8 writes to Namespace
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests (8)
CodeModel\CSharp\FileCodeModelTests.vb (4)
605Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System"}) 626Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System", .Alias = "S"}) 650Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System"}) 674Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System", .Position = -1})
CodeModel\VisualBasic\FileCodeModelTests.vb (4)
589Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System"}) 607Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System", .Alias = "S"}) 629Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System"}) 651Await TestAddImport(code, expected, New ImportData With {.[Namespace] = "System", .Position = -1})
2 references to Namespace
Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests (2)
CodeModel\AbstractFileCodeModelTests.vb (2)
120Dim newImport = fileCodeModel.AddImport(data.Namespace, data.Position, data.Alias) 122Assert.Equal(data.Namespace, newImport.Namespace)