' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Threading.Tasks
Imports EnvDTE
Imports EnvDTE80
Imports Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.Implementation.CodeModel.Interop
Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests.CodeModel
Public MustInherit Class AbstractCodeParameterTests
Inherits AbstractCodeElementTests(Of EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2)
Protected Overrides Function GetComment(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As String
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
Protected Function GetDefaultValueSetter(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Action(Of String)
Return Sub(defaultValue) codeElement.DefaultValue = defaultValue
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetDocComment(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As String
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetEndPointFunc(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Func(Of EnvDTE.vsCMPart, EnvDTE.TextPoint)
Return Function(part) codeElement.GetEndPoint(part)
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetFullName(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As String
Return codeElement.FullName
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetKind(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As EnvDTE.vsCMElement
Return codeElement.Kind
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetName(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As String
Return codeElement.Name
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetNameSetter(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Action(Of String)
Throw New NotImplementedException()
End Function
Protected Function GetParameterKindSetter(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Action(Of EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind)
Return Sub(kind) codeElement.ParameterKind = kind
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetParent(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Object
Return codeElement.Parent
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetStartPointFunc(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Func(Of EnvDTE.vsCMPart, EnvDTE.TextPoint)
Return Function(part) codeElement.GetStartPoint(part)
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetTypeProp(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As EnvDTE.CodeTypeRef
Return codeElement.Type
End Function
Protected Overrides Function GetTypePropSetter(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2) As Action(Of EnvDTE.CodeTypeRef)
Return Sub(value) codeElement.Type = value
End Function
Protected Overrides Function AddAttribute(codeElement As EnvDTE80.CodeParameter2, data As AttributeData) As EnvDTE.CodeAttribute
Return codeElement.AddAttribute(data.Name, data.Value, data.Position)
End Function
Protected Sub TestParameterKind(code As XElement, kind As EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind)
Assert.Equal(kind, codeElement.ParameterKind)
End Sub)
End Sub
Protected Sub TestDefaultValue(code As XElement, expectedValue As String)
Assert.Equal(expectedValue, codeElement.DefaultValue)
End Sub)
End Sub
Protected Async Function TestSetParameterKind(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, kind As EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind) As Task
Await TestSetParameterKind(code, expectedCode, kind, NoThrow(Of EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind)())
End Function
Protected Async Function TestSetParameterKind(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, kind As EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind, action As SetterAction(Of EnvDTE80.vsCMParameterKind)) As Task
Await TestElementUpdate(code, expectedCode,
Dim parameterKindSetter = GetParameterKindSetter(codeElement)
action(kind, parameterKindSetter)
End Sub)
End Function
Protected Async Function TestSetDefaultValue(code As XElement, expected As XElement, defaultValue As String) As Task
Await TestSetDefaultValue(code, expected, defaultValue, NoThrow(Of String)())
End Function
Protected Async Function TestSetDefaultValue(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, defaultValue As String, action As SetterAction(Of String)) As Task
Await TestElementUpdate(code, expectedCode,
Dim defaultValueSetter = GetDefaultValueSetter(codeElement)
action(defaultValue, defaultValueSetter)
End Sub)
End Function
Friend Sub TestGetParameterPassingMode(code As XElement, expected As PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE)
Dim parameterKind = TryCast(codeElement, IParameterKind)
Dim actual = parameterKind.GetParameterPassingMode()
Assert.Equal(expected, actual)
End Sub)
End Sub
Friend Async Function TestSetParameterPassingMode(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, passingMode As PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE) As Task
Await TestSetParameterPassingMode(code, expectedCode, passingMode, NoThrow(Of PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE)())
End Function
Friend Async Function TestSetParameterPassingMode(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, passingMode As PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE, action As SetterAction(Of PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE)) As Task
Await TestElementUpdate(code, expectedCode,
Dim setter = Sub(mode As PARAMETER_PASSING_MODE)
Dim parameterKind = TryCast(codeElement, IParameterKind)
End Sub
action(passingMode, setter)
End Sub)
End Function
Friend Sub TestGetParameterArrayCount(code As XElement, expected As Integer)
Dim parameterKind = TryCast(codeElement, IParameterKind)
Dim actual = parameterKind.GetParameterArrayCount()
Assert.Equal(expected, actual)
End Sub)
End Sub
Friend Sub TestGetParameterArrayDimensions(code As XElement, index As Integer, expected As Integer)
Dim parameterKind = TryCast(codeElement, IParameterKind)
Dim actual = parameterKind.GetParameterArrayDimensions(index)
Assert.Equal(expected, actual)
End Sub)
End Sub
Friend Async Function TestSetParameterArrayDimensions(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, dimensions As Integer) As Task
Await TestSetParameterArrayDimensions(code, expectedCode, dimensions, NoThrow(Of Integer)())
End Function
Friend Async Function TestSetParameterArrayDimensions(code As XElement, expectedCode As XElement, dimensions As Integer, action As SetterAction(Of Integer)) As Task
Await TestElementUpdate(code, expectedCode,
Dim setter = Sub(d As Integer)
Dim parameterKind = TryCast(codeElement, IParameterKind)
End Sub
action(dimensions, setter)
End Sub)
End Function
End Class
End Namespace