject
Implements IVbCompilerProject
Private ReadOnly _compilerHost As IVbCompilerHost
Private _runtimeLibraries As ImmutableArray(Of String) = ImmutableArray(Of String).Empty
''' <summary>
''' To support the old contract of VB runtimes, we must ourselves add additional references beyond what the
''' project system tells us. If the project system _also_ tells us about those, we put the in here so we can
''' record that and make removal later work properly.
''' </summary>
Private ReadOnly _explicitlyAddedRuntimeLibraries As New HashSet(Of String)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
Friend Sub New(projectSystemName As String,
compilerHost As IVbCompilerHost,
hierarchy As IVsHierarchy,
isIntellisenseProject As Boolean,
serviceProvider As IServiceProvider,
threadingContext As IThreadingContext)
MyBase.New(projectSystemName, hierarchy, LanguageNames.VisualBasic, isIntellisenseProject, serviceProvider, threadingContext, "VB")
_compilerHost = compilerHost
Dim componentModel = DirectCast(serviceProvider.GetService(GetType(SComponentModel)), IComponentModel)
ProjectCodeModel = componentModel.GetService(Of IProjectCodeModelFactory).CreateProjectCodeModel(ProjectSystemProject.Id, New VisualBasicCodeModelInstanceFactory(Me))
VisualStudioProjectOptionsProcessor = New OptionsProcessor(ProjectSystemProject, Workspace.Services.SolutionServices)
End Sub
Private Shadows Property VisualStudioProjectOptionsProcessor As OptionsProcessor
Return DirectCast(MyBase.ProjectSystemProjectOptionsProcessor, OptionsProcessor)
End Get
Set(value As OptionsProcessor)
MyBase.ProjectSystemProjectOptionsProcessor = value
End Set
End Property
Public Sub AddApplicationObjectVariable(wszClassName As String, wszMemberName As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddApplicationObjectVariable
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub AddBuffer(wszBuffer As String, dwLen As Integer, wszMkr As String, itemid As UInteger, fAdvise As Boolean, fShowErrorsInTaskList As Boolean) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddBuffer
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Function AddEmbeddedMetaDataReference(wszFileName As String) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddEmbeddedMetaDataReference
ProjectSystemProject.AddMetadataReference(wszFileName, New MetadataReferenceProperties(embedInteropTypes:=True))
Return VSConstants.S_OK
End Function
Public Overloads Function AddMetaDataReference(wszFileName As String, bAssembly As Boolean) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddMetaDataReference
' If this is a reference already added due to it being a standard reference, just record the add
If _runtimeLibraries.Contains(wszFileName, StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase) Then
Return VSConstants.S_OK
ProjectSystemProject.AddMetadataReference(wszFileName, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly)
Return VSConstants.S_OK
End If
End Function
Public Sub AddEmbeddedProjectReference(pReferencedCompilerProject As IVbCompilerProject) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddEmbeddedProjectReference
Dim referencedProject = TryCast(pReferencedCompilerProject, VisualBasicProject)
If referencedProject Is Nothing Then
' Hmm, we got a project which isn't from ourselves. That's somewhat odd, and we really can't do anything
' with it.
Throw New ArgumentException("Unknown type of IVbCompilerProject.", NameOf(pReferencedCompilerProject))
End If
ProjectSystemProject.AddProjectReference(New ProjectReference(referencedProject.ProjectSystemProject.Id, embedInteropTypes:=True))
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub AddFile(wszFileName As String, itemid As UInteger, fAddDuringOpen As Boolean) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddFile
MyBase.AddFile(wszFileName, SourceCodeKind.Regular)
End Sub
Public Sub AddImport(wszImport As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddImport
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub AddProjectReference(pReferencedCompilerProject As IVbCompilerProject) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddProjectReference
Dim referencedProject = TryCast(pReferencedCompilerProject, VisualBasicProject)
If referencedProject Is Nothing Then
' Hmm, we got a project which isn't from ourselves. That's somewhat odd, and we really can't do anything
' with it.
Throw New ArgumentException("Unknown type of IVbCompilerProject.", NameOf(pReferencedCompilerProject))
End If
ProjectSystemProject.AddProjectReference(New ProjectReference(referencedProject.ProjectSystemProject.Id))
End Sub
Public Sub AddResourceReference(wszFileName As String, wszName As String, fPublic As Boolean, fEmbed As Boolean) Implements IVbCompilerProject.AddResourceReference
' TODO: implement
End Sub
#Region "Build Status Callbacks"
' AdviseBuildStatusCallback and UnadviseBuildStatusCallback do not accurately implement the
' contract that they imply (i.e. multiple listeners). This matches how they are implemented
' in the old VB code base: only one listener is allowed. This is a bit evil, but necessary
' since this needs to play nice with the old native project system.
Private _buildStatusCallback As IVbBuildStatusCallback
Public Function AdviseBuildStatusCallback(pIVbBuildStatusCallback As IVbBuildStatusCallback) As UInteger Implements IVbCompilerProject.AdviseBuildStatusCallback
Debug.Assert(_buildStatusCallback Is Nothing, "IVbBuildStatusCallback already set")
_buildStatusCallback = pIVbBuildStatusCallback
If pIVbBuildStatusCallback IsNot Nothing Then
' While Roslyn doesn't have the concept of a "bound" project, this call signals to the
' project System that it can start the debugger hosting process.
' Work Item#777487 tracks the removal of this concept in Dev14
End If
Return VSConstants.S_OK
Catch e As Exception When FatalError.ReportAndPropagate(e)
Throw ExceptionUtilities.Unreachable
End Try
End Function
Public Sub UnadviseBuildStatusCallback(dwCookie As UInteger) Implements IVbCompilerProject.UnadviseBuildStatusCallback
Debug.Assert(dwCookie = 0, "Bad cookie")
_buildStatusCallback = Nothing
End Sub
#End Region
Public Function CreateCodeModel(pProject As EnvDTE.Project, pProjectItem As EnvDTE.ProjectItem, ByRef ppCodeModel As EnvDTE.CodeModel) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.CreateCodeModel
ppCodeModel = ProjectCodeModel.GetOrCreateRootCodeModel(pProject)
Return VSConstants.S_OK
End Function
Public Function CreateFileCodeModel(pProject As EnvDTE.Project, pProjectItem As EnvDTE.ProjectItem, ByRef ppFileCodeModel As EnvDTE.FileCodeModel) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.CreateFileCodeModel
ppFileCodeModel = Nothing
If pProjectItem IsNot Nothing Then
Dim fileName = pProjectItem.FileNames(1)
If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileName) Then
ppFileCodeModel = ProjectCodeModel.GetOrCreateFileCodeModel(fileName, pProjectItem)
Return VSConstants.S_OK
End If
End If
Return VSConstants.E_INVALIDARG
End Function
Public Sub DeleteAllImports() Implements IVbCompilerProject.DeleteAllImports
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteAllResourceReferences() Implements IVbCompilerProject.DeleteAllResourceReferences
' TODO: implement
End Sub
Public Sub DeleteImport(wszImport As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.DeleteImport
End Sub
Public Function ENCRebuild(in_pProgram As Object, ByRef out_ppUpdate As Object) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.ENCRebuild
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Function
Public Function GetDefaultReferences(cElements As Integer, ByRef rgbstrReferences() As String, ByVal cActualReferences As IntPtr) As Integer Implements IVbCompilerProject.GetDefaultReferences
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
Public Sub GetEntryPointsList(cItems As Integer, strList() As String, ByVal pcActualItems As IntPtr) Implements IVbCompilerProject.GetEntryPointsList
Dim project = Workspace.CurrentSolution.GetProject(ProjectSystemProject.Id)
Dim compilation = project.GetCompilationAsync(CancellationToken.None).WaitAndGetResult(CancellationToken.None)
GetEntryPointsWorker(compilation, cItems, strList, pcActualItems, findFormsOnly:=False)
End Sub
Public Shared Sub GetEntryPointsWorker(compilation As Compilation,
cItems As Integer,
strList() As String,
ByVal pcActualItems As IntPtr,
findFormsOnly As Boolean)
Dim entryPoints = VisualBasicEntryPointFinder.FindEntryPoints(compilation, findFormsOnly:=findFormsOnly)
' If called with cItems = 0 and pcActualItems != NULL, GetEntryPointsList returns in pcActualItems the number of items available.
If cItems = 0 AndAlso pcActualItems <> Nothing Then
Marshal.WriteInt32(pcActualItems, entryPoints.Count())
Exit Sub
End If
' When called with cItems != 0, GetEntryPointsList assumes that there is
' enough space in strList[] for that many items, and fills up the array with those items
' (up to maximum available). Returns in pcActualItems the actual number of items that
' were put in the array. Assumes that the caller
' takes care of array allocation and de-allocation.
If cItems <> 0 Then
Dim count = Math.Min(entryPoints.Count(), cItems)
Dim names = entryPoints.Select(Function(p) p.ToDisplayString(SymbolDisplayFormat.FullyQualifiedFormat _
.WithGlobalNamespaceStyle(SymbolDisplayGlobalNamespaceStyle.Omitted))) _
For i = 0 To count - 1
strList(i) = names(i)
Marshal.WriteInt32(pcActualItems, count)
End If
End Sub
Public Sub GetMethodFromLine(itemid As UInteger, iLine As Integer, ByRef pBstrProcName As String, ByRef pBstrClassName As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.GetMethodFromLine
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub GetPEImage(ByRef ppImage As IntPtr) Implements IVbCompilerProject.GetPEImage
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveAllApplicationObjectVariables() Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveAllApplicationObjectVariables
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveAllReferences() Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveAllReferences
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub RemoveFile(wszFileName As String, itemid As UInteger) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveFile
End Sub
Public Sub RemoveFileByName(wszPath As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveFileByName
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub RemoveMetaDataReference(wszFileName As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveMetaDataReference
wszFileName = FileUtilities.NormalizeAbsolutePath(wszFileName)
' If this is a reference which was explicitly added and is also a runtime library, leave it
If _explicitlyAddedRuntimeLibraries.Remove(wszFileName) Then
End If
ProjectSystemProject.RemoveMetadataReference(wszFileName, ProjectSystemProject.GetPropertiesForMetadataReference(wszFileName).Single())
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub RemoveProjectReference(pReferencedCompilerProject As IVbCompilerProject) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RemoveProjectReference
Dim referencedProject = TryCast(pReferencedCompilerProject, VisualBasicProject)
If referencedProject Is Nothing Then
' Hmm, we got a project which isn't from ourselves. That's somewhat odd, and we really can't do anything
' with it.
Throw New ArgumentException("Unknown type of IVbCompilerProject.", NameOf(pReferencedCompilerProject))
End If
Dim projectReference = ProjectSystemProject.GetProjectReferences().Single(Function(p) p.ProjectId = referencedProject.ProjectSystemProject.Id)
End Sub
Public Sub RenameDefaultNamespace(bstrDefaultNamespace As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RenameDefaultNamespace
' TODO: implement
End Sub
Public Sub RenameFile(wszOldFileName As String, wszNewFileName As String, itemid As UInteger) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RenameFile
' We treat the rename as a removal of the old file and the addition of a new one.
RemoveFile(wszOldFileName, itemid)
AddFile(wszNewFileName, itemid, fAddDuringOpen:=False)
End Sub
Public Sub RenameProject(wszNewProjectName As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.RenameProject
' TODO: implement
End Sub
Public Sub SetBackgroundCompilerPriorityLow() Implements IVbCompilerProject.SetBackgroundCompilerPriorityLow
' We don't have a background compiler in Roslyn to set the priority of.
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Public Sub SetBackgroundCompilerPriorityNormal() Implements IVbCompilerProject.SetBackgroundCompilerPriorityNormal
' We don't have a background compiler in Roslyn to set the priority of.
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Public Sub SetCompilerOptions(ByRef pCompilerOptions As VBCompilerOptions) Implements IVbCompilerProject.SetCompilerOptions
Dim oldRuntimeLibraries = _runtimeLibraries
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(pCompilerOptions.wszExeName) Then
ProjectSystemProject.AssemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(pCompilerOptions.wszExeName)
' Some legacy projects (e.g. Venus IntelliSense project) set '\' as the wszOutputPath.
' /src/venus/project/vb/vbprj/vbintelliproj.cpp
' Ignore paths that are not absolute.
If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(pCompilerOptions.wszOutputPath) Then
If PathUtilities.IsAbsolute(pCompilerOptions.wszOutputPath) Then
ProjectSystemProject.CompilationOutputAssemblyFilePath = Path.Combine(pCompilerOptions.wszOutputPath, pCompilerOptions.wszExeName)
ProjectSystemProject.CompilationOutputAssemblyFilePath = Nothing
End If
End If
End If
_runtimeLibraries = VisualStudioProjectOptionsProcessor.GetRuntimeLibraries(_compilerHost)
If Not _runtimeLibraries.SequenceEqual(oldRuntimeLibraries, StringComparer.Ordinal) Then
Using batchScope = ProjectSystemProject.CreateBatchScope()
' To keep things simple, we'll just remove everything and add everything back in
For Each oldRuntimeLibrary In oldRuntimeLibraries
' If this one was added explicitly in addition to our computation, we don't have to remove it
If Not _explicitlyAddedRuntimeLibraries.Remove(oldRuntimeLibrary) Then
ProjectSystemProject.RemoveMetadataReference(oldRuntimeLibrary, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly)
End If
For Each newRuntimeLibrary In _runtimeLibraries
newRuntimeLibrary = FileUtilities.NormalizeAbsolutePath(newRuntimeLibrary)
' If we already reference this, just skip it
If ProjectSystemProject.ContainsMetadataReference(newRuntimeLibrary, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly) Then
ProjectSystemProject.AddMetadataReference(newRuntimeLibrary, MetadataReferenceProperties.Assembly)
End If
End Using
End If
End Sub
Public Sub SetModuleAssemblyName(wszName As String) Implements IVbCompilerProject.SetModuleAssemblyName
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub SetStreamForPDB(pStreamPDB As IStream) Implements IVbCompilerProject.SetStreamForPDB
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Sub
Public Sub StartBuild(pVsOutputWindowPane As IVsOutputWindowPane, fRebuildAll As Boolean) Implements IVbCompilerProject.StartBuild
' We currently have nothing to do for this.
End Sub
Public Sub StopBuild() Implements IVbCompilerProject.StopBuild
' We currently have nothing to do for this.
End Sub
Public Sub StartDebugging() Implements IVbCompilerProject.StartDebugging
' We currently have nothing to do for this.
End Sub
Public Sub StopDebugging() Implements IVbCompilerProject.StopDebugging
' We currently have nothing to do for this.
End Sub
Public Sub StartEdit() Implements IVbCompilerProject.StartEdit
' Since Roslyn's creation this method has not been implemented, because we didn't have a good batching concept in the project system shim code.
' We now have that (with VisualStudioProject.CreateBatchScope), but unfortunately clients are not very well behaved. The native language service
' relies on the old behavior, which was calling VisualBasicProject.StartBackgroundCompiler/VisualBasicProject.StopBackgroundCompiler and this
' method here all increment the same global counter in the end: it was OK to call StopBackgroundCompiler to stop it but FinishEdit() to restart it.
' Rather than trying to make this all work again, we'll leave this unimplemented still until we have evidence that this will help, and time to do it.
End Sub
Public Sub FinishEdit() Implements IVbCompilerProject.FinishEdit
' See comment in StartEdit for why this isn't implemented.
End Sub
Public Sub SuspendPostedNotifications() Implements IVbCompilerProject.SuspendPostedNotifications
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Public Sub ResumePostedNotifications() Implements IVbCompilerProject.ResumePostedNotifications
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Public Sub WaitUntilBound() Implements IVbCompilerProject.WaitUntilBound
' We no longer have a concept in Roslyn equivalent to the native WaitUntilBound, since we don't have a
' background compiler in the same sense.
Throw New NotSupportedException()
End Sub
Public Shadows Sub Disconnect() Implements IVbCompilerProject.Disconnect
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace