2 writes to m_curException
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (2)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\ErrObject.vb (2)
249m_curException = Nothing 359m_curException = ex
13 references to m_curException
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (13)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\ErrObject.vb (13)
49If Not m_curException Is Nothing Then 50Me.Number = MapExceptionToNumber(m_curException) 72If Not m_curException Is Nothing Then 73Me.Source = m_curException.Source 104If m_curException Is Nothing Then 129If Not m_curException Is Nothing Then 130Me.Description = FilterDefaultMessage(m_curException.Message) 151If Not m_curException Is Nothing Then 152ParseHelpLink(m_curException.HelpLink) 220If Not m_curException Is Nothing Then 221ParseHelpLink(m_curException.HelpLink) 241Return m_curException 353If ex IsNot m_curException Then