' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.VisualBasic.Help
Friend NotInheritable Class HelpKeywords
Friend Const Assign As String = "vb.Assign"
Friend Const QueryAggregate As String = "vb.QueryAggregate"
Friend Const QueryAggregateIn As String = "vb.QueryAggregateIn"
Friend Const QueryAggregateInto As String = "vb.QueryAggregateInto"
Friend Const ModuleAttribute As String = "vb.ModuleAttribute"
Friend Const AssemblyAttribute As String = "vb.AssemblyAttribute"
Friend Const Attributes As String = "vb.Attributes"
Friend Const Constructor As String = "vb.Constructor"
Friend Const QueryDistinct As String = "vb.QueryDistinct"
Friend Const EndDefinition As String = "vb.EndDefinition"
Friend Const AddHandlerMethod As String = "vb.AddHandlerMethod"
Friend Const RemoveHandlerMethod As String = "vb.RemoveHandlerMethod"
Friend Const RaiseEventMethod As String = "vb.RaiseEventMethod"
Friend Const ImplementsClause As String = "vb.ImplementsClause"
Friend Const TypeInfer As String = "vb.TypeInfer"
Friend Const ForEach As String = "vb.ForEach"
Friend Const QueryFrom As String = "vb.QueryFrom"
Friend Const QueryGroup As String = "vb.QueryGroup"
Friend Const QueryGroupBy As String = "vb.QueryGroupBy"
Friend Const QueryGroupByInto As String = "vb.QueryGroupByInto"
Friend Const QueryGroupJoin As String = "vb.QueryGroupJoin"
Friend Const QueryGroupJoinIn As String = "vb.QueryGroupJoinIn"
Friend Const QueryGroupJoinOn As String = "vb.QueryGroupJoinOn"
Friend Const QueryGroupJoinInto As String = "vb.QueryGroupJoinInto"
Friend Const QueryGroupRef As String = "vb.QueryGroupRef"
Friend Const IfOperator As String = "vb.IfOperator"
Friend Const ImportsXmlns As String = "vb.ImportsXmlns"
Friend Const QueryJoin As String = "vb.QueryJoin"
Friend Const QueryJoinIn As String = "vb.QueryJoinIn"
Friend Const QueryJoinOn As String = "vb.QueryJoinOn"
Friend Const Colon As String = "vb.Colon"
Friend Const LambdaFunction As String = "vb.LambdaFunction"
Friend Const QueryLet As String = "vb.QueryLet"
Friend Const PartialMethod As String = "vb.PartialMethod"
Friend Const OnError As String = "vb.OnError"
Friend Const OptionExplicit As String = "vb.OptionExplicit"
Friend Const OptionStrict As String = "vb.OptionStrict"
Friend Const OptionCompare As String = "vb.OptionCompare"
Friend Const OptionInfer As String = "vb.OptionInfer"
Friend Const QueryAscending As String = "vb.QueryAscending"
Friend Const QueryDescending As String = "vb.QueryDescending"
Friend Const QueryOrderBy As String = "vb.QueryOrderBy"
Friend Const PreprocessorConst As String = "vb.#Const"
Friend Const PreprocessorIf As String = "vb.#If"
Friend Const Region As String = "vb.#Region"
Friend Const [Redim] As String = "vb.Redim"
Friend Const ClassConstraint As String = "vb.ClassConstraint"
Friend Const QuerySelect As String = "vb.QuerySelect"
Friend Const QuerySkip As String = "vb.QuerySkip"
Friend Const QuerySkipWhile As String = "vb.QuerySkipWhile"
Friend Const QueryTake As String = "vb.QueryTake"
Friend Const QueryTakeWhile As String = "vb.QueryTakeWhile"
Friend Const Negate As String = "vb.Negate"
Friend Const StructureConstraint As String = "vb.StructureConstraint"
Friend Const QueryWhere As String = "vb.QueryWhere"
Friend Const XmlLiteralCdata As String = "vb.XmlLiteralCdata"
Friend Const XmlLiteralComment As String = "vb.XmlLiteralComment"
Friend Const XmlLiteralDocument As String = "vb.XmlLiteralDocument"
Friend Const XmlLiteralElement As String = "vb.XmlLiteralElement"
Friend Const XmlEmbeddedExpression As String = "vb.XmlEmbeddedExpression"
Friend Const XmlLiteralProcessingInstruction As String = "vb.XmlLiteralProcessingInstruction"
Friend Const NewConstraint As String = "vb.NewConstraint"
Friend Const AnonymousKey As String = "vb.AnonymousKey"
Friend Const AnonymousType As String = "vb.AnonymousType"
Friend Const ObjectInitializer As String = "vb.ObjectInitializer"
Friend Const ExtensionMethods As String = "vb.ExtensionMethods"
Friend Const Nullable As String = "vb.Nullable"
Friend Const AutoProperty As String = "vb.AutoImplementedProperty"
Friend Const XmlDocComment As String = "vb.XmlDocComment"
Friend Const [Rem] As String = "vb.Rem"
Friend Const QueryFromIn As String = "vb.QueryFromIn"
Friend Const QueryFromLet As String = "vb.QueryFromLet"
Friend Const XmlPropertyChildAxis As String = "vb.XmlPropertyChildAxis"
Friend Const XmlPropertyDescendantsAxis As String = "vb.XmlPropertyDescendantsAxis"
Friend Const XmlPropertyAttributeAxis As String = "vb.XmlPropertyAttributeAxis"
Friend Const XmlPropertyExtensionValue As String = "vb.XmlPropertyExtensionValue"
Friend Const MyNamespaceKeyword As String = "vb.My"
Friend Const CollectionInitializer As String = "vb.CollectionInitializer"
Friend Const VarianceIn As String = "vb.VarianceIn"
Friend Const VarianceOut As String = "vb.VarianceOut"
Friend Const TaskListUserComments As String = "vbc0"
Friend Const Main As String = "vb.Main"
Friend Const Async As String = "vb.Async"
Friend Const Iterator As String = "vb.Iterator"
Friend Const Await As String = "vb.Await"
Friend Const Yield As String = "vb.Yield"
Friend Const PrivateProtected As String = "vb.PrivateProtected"
Friend Const ProtectedFriend As String = "vb.ProtectedFriend"
End Class
End Namespace