File: TestTraceListener.cs
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Project: src\src\VisualStudio\IntegrationTest\TestSetup\Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegrationTest.Setup.csproj (Microsoft.VisualStudio.IntegrationTest.Setup)
// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
// See the LICENSE file in the project root for more information.
using System;
using System.Collections.Immutable;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.ExceptionServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.ErrorReporting
    internal class TestTraceListener : TraceListener
        private ImmutableList<Exception> _failures = [];
        public static TestTraceListener Instance { get; } = new();
        public override void Fail(string? message, string? detailMessage)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
                Exit("Assertion failed");
            else if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(detailMessage))
                Exit(message + " " + detailMessage);
        public override void Write(object? o)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, null, o?.ToString());
        public override void Write(object? o, string? category)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, category, o?.ToString());
        public override void Write(string? message)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, null, message);
        public override void Write(string? message, string? category)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, category, message);
        public override void WriteLine(object? o)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, null, o?.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
        public override void WriteLine(object? o, string? category)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, category, o?.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
        public override void WriteLine(string? message)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, null, message + Environment.NewLine);
        public override void WriteLine(string? message, string? category)
            if (Debugger.IsLogging())
                Debugger.Log(0, category, message + Environment.NewLine);
        private static void Exit(string? message)
            var reportedException = new Exception(message);
                // Set stack trace on the exception for logging
            catch (Exception ex)
                reportedException = ex;
            if (message?.Contains("Pretty-listing introduced errors in error-free code") ?? false)
                // Ignore this known assertion failure
                FatalError.ReportAndCatch(reportedException, ErrorSeverity.Critical);
            FatalError.ReportAndPropagate(reportedException, ErrorSeverity.Critical);
        public void AddException(Exception exception)
            ImmutableInterlocked.Update(ref _failures, static (failures, exception) => failures.Add(exception), exception);
        public void VerifyNoErrorsAndReset()
            var failures = Interlocked.Exchange(ref _failures, []);
            if (!failures.IsEmpty)
                throw new AggregateException(failures);
        internal static void Install()