16 references to AudioPlayMode
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Forms (16)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Devices\Audio.vb (16)
25''' Validates that the value being passed as an <see cref="AudioPlayMode"/> enum is a legal value. 28Private Shared Sub ValidateAudioPlayModeEnum(value As AudioPlayMode, paramName As String) 29If value < AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete OrElse value > AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop Then 30Throw New ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException(paramName, value, GetType(AudioPlayMode)) 51''' Plays the passed in <see cref="Media.SoundPlayer"/> in the passed in <see cref="AudioPlayMode"/>. 55Private Sub Play(sound As Media.SoundPlayer, mode As AudioPlayMode) 66Case AudioPlayMode.WaitToComplete 68Case AudioPlayMode.Background 70Case AudioPlayMode.BackgroundLoop 91Play(location, AudioPlayMode.Background) 99''' An enum value representing the <see cref="AudioPlayMode"/> Background (async), 102Public Sub Play(location As String, playMode As AudioPlayMode) 115Public Sub Play(data() As Byte, playMode As AudioPlayMode) 127''' Plays a <see cref="Stream"/> representation of a .wav file in the passed in <see cref="AudioPlayMode"/>. 132Public Sub Play(stream As Stream, playMode As AudioPlayMode)