2 instantiations of Node
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (2)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Collection.vb (2)
47Dim newNode As Node = New Node(Key, Item) 672Dim newNode As New Node(Nothing, value)
49 references to Node
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (49)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Collection.vb (46)
19Private m_KeyedNodesHash As Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Node) 'Hashtable mapping key (string) -> Node, contains only items added to the collection with a key 47Dim newNode As Node = New Node(Key, Item) 74Dim BeforeNode As Node = Nothing 89Dim AfterNode As Node = Nothing 154Dim node As Node = Nothing 177Dim node As Node = m_ItemsList.RemoveAt(Index - 1) '0 based 196Dim node As Node = m_ItemsList.Item(Index - 1) 209Dim node As Node = Nothing 281Friend Function GetFirstListNode() As Node 294Friend m_Next As Node 'Doubly-linked list pointer to the next node 295Friend m_Prev As Node 'Doubly-linked list pointer to the previous node 323Dim newNode As Node = m_InstanceBeingWatched.InternalItemsList.Item(Index - 1) 340m_KeyedNodesHash = New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Node)(StartingHashCapacity, StringComparer.Create(CultureInfo, ignoreCase:=True)) 342m_KeyedNodesHash = New Generic.Dictionary(Of String, Node)(StringComparer.Create(CultureInfo, ignoreCase:=True)) 350Private m_StartOfList As Node 351Private m_EndOfList As Node 358Friend Sub Add(ByVal Node As Node) 371Dim currentNode As Node = m_StartOfList 384Friend Sub RemoveNode(ByVal NodeToBeDeleted As Node) 391Friend Function RemoveAt(ByVal Index As Integer) As Node 392Dim currentNode As Node = m_StartOfList 394Dim prevNode As Node = Nothing 421Friend ReadOnly Property Item(ByVal Index As Integer) As Node 423Dim node As Node = GetNodeAtIndex(Index) 431Friend Sub Insert(ByVal Index As Integer, ByVal Node As Node) 432Dim prevNode As Node = Nothing 441Dim nodeAtIndex As Node = GetNodeAtIndex(Index, prevNode) 'Note: PrevNode passed ByRef 447Friend Sub InsertBefore(ByVal Node As Node, ByVal NodeToInsertBefore As Node) 455Friend Sub InsertAfter(ByVal Node As Node, ByVal NodeToInsertAfter As Node) 461Friend Function GetFirstListNode() As Node 477Private Function GetNodeAtIndex(ByVal Index As Integer, Optional ByRef PrevNode As Node = Nothing) As Node 478Dim currentNode As Node = m_StartOfList 492Private Sub Insert(ByVal Node As Node, ByVal PrevNode As Node, ByVal CurrentNode As Node) 513Private Sub DeleteNode(ByVal NodeToBeDeleted As Node, ByVal PrevNode As Node) 562Private Sub AdjustEnumeratorsOnNodeInserted(ByVal NewNode As Node) 566Private Sub AdjustEnumeratorsOnNodeRemoved(ByVal RemovedNode As Node) 570Private Sub AdjustEnumeratorsHelper(ByVal NewOrRemovedNode As Node, ByVal Type As ForEachEnum.AdjustIndexType) 680Dim node As Node = m_ItemsList.RemoveAt(index) '0 based 707Dim node As Node 714Dim node As Node = m_ItemsList.Item(index)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\Helpers\ForEachEnum.vb (3)
29Private mCurrent As Collection.Node 33Private mNext As Collection.Node 116Public Sub Adjust(ByVal Node As Collection.Node, ByVal Type As AdjustIndexType)