' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Shared.Extensions
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Extensions
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.VisualBasic.Syntax
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.CodeModel.MethodXml
Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.VisualBasic.CodeModel.MethodXml
Friend Class MethodXmlBuilder
Inherits AbstractMethodXmlBuilder
Private Shared ReadOnly s_fullNameFormat As New SymbolDisplayFormat(
Private Sub New(symbol As IMethodSymbol, semanticModel As SemanticModel)
MyBase.New(symbol, semanticModel)
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateStatementBlock(statementList As SyntaxList(Of StatementSyntax))
Using BlockTag()
For Each statement In statementList
End Using
End Sub
Private Sub GenerateStatement(statement As StatementSyntax)
Dim success = False
Dim mark = GetMark()
Select Case statement.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.LocalDeclarationStatement
success = TryGenerateLocal(DirectCast(statement, LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.SimpleAssignmentStatement
success = TryGenerateAssignment(DirectCast(statement, AssignmentStatementSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.CallStatement
success = TryGenerateCall(DirectCast(statement, CallStatementSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.ExpressionStatement
success = TryGenerateExpressionStatement(DirectCast(statement, ExpressionStatementSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.AddHandlerStatement,
success = TryGenerateAddOrRemoveHandlerStatement(DirectCast(statement, AddRemoveHandlerStatementSyntax))
End Select
If Not success Then
End If
' Just for readability
End Sub
Private Function TryGenerateLocal(localDeclaration As LocalDeclarationStatementSyntax) As Boolean
For Each declarator In localDeclaration.Declarators
Using LocalTag(GetLineNumber(localDeclaration))
' Note: this is a difference from Dev10 where VB always generates
' a full assembly-qualified name. Because this extra information is
' generally wasteful, and C# never generates, we'll just generate
' the non-assembly-qualified name instead.
Dim type = declarator.Type(SemanticModel)
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
For Each name In declarator.Names
Using NameTag()
End Using
Dim initializer = declarator.GetInitializer()
If type.TypeKind = TypeKind.Array AndAlso
(name.ArrayBounds IsNot Nothing OrElse initializer IsNot Nothing) Then
Using ExpressionTag()
If Not TryGenerateNewArray(name.ArrayBounds, initializer, type) Then
Return False
End If
End Using
ElseIf initializer IsNot Nothing AndAlso Not TryGenerateExpression(initializer) Then
Return False
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateAssignment(assignmentStatement As AssignmentStatementSyntax) As Boolean
Using ExpressionStatementTag(GetLineNumber(assignmentStatement))
Using ExpressionTag()
Using AssignmentTag()
Return TryGenerateExpression(assignmentStatement.Left) AndAlso
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateCall(callStatement As CallStatementSyntax) As Boolean
Using ExpressionStatementTag(GetLineNumber(callStatement))
Return TryGenerateExpression(callStatement.Invocation)
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateExpressionStatement(expressionStatement As ExpressionStatementSyntax) As Boolean
Using ExpressionStatementTag(GetLineNumber(expressionStatement))
Return TryGenerateExpression(expressionStatement.Expression)
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateAddOrRemoveHandlerStatement(addHandlerStatement As AddRemoveHandlerStatementSyntax) As Boolean
' AddHandler statements are represented as invocations of an event's add_* method.
' RemoveHandler statements are represented as invocations of an event's remove_* method.
Dim eventExpression = addHandlerStatement.EventExpression
Dim eventSymbol = TryCast(SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(eventExpression).Symbol, IEventSymbol)
Dim eventAccessor As IMethodSymbol
If addHandlerStatement.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddHandlerStatement Then
eventAccessor = eventSymbol?.AddMethod
ElseIf addHandlerStatement.Kind() = SyntaxKind.RemoveHandlerStatement
eventAccessor = eventSymbol?.RemoveMethod
eventAccessor = Nothing
End If
If eventAccessor Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Using ExpressionStatementTag(GetLineNumber(addHandlerStatement))
Using ExpressionTag()
Using MethodCallTag()
If Not TryGenerateExpression(eventExpression, eventAccessor, generateAttributes:=True) Then
Return False
End If
GenerateType(eventSymbol.ContainingType, implicit:=True, assemblyQualify:=True)
Using ArgumentTag()
If Not TryGenerateExpression(addHandlerStatement.DelegateExpression, generateAttributes:=True) Then
Return False
End If
End Using
Return True
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateExpression(expression As ExpressionSyntax, Optional symbolOpt As ISymbol = Nothing, Optional generateAttributes As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Using ExpressionTag()
Return TryGenerateExpressionSansTag(expression, symbolOpt, generateAttributes)
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateExpressionSansTag(expression As ExpressionSyntax, Optional symbolOpt As ISymbol = Nothing, Optional generateAttributes As Boolean = False) As Boolean
Select Case expression.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralExpression,
Return TryGenerateLiteral(expression)
Case SyntaxKind.NothingLiteralExpression
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.ParenthesizedExpression
Return TryGenerateParenthesizedExpression(DirectCast(expression, ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.AddExpression,
Return TryGenerateBinaryOperation(DirectCast(expression, BinaryExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializer
Return TryGenerateCollectionInitializer(DirectCast(expression, CollectionInitializerSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.ArrayCreationExpression
Return TryGenerateArrayCreation(DirectCast(expression, ArrayCreationExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.ObjectCreationExpression
Return TryGenerateNewClass(DirectCast(expression, ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression
Return TryGenerateNameRef(DirectCast(expression, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax), symbolOpt, generateAttributes)
Case SyntaxKind.IdentifierName
Return TryGenerateNameRef(DirectCast(expression, IdentifierNameSyntax), symbolOpt, generateAttributes)
Case SyntaxKind.InvocationExpression
Return TryGenerateMethodCall(DirectCast(expression, InvocationExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.GetTypeExpression
Return TryGenerateGetTypeExpression(DirectCast(expression, GetTypeExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.CTypeExpression,
Return TryGenerateCastExpression(DirectCast(expression, CastExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.PredefinedCastExpression
Return TryGeneratePredefinedCastExpression(DirectCast(expression, PredefinedCastExpressionSyntax))
Case SyntaxKind.MeExpression
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression
Return TryGenerateAddressOfExpression(DirectCast(expression, UnaryExpressionSyntax))
End Select
Return False
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateLiteral(expression As ExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Using LiteralTag()
Dim constantValue = SemanticModel.GetConstantValue(expression)
If Not constantValue.HasValue Then
Return False
End If
Dim type = SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(expression).Type
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Select Case expression.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.UnaryMinusExpression,
GenerateNumber(constantValue.Value, type)
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.CharacterLiteralExpression
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.StringLiteralExpression
Return True
Case SyntaxKind.TrueLiteralExpression,
Return True
End Select
End Using
Return False
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateParenthesizedExpression(parenthesizedExpression As ParenthesizedExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Using ParenthesesTag()
Return TryGenerateExpression(parenthesizedExpression.Expression)
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateBinaryOperation(binaryExpression As BinaryExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Dim kind As BinaryOperatorKind
Select Case binaryExpression.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.AddExpression
kind = BinaryOperatorKind.Plus
Case SyntaxKind.OrExpression
kind = BinaryOperatorKind.BitwiseOr
Case SyntaxKind.AndExpression
kind = BinaryOperatorKind.BitwiseAnd
Case SyntaxKind.ConcatenateExpression
kind = BinaryOperatorKind.Concatenate
Case Else
Return False
End Select
Using BinaryOperationTag(kind)
Return TryGenerateExpression(binaryExpression.Left) AndAlso
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateNewClass(objectCreationExpression As ObjectCreationExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Dim type = TryCast(SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(objectCreationExpression.Type).Symbol, ITypeSymbol)
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Using NewClassTag()
If objectCreationExpression.ArgumentList IsNot Nothing Then
For Each argument In objectCreationExpression.ArgumentList.Arguments
If Not TryGenerateArgument(argument) Then
Return False
End If
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateArgument(argument As ArgumentSyntax) As Boolean
Using ArgumentTag()
Return TryGenerateExpression(argument.GetArgumentExpression())
End Using
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetVariableKind(symbol As ISymbol) As VariableKind
Dim kind = MyBase.GetVariableKind(symbol)
' need to special case WithEvent properties. CodeModel wants them as fields.
If symbol?.Kind = SymbolKind.Property Then
Dim propertySymbol = TryCast(symbol, IPropertySymbol)
If propertySymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso propertySymbol.IsWithEvents Then
kind = VariableKind.Field
End If
End If
Return kind
End Function
Private Shared Function GetFullNameText(symbol As ISymbol) As String
If symbol Is Nothing Then
Return Nothing
End If
If symbol.IsAccessor() Then
Return Nothing
End If
Return symbol.ContainingSymbol.ToDisplayString(s_fullNameFormat) & "." & symbol.Name
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateNameRef(
memberAccess As MemberAccessExpressionSyntax,
Optional symbolOpt As ISymbol = Nothing,
Optional generateAttributes As Boolean = False
) As Boolean
symbolOpt = If(symbolOpt, SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(memberAccess).Symbol)
' Note: There's no null check for 'symbolOpt' here. If 'symbolOpt' is Nothing, we'll generate an "unknown" name ref.
Dim varKind As VariableKind = GetVariableKind(symbolOpt)
Dim name = If(symbolOpt IsNot Nothing, symbolOpt.Name, memberAccess.Name.Identifier.ValueText)
Dim nameAttribute = If(generateAttributes, name, Nothing)
Dim fullNameAttribute = If(generateAttributes, GetFullNameText(symbolOpt), Nothing)
Using NameRefTag(varKind, nameAttribute, fullNameAttribute)
Dim leftHandSymbol = SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(memberAccess.GetExpressionOfMemberAccessExpression()).Symbol
If leftHandSymbol IsNot Nothing Then
If leftHandSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Alias Then
leftHandSymbol = DirectCast(leftHandSymbol, IAliasSymbol).Target
End If
' This can occur if a module member is referenced without the module name. In that case,
' we'll go ahead and try to use the module namespace name.
If leftHandSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.Namespace AndAlso
symbolOpt?.ContainingType?.TypeKind = TypeKind.Module Then
leftHandSymbol = symbolOpt.ContainingType
End If
End If
' If the left-hand side is a named type, we generate a literal expression
' with the type name. Otherwise, we generate the expression normally.
If leftHandSymbol IsNot Nothing AndAlso leftHandSymbol.Kind = SymbolKind.NamedType Then
Using ExpressionTag()
Using LiteralTag()
GenerateType(DirectCast(leftHandSymbol, ITypeSymbol))
End Using
End Using
ElseIf Not TryGenerateExpression(memberAccess.GetExpressionOfMemberAccessExpression(), generateAttributes:=generateAttributes) Then
Return False
End If
If Not generateAttributes Then
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateNameRef(
identifierName As IdentifierNameSyntax,
Optional symbolOpt As ISymbol = Nothing,
Optional generateAttributes As Boolean = False
) As Boolean
symbolOpt = If(symbolOpt, SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(identifierName).Symbol)
' Note: There's no null check for 'symbolOpt' here. If 'symbolOpt' is Nothing, we'll generate an "unknown" name ref.
Dim varKind = GetVariableKind(symbolOpt)
Dim name = If(symbolOpt IsNot Nothing, symbolOpt.Name, identifierName.Identifier.ValueText)
Dim nameAttribute = If(generateAttributes, name, Nothing)
Dim fullNameAttribute = If(generateAttributes, GetFullNameText(symbolOpt), Nothing)
Using NameRefTag(varKind, nameAttribute, fullNameAttribute)
If symbolOpt IsNot Nothing AndAlso varKind <> VariableKind.Local Then
End If
If Not generateAttributes Then
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Sub GenerateLastNameRef(symbol As ISymbol)
' This is a little tricky -- if our method symbol's containing type inherits from
' or is the same as the identifier symbol's containing type, we'll go ahead and
' generate a <ThisReference />. Otherwise, because this is an identifier, we assume
' that it is a Shared member or an imported type (for example, a Module) and generate
' an <Expression><Literal><Type/></Literal></Expression>
If Me.Symbol.ContainingType.InheritsFromOrEquals(symbol.ContainingType) Then
Using ExpressionTag()
End Using
Using ExpressionTag()
Using LiteralTag()
End Using
End Using
End If
End Sub
Private Function TryGenerateMethodCall(invocationExpression As InvocationExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Using MethodCallTag()
If Not TryGenerateExpression(invocationExpression.Expression) Then
Return False
End If
If invocationExpression.ArgumentList IsNot Nothing Then
For Each argument In invocationExpression.ArgumentList.Arguments
If Not TryGenerateArgument(argument) Then
Return False
End If
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateGetTypeExpression(getTypeExpression As GetTypeExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
If getTypeExpression.Type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Dim type = SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(getTypeExpression.Type).Type
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateCast(type As ITypeSymbol, expression As ExpressionSyntax, Optional specialCastKind As SpecialCastKind? = Nothing) As Boolean
Using (CastTag(specialCastKind))
Return TryGenerateExpression(expression)
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateCastExpression(castExpression As CastExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
If castExpression.Type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Dim type = SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(castExpression.Type).Type
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If Not TryGenerateCast(type, castExpression.Expression, GetSpecialCastKind(castExpression)) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Shared Function GetSpecialCastKind(castExpression As CastExpressionSyntax) As SpecialCastKind?
Select Case castExpression.Kind()
Case SyntaxKind.DirectCastExpression
Return SpecialCastKind.DirectCast
Case SyntaxKind.TryCastExpression
Return SpecialCastKind.TryCast
Case Else
Return Nothing
End Select
End Function
Private Function TryGeneratePredefinedCastExpression(predefinedCastExpression As PredefinedCastExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Dim type = GetTypeFromPredefinedCastKeyword(SemanticModel.Compilation, predefinedCastExpression.Keyword.Kind)
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If Not TryGenerateCast(type, predefinedCastExpression.Expression) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateConstantArrayBound(expression As ExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Dim constantValue = SemanticModel.GetConstantValue(expression)
If Not constantValue.HasValue Then
Return False
End If
If TypeOf constantValue.Value IsNot Integer Then
Return False
End If
Dim upperBound = CInt(constantValue.Value) + 1
Using ExpressionTag()
Using LiteralTag()
GenerateNumber(upperBound, SemanticModel.Compilation.GetSpecialType(SpecialType.System_Int32))
End Using
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateSimpleArrayBound(argument As ArgumentSyntax) As Boolean
If TypeOf argument IsNot SimpleArgumentSyntax Then
Return False
End If
Return TryGenerateConstantArrayBound(DirectCast(argument, SimpleArgumentSyntax).Expression)
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateRangeArrayBound(argument As ArgumentSyntax) As Boolean
If TypeOf argument IsNot RangeArgumentSyntax Then
Return False
End If
Return TryGenerateConstantArrayBound(DirectCast(argument, RangeArgumentSyntax).UpperBound)
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateCollectionInitializer(collectionInitializer As CollectionInitializerSyntax) As Boolean
For Each initializer In collectionInitializer.Initializers
If Not TryGenerateExpression(initializer) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateNewArray(arrayBounds As ArgumentListSyntax, initializer As ExpressionSyntax, type As ITypeSymbol) As Boolean
Using NewArrayTag()
If arrayBounds IsNot Nothing Then
If Not TryGenerateArrayBounds(arrayBounds) Then
Return False
End If
If initializer IsNot Nothing AndAlso initializer.Kind = SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializer Then
If Not TryGenerateCollectionInitializer(DirectCast(initializer, CollectionInitializerSyntax)) Then
Return False
End If
End If
' No array bounds...
If initializer IsNot Nothing Then
If type.TypeKind = TypeKind.Array Then
Select Case initializer.Kind
Case SyntaxKind.ArrayCreationExpression
If Not TryGenerateArrayCreation(DirectCast(initializer, ArrayCreationExpressionSyntax)) Then
Return False
End If
Case SyntaxKind.CollectionInitializer
If Not TryGenerateArrayInitializer(DirectCast(initializer, CollectionInitializerSyntax)) Then
Return False
End If
Case Else
Return False
End Select
ElseIf Not TryGenerateExpression(initializer) Then
Return False
End If
End If
End If
Return True
End Using
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateArrayBounds(argumentList As ArgumentListSyntax) As Boolean
For Each argument In argumentList.Arguments
Using BoundTag()
If Not TryGenerateSimpleArrayBound(argument) AndAlso
Not TryGenerateRangeArrayBound(argument) Then
Return False
End If
End Using
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateArrayInitializer(collectionInitializer As CollectionInitializerSyntax) As Boolean
Using BoundTag()
Using ExpressionTag()
Using LiteralTag()
Using NumberTag()
End Using
End Using
End Using
End Using
Return TryGenerateCollectionInitializer(collectionInitializer)
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateArrayCreation(arrayCreationExpression As ArrayCreationExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Dim type = SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(arrayCreationExpression).Type
If type Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
If Not TryGenerateNewArray(arrayCreationExpression.ArrayBounds, arrayCreationExpression.Initializer, type) Then
Return False
End If
Return True
End Function
Private Function TryGenerateAddressOfExpression(expression As UnaryExpressionSyntax) As Boolean
Debug.Assert(expression.Kind() = SyntaxKind.AddressOfExpression)
Dim delegateExpression = expression.Operand
Dim delegateSymbol = TryCast(SemanticModel.GetSymbolInfo(delegateExpression).Symbol, IMethodSymbol)
If delegateSymbol Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Dim eventType = SemanticModel.GetTypeInfo(expression).Type
If eventType Is Nothing Then
Return False
End If
Using NewDelegateTag(delegateSymbol.Name)
GenerateType(eventType, implicit:=True, assemblyQualify:=True)
If delegateExpression.Kind() = SyntaxKind.IdentifierName Then
ElseIf delegateExpression.Kind() = SyntaxKind.SimpleMemberAccessExpression
Dim memberAccess = DirectCast(delegateExpression, MemberAccessExpressionSyntax)
If Not TryGenerateExpression(memberAccess.GetExpressionOfMemberAccessExpression(), generateAttributes:=True) Then
Return False
End If
End If
GenerateType(delegateSymbol.ContainingType, implicit:=True, assemblyQualify:=True)
Return True
End Using
End Function
Public Shared Function Generate(methodBlock As MethodBlockBaseSyntax, semanticModel As SemanticModel) As String
Dim symbol = semanticModel.GetDeclaredSymbol(methodBlock)
Dim builder = New MethodXmlBuilder(symbol, semanticModel)
Return builder.ToString()
End Function
End Class
End Namespace