2 writes to _type
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (2)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\CompilerServices\Symbols.vb (2)
788_type = instance.GetType 800_type = type
12 references to _type
Microsoft.VisualBasic.Core (12)
Microsoft\VisualBasic\CompilerServices\Symbols.vb (12)
809Dim curType As Type = _type 828Return _type.IsCOMObject 834Return Utils.VBFriendlyName(_type, _instance) 840Return IsArrayType(_type) AndAlso _instance IsNot Nothing 846Return Symbols.IsValueType(_type) AndAlso _instance IsNot Nothing 941For Each implemented As Type In _type.GetInterfaces() 962If IsGenericParameter(_type) Then 968Dim classConstraint As Type = GetClassConstraint(_type) 975result = Enumerable.ToArray(_type.GetMember(memberName, s_defaultLookupFlags)) 1005For Each implemented As Type In _type.GetInterfaces() 1066result = Me.LookupDefaultMembers(memberName, _type) 'MemberName is set during this call. 1212Dim elementType As Type = _type.GetElementType