' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
' See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
Imports System.Globalization
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Xml
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
Imports Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Test.Utilities
Imports Moq
Imports Roslyn.Utilities
Namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.LanguageServices.UnitTests.Diagnostics
Public Class MockExtensionManager
Private ReadOnly _contentType As String
Private ReadOnly _extensions As (Paths As String(), Id As String)()
Public Sub New(Optional extensions As (Paths As String(), Id As String)() = Nothing,
Optional contentType As String = "Microsoft.VisualStudio.Analyzer")
_contentType = contentType
_extensions = If(extensions, Array.Empty(Of (Paths As String(), Id As String)))
End Sub
Public Iterator Function GetEnabledExtensions(contentTypeName As String) As IEnumerable(Of Object)
Assert.Equal(_contentType, contentTypeName)
For Each extension In _extensions
For Each extensionPath In extension.Paths
Dim installedExtensionMock As New Mock(Of IMockInstalledExtension)(MockBehavior.Strict)
installedExtensionMock.SetupGet(Function(m) m.Content).Returns(
New MockContent() {
New MockContent(_contentType, extensionPath)
installedExtensionMock.Setup(Function(m) m.GetContentLocation(It.IsAny(Of MockContent))).Returns(
Function(content As MockContent)
If content.RelativePath.IndexOf("$RootFolder$") >= 0 Then
Return content.RelativePath.Replace("$RootFolder$", Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, "ResolvedRootFolder"))
ElseIf content.RelativePath.IndexOf("$ShellFolder$") >= 0 Then
Return content.RelativePath.Replace("$ShellFolder$", Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, "ResolvedShellFolder"))
Return Path.Combine(TempRoot.Root, "InstallPath", content.RelativePath)
End If
End Function)
Dim headerMock As New Mock(Of IMockHeader)(MockBehavior.Strict)
headerMock.SetupGet(Function(h) h.Identifier).Returns(extension.Id)
installedExtensionMock.SetupGet(Function(m) m.Header).Returns(headerMock.Object)
Yield installedExtensionMock.Object
End Function
Public Interface IMockInstalledExtension
ReadOnly Property Content As IEnumerable(Of MockContent)
Function GetContentLocation(content As MockContent) As String
ReadOnly Property Header As IMockHeader
End Interface
Public Interface IMockHeader
ReadOnly Property Identifier As String
End Interface
Public Class MockContent
Private ReadOnly _contentType As String
Private ReadOnly _path As String
Public Sub New(contentType As String, path As String)
_contentType = contentType
_path = path
End Sub
Public ReadOnly Property ContentTypeName As String
Return _contentType
End Get
End Property
Public ReadOnly Property RelativePath As String
Return _path
End Get
End Property
End Class
End Class
End Namespace