43 writes to Name
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests (43)
CodeModel\CSharp\CodeClassTests.vb (19)
2298Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 2318Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 2341Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "Goo"}) 2366Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 2392Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 2418Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 2444Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "y"}) 2467Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = 0}) 2490Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = -1}) 2514Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 2538Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 2562Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "y"}) 2582Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic}) 2603Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPrivate}) 2624Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProject}) 2645Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProjectOrProtected}) 2666Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProtected}) 2693Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "j", .Type = EnvDTE.vsCMTypeRef.vsCMTypeRefInt, .Position = "i"}) 2716Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "j", .Type = EnvDTE.vsCMTypeRef.vsCMTypeRefInt, .Position = "i"})
CodeModel\VisualBasic\CodeClassTests.vb (24)
1056Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1073Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1089Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1108Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1129Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1151Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32"}) 1174Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "Goo"}) 1195Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "Goo"}) 1220Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1246Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1272Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1298Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1324Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "y"}) 1347Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = 0}) 1370Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = -1}) 1392Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1414Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "x"}) 1436Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Position = "y"}) 1454Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPublic}) 1473Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessPrivate}) 1493Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProject}) 1513Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProjectOrProtected}) 1533Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "i", .Type = "System.Int32", .Access = EnvDTE.vsCMAccess.vsCMAccessProtected}) 1554Await TestAddVariable(code, expected, New VariableData With {.Name = "j", .Type = EnvDTE.vsCMTypeRef.vsCMTypeRefInt, .Position = "i"})
3 references to Name
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests (3)
CodeModel\AbstractCodeClassTests.vb (1)
149Return codeElement.AddVariable(data.Name, data.Type, data.Position, data.Access, data.Location)
CodeModel\AbstractCodeElementTests`1.vb (1)
792Assert.Equal(data.Name, variable.Name)
CodeModel\AbstractFileCodeModelTests.vb (1)
162fileCodeModel.AddVariable(data.Name, data.Type, data.Position, data.Access)