' Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
' The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
Option Strict On
Imports System
Imports System.ComponentModel
Imports System.Diagnostics
Imports System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis
Imports System.Runtime.CompilerServices
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Symbols
Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices.Utils
Namespace Microsoft.VisualBasic.CompilerServices
' Implements Object operators
Public NotInheritable Class Operators
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroDouble As Object = 0.0R
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroSinge As Object = 0.0F
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroDecimal As Object = CDec(0)
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroLong As Object = 0L
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroInteger As Object = 0I
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroShort As Object = 0S
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroULong As Object = 0UL
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroUInteger As Object = 0UI
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroUShort As Object = 0US
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroSByte As Object = CSByte(0)
Friend Shared ReadOnly Boxed_ZeroByte As Object = CByte(0)
Private Sub New()
End Sub
Private Const s_TCMAX As Integer = TypeCode.String + 1
Private Const OperatorsTrimMessage As String = "The object types cannot be statically analyzed so their operators may be trimmed"
Private Shared Function ToVBBool(ByVal conv As Object) As SByte
Return CSByte(Convert.ToBoolean(conv))
End Function
Private Shared Function GetTypeCode(ByVal o As Object) As TypeCode
If o Is Nothing Then
Return TypeCode.Empty
Return o.GetType.GetTypeCode
End If
End Function
'This function determines the enum result type of And, Or, Xor operations.
'If the type of Left and Right are the same enum type, then return that type, otherwise if
'one is an enum and the other is Nothing, return that type, otherwise return Nothing.
Private Shared Function GetEnumResult(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Type
Debug.Assert(left Is Nothing OrElse right Is Nothing OrElse left.GetType.GetTypeCode = right.GetType.GetTypeCode,
"Expected identical type codes for checking enum result")
If left IsNot Nothing Then
If TypeOf left Is System.Enum Then
If right Is Nothing Then
Return left.GetType
ElseIf TypeOf right Is System.Enum Then
Dim leftType As Type = left.GetType
If leftType Is right.GetType Then
Return leftType
End If
End If
End If
ElseIf TypeOf right Is System.Enum Then
Return right.GetType
End If
Return Nothing
End Function
Private Shared Function GetNoValidOperatorException(ByVal op As UserDefinedOperator, ByVal operand As Object) As Exception
Return New InvalidCastException(SR.Format(SR.UnaryOperand2, OperatorNames(op), VBFriendlyName(operand)))
End Function
Private Shared Function GetNoValidOperatorException(ByVal op As UserDefinedOperator, ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Exception
Const maxInsertionSize As Integer = 32
Dim substitution1 As String
Dim substitution2 As String
If left Is Nothing Then
substitution1 = "'Nothing'"
Dim leftString As String = TryCast(left, String)
If leftString IsNot Nothing Then
substitution1 =
SR.Format(SR.NoValidOperator_StringType1, Strings.Left(leftString, maxInsertionSize))
substitution1 = SR.Format(SR.NoValidOperator_NonStringType1, VBFriendlyName(left))
End If
End If
If right Is Nothing Then
substitution2 = "'Nothing'"
Dim rightString As String = TryCast(right, String)
If rightString IsNot Nothing Then
substitution2 =
SR.Format(SR.NoValidOperator_StringType1, Strings.Left(rightString, maxInsertionSize))
substitution2 = SR.Format(SR.NoValidOperator_NonStringType1, VBFriendlyName(right))
End If
End If
Return New InvalidCastException(SR.Format(SR.BinaryOperands3, OperatorNames(op), substitution1, substitution2))
End Function
#Region " Comparison Operators = <> < <= > >= "
Private Enum CompareClass
Less = -1
Equal = 0
Greater = 1
End Enum
Public Shared Function CompareObjectEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Equal, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Equal, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison = 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Equal, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Equal, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison = 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function CompareObjectNotEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return True
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.NotEqual, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.NotEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison <> 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectNotEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return True
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.NotEqual, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.NotEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison <> 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function CompareObjectLess(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Less, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Less, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison < 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectLess(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Less, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Less, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison < 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function CompareObjectLessEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.LessEqual, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.LessEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison <= 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectLessEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.LessEqual, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.LessEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison <= 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function CompareObjectGreaterEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.GreaterEqual, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.GreaterEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison >= 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectGreaterEqual(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.GreaterEqual, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.GreaterEqual, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison >= 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function CompareObjectGreater(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Object
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Greater, Left, Right)
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Greater, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison > 0
End Select
End Function
Public Shared Function ConditionalCompareObjectGreater(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Boolean
Dim comparison As CompareClass = CompareObject2(Left, Right, TextCompare)
Select Case comparison
Case CompareClass.Unordered
Return False
Case CompareClass.UserDefined
Return CBool(InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Greater, Left, Right))
Case CompareClass.Undefined
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Greater, Left, Right)
Case Else
Debug.Assert(comparison = CompareClass.Less OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Equal OrElse
comparison = CompareClass.Greater)
Return comparison > 0
End Select
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareObject2(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object, ByVal textCompare As Boolean) As CompareClass
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(right)
'Special cases for Char()
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object Then
Dim leftCharArray As Char() = TryCast(left, Char())
If leftCharArray IsNot Nothing Then
If tc2 = TypeCode.String OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Empty OrElse ((tc2 = TypeCode.Object) AndAlso (TypeOf right Is Char())) Then
'Treat Char() as String for these cases
left = CStr(leftCharArray)
tc1 = TypeCode.String
End If
End If
End If
If (tc2 = TypeCode.Object) Then
Dim rightCharArray As Char() = TryCast(right, Char())
If rightCharArray IsNot Nothing Then
If tc1 = TypeCode.String OrElse tc1 = TypeCode.Empty Then
right = CStr(rightCharArray)
tc2 = TypeCode.String
End If
End If
End If
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return 0
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareBoolean(Nothing, Convert.ToBoolean(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return CompareInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToSByte(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return CompareInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToByte(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return CompareInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt16(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return CompareInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt16(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return CompareInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt32(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return CompareUInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt32(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return CompareInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return CompareUInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt64(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return CompareDecimal(0D, right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return CompareSingle(Nothing, Convert.ToSingle(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return CompareDouble(Nothing, Convert.ToDouble(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return CompareDate(Nothing, Convert.ToDateTime(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char
Return CompareChar(Nothing, Convert.ToChar(right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return CType(CompareString(Nothing, Convert.ToString(right), textCompare), CompareClass)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(left), Convert.ToBoolean(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return CompareInt32(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToSByte(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return CompareInt32(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToInt16(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return CompareInt32(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToInt32(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return CompareInt64(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToInt64(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return CompareDecimal(ToVBBool(left), right)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return CompareSingle(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToSingle(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return CompareDouble(ToVBBool(left), Convert.ToDouble(right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return CompareBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(left), CBool(Convert.ToString(right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToSByte(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToSByte(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToSByte(left), Convert.ToSByte(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt16(left), Convert.ToInt16(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt32(left), Convert.ToInt32(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return CompareInt64(Convert.ToInt64(left), Convert.ToInt64(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return CompareDecimal(left, right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return CompareSingle(Convert.ToSingle(left), Convert.ToSingle(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return CompareDouble(Convert.ToDouble(left), Convert.ToDouble(right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return CompareDouble(Convert.ToDouble(left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToByte(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt16(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToByte(left), Convert.ToByte(right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToUInt16(left), Convert.ToUInt16(right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return CompareUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(left), Convert.ToUInt32(right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return CompareUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(left), Convert.ToUInt64(right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt16(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt16(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToUInt16(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt32(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt32(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt32(Convert.ToInt32(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt64(Convert.ToInt64(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareInt64(Convert.ToInt64(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareInt64(Convert.ToInt64(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareDecimal(left, ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareDecimal(left, 0D)
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareDecimal(left, ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareSingle(Convert.ToSingle(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareSingle(Convert.ToSingle(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareDouble(Convert.ToDouble(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareDouble(Convert.ToDouble(left), ToVBBool(right))
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareDate(Convert.ToDateTime(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return CompareDate(Convert.ToDateTime(left), Convert.ToDateTime(right))
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return CompareDate(Convert.ToDateTime(left), CDate(Convert.ToString(right)))
Case TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CompareChar(Convert.ToChar(left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char
Return CompareChar(Convert.ToChar(left), Convert.ToChar(right))
Case TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return CType(CompareString(Convert.ToString(left), Convert.ToString(right), textCompare), CompareClass)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CType(CompareString(Convert.ToString(left), Nothing, textCompare), CompareClass)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return CompareBoolean(CBool(Convert.ToString(left)), Convert.ToBoolean(right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return CompareDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(left)), Convert.ToDouble(right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return CompareDate(CDate(Convert.ToString(left)), Convert.ToDateTime(right))
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return CompareClass.UserDefined
End If
Return CompareClass.Undefined
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareBoolean(ByVal left As Boolean, ByVal right As Boolean) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
'This function takes IConvertible because the JIT does not behave properly with Decimal temps
Private Shared Function CompareDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As CompareClass
Dim result As Integer = System.Decimal.Compare(Convert.ToDecimal(left), Convert.ToDecimal(right))
'Normalize the result.
If result = 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
ElseIf result > 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareSingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left < right Then Return CompareClass.Less
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Unordered
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left < right Then Return CompareClass.Less
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Unordered
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareDate(ByVal left As Date, ByVal right As Date) As CompareClass
Dim result As Integer = System.DateTime.Compare(left, right)
'Normalize the result.
If result = 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
ElseIf result > 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function CompareChar(ByVal left As Char, ByVal right As Char) As CompareClass
If left = right Then Return CompareClass.Equal
If left > right Then Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End Function
'String comparisons occur often enough that maybe the TextCompare should be broken out into two members that the compiler statically selects
Public Shared Function CompareString(ByVal Left As String, ByVal Right As String, ByVal TextCompare As Boolean) As Integer
If Left Is Right Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
End If
If Left Is Nothing Then
If Right.Length() = 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
End If
Return CompareClass.Less
End If
If Right Is Nothing Then
If Left.Length() = 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
End If
Return CompareClass.Greater
End If
Dim result As Integer
If TextCompare Then
result = GetCultureInfo().CompareInfo.Compare(Left, Right, OptionCompareTextFlags)
result = System.String.CompareOrdinal(Left, Right)
End If
'Normalize the result.
If result = 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Equal
ElseIf result > 0 Then
Return CompareClass.Greater
Return CompareClass.Less
End If
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Unary Plus + "
Public Shared Function PlusObject(ByVal Operand As Object) As Object
Dim typ As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Operand)
Select Case typ
Case TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Boolean
Return CShort(Convert.ToBoolean(Operand))
Case TypeCode.SByte
Return Convert.ToSByte(Operand)
Case TypeCode.Byte
Return Convert.ToByte(Operand)
Case TypeCode.Int16
Return Convert.ToInt16(Operand)
Case TypeCode.UInt16
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Operand)
Case TypeCode.Int32
Return Convert.ToInt32(Operand)
Case TypeCode.UInt32
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Operand)
Case TypeCode.Int64
Return Convert.ToInt64(Operand)
Case TypeCode.UInt64
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Operand)
Case TypeCode.Decimal,
Return Operand
Case TypeCode.DateTime,
' Fall through to error
Case TypeCode.String
Return CDbl(Convert.ToString(Operand))
Case TypeCode.Object
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.UnaryPlus, Operand)
Case Else
' Fall through to error
End Select
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.UnaryPlus, Operand)
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Negate - "
Public Shared Function NegateObject(ByVal Operand As Object) As Object
Dim tc As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Operand)
Select Case tc
Case TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Boolean
If TypeOf Operand Is Boolean Then
Return NegateBoolean(DirectCast(Operand, Boolean))
Return NegateBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.SByte
If TypeOf Operand Is SByte Then
Return NegateSByte(DirectCast(Operand, SByte))
Return NegateSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Byte
If TypeOf Operand Is Byte Then
Return NegateByte(DirectCast(Operand, Byte))
Return NegateByte(Convert.ToByte(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Int16
If TypeOf Operand Is Int16 Then
Return NegateInt16(DirectCast(Operand, Int16))
Return NegateInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.UInt16
If TypeOf Operand Is UInt16 Then
Return NegateUInt16(DirectCast(Operand, UInt16))
Return NegateUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Int32
If TypeOf Operand Is Int32 Then
Return NegateInt32(DirectCast(Operand, Int32))
Return NegateInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.UInt32
If TypeOf Operand Is UInt32 Then
Return NegateUInt32(DirectCast(Operand, UInt32))
Return NegateUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Int64
If TypeOf Operand Is Int64 Then
Return NegateInt64(DirectCast(Operand, Int64))
Return NegateInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.UInt64
If TypeOf Operand Is UInt64 Then
Return NegateUInt64(DirectCast(Operand, UInt64))
Return NegateUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Decimal
If TypeOf Operand Is Decimal Then
Return NegateDecimal(DirectCast(Operand, Decimal))
Return NegateDecimal(Convert.ToDecimal(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Single
If TypeOf Operand Is Single Then
Return NegateSingle(DirectCast(Operand, Single))
Return NegateSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Double
If TypeOf Operand Is Double Then
Return NegateDouble(DirectCast(Operand, Double))
Return NegateDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.DateTime,
'Fall through to error.
Case TypeCode.String
Dim stringOperand As String = TryCast(Operand, String)
If stringOperand IsNot Nothing Then
Return NegateString(stringOperand)
Return NegateString(Convert.ToString(Operand))
End If
Case TypeCode.Object
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Negate, Operand)
Case Else
'Fall through to error.
End Select
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Negate, Operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateBoolean(ByVal operand As Boolean) As Object
Return -CShort(operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateSByte(ByVal operand As SByte) As Object
If operand = SByte.MinValue Then
Return -CShort(SByte.MinValue)
End If
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateByte(ByVal operand As Byte) As Object
Return -CShort(operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateInt16(ByVal operand As Int16) As Object
If operand = Int16.MinValue Then
Return -CInt(Int16.MinValue)
End If
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateUInt16(ByVal operand As UInt16) As Object
Return -CInt(operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateInt32(ByVal operand As Int32) As Object
If operand = Int32.MinValue Then
Return -CLng(Int32.MinValue)
End If
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateUInt32(ByVal operand As UInt32) As Object
Return -CLng(operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateInt64(ByVal operand As Int64) As Object
If operand = Int64.MinValue Then
Return -CDec(Int64.MinValue)
End If
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateUInt64(ByVal operand As UInt64) As Object
Return -CDec(operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateDecimal(ByVal operand As Decimal) As Object
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateSingle(ByVal operand As Single) As Object
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateDouble(ByVal operand As Double) As Object
Return -operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NegateString(ByVal operand As String) As Object
Return -CDbl(operand)
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Not "
Public Shared Function NotObject(ByVal Operand As Object) As Object
Dim tc As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Operand)
Select Case tc
Case TypeCode.Empty
Return Not 0I
Case TypeCode.Boolean
Return NotBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Operand))
Case TypeCode.SByte
Return NotSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.Byte
Return NotByte(Convert.ToByte(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.Int16
Return NotInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.UInt16
Return NotUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.Int32
Return NotInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.UInt32
Return NotUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.Int64
Return NotInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.UInt64
Return NotUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Operand), Operand.GetType())
Case TypeCode.Decimal,
Return NotInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Operand))
Case TypeCode.DateTime,
'Fall through to error.
Case TypeCode.String
Return NotInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Operand)))
Case TypeCode.Object
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Not, Operand)
Case Else
'Fall through to error.
End Select
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Not, Operand)
End Function
Private Shared Function NotBoolean(ByVal operand As Boolean) As Object
Return Not operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NotSByte(ByVal operand As SByte, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As SByte = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotByte(ByVal operand As Byte, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As Byte = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotInt16(ByVal operand As Int16, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As Int16 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotUInt16(ByVal operand As UInt16, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As UInt16 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotInt32(ByVal operand As Int32, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As Int32 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotUInt32(ByVal operand As UInt32, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As UInt32 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotInt64(ByVal operand As Int64) As Object
Return Not operand
End Function
Private Shared Function NotInt64(ByVal operand As Int64, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As Int64 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function NotUInt64(ByVal operand As UInt64, ByVal operandType As Type) As Object
Dim result As UInt64 = Not operand
If operandType.IsEnum Then
Return System.Enum.ToObject(operandType, result)
End If
Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator And "
Public Shared Function AndObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return False
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndSByte(CSByte(0), CSByte(0), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndByte(CByte(0), CByte(0), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndInt16(0S, 0S, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndUInt16(0US, 0US, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndInt32(0I, 0I, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndUInt32(0UI, 0UI, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndInt64(0L, 0L, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndUInt64(0UL, 0UL, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AndInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AndInt64(Nothing, CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return AndSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return AndInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return AndInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AndInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AndBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), CBool(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return AndSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return AndInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return AndInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AndInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AndInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return AndByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return AndUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return AndUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return AndUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return AndInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return AndUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return AndInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return AndUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return AndInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return AndUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AndInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AndBoolean(CBool(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AndInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AndInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.And, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.And, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function AndBoolean(ByVal left As Boolean, ByVal right As Boolean) As Object
Return left And right
End Function
Private Shared Function AndSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As SByte = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Byte = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int16 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt16 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int32 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt32 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int64 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function AndUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt64 = left And right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Or "
Public Shared Function OrObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrBoolean(Nothing, Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return Right
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return OrInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return OrInt64(Nothing, CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return OrBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return OrSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return OrInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return OrInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return OrInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return OrBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), CBool(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Left
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return OrSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return OrInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return OrInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return OrInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return OrInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return OrByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return OrUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return OrUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return OrUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return OrInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return OrUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return OrInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return OrUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return OrInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return OrUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return OrInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return OrInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return OrBoolean(CBool(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return OrInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return OrInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Or, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Or, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function OrBoolean(ByVal left As Boolean, ByVal right As Boolean) As Object
Return left Or right
End Function
Private Shared Function OrSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As SByte = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Byte = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int16 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt16 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int32 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt32 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int64 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function OrUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt64 = left Or right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Xor "
Public Shared Function XorObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorBoolean(Nothing, Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return XorSByte(Nothing, Convert.ToSByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return XorByte(Nothing, Convert.ToByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return XorInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return XorUInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return XorInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return XorUInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return XorInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return XorUInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return XorInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return XorInt64(Nothing, CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return XorSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return XorInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return XorInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return XorInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return XorBoolean(Convert.ToBoolean(Left), CBool(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return XorSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return XorInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return XorInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return XorByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return XorUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return XorUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return XorUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return XorInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return XorUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return XorInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return XorUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Nothing, GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return XorUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right), GetEnumResult(Left, Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return XorInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return XorBoolean(CBool(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToBoolean(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return XorInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return XorInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Xor, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Xor, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function XorBoolean(ByVal left As Boolean, ByVal right As Boolean) As Object
Return left Xor right
End Function
Private Shared Function XorSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As SByte = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Byte = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int16 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt16 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int32 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt32 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As Int64 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
Private Shared Function XorUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64, Optional ByVal enumType As Type = Nothing) As Object
Dim result As UInt64 = left Xor right
If enumType IsNot Nothing Then Return System.Enum.ToObject(enumType, result)
Return result
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Plus + "
Public Shared Function AddObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
'Special cases for Char()
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object Then
Dim leftCharArray As Char() = TryCast(Left, Char())
If leftCharArray IsNot Nothing Then
If tc2 = TypeCode.String OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Empty OrElse ((tc2 = TypeCode.Object) AndAlso (TypeOf Right Is Char())) Then
'Treat Char() as String for these cases
Left = CStr(leftCharArray)
tc1 = TypeCode.String
End If
End If
End If
If (tc2 = TypeCode.Object) Then
Dim rightCharArray As Char() = TryCast(Right, Char())
If rightCharArray IsNot Nothing Then
If tc1 = TypeCode.String OrElse tc1 = TypeCode.Empty Then
Right = CStr(rightCharArray)
tc2 = TypeCode.String
End If
End If
End If
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddInt16(Nothing, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return Convert.ToSByte(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return Convert.ToByte(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return Convert.ToInt16(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return Convert.ToInt32(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return Convert.ToInt64(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.DBNull * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return Right
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return AddString(CStr(CDate(Nothing)), CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char
Return AddString(ControlChars.NullChar, Convert.ToString(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AddInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddInt16(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return AddSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return AddInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return AddInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return AddInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return AddDecimal(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDecimal(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return AddSingle(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AddDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AddDouble(ToVBBool(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToSByte(Left)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return AddSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return AddInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return AddInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return AddInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return AddDecimal(Left, Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return AddSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AddDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AddDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToByte(Left)
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return AddByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return AddUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return AddUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return AddUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt16(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt32(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt64(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddDecimal(Left, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DBNull
Return Left
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AddString(CStr(CDate(Nothing)), CStr(CDate(Left)))
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return AddString(CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(Left)), CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(Right)))
Case TypeCode.DateTime * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AddString(CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(Left)), Convert.ToString(Right))
Case TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return AddString(Convert.ToString(Left), ControlChars.NullChar)
Case TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char,
TypeCode.Char * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Char
Return AddString(Convert.ToString(Left), Convert.ToString(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return AddDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return AddDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.DateTime
Return AddString(Convert.ToString(Left), CStr(Convert.ToDateTime(Right)))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return AddString(Convert.ToString(Left), Convert.ToString(Right))
Case Else
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Plus, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Plus, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function AddByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 510]
Dim result As Int16 = CShort(left) + CShort(right)
If result > Byte.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-256, 254]
Dim result As Int16 = CShort(left) + CShort(right)
If result > SByte.MaxValue OrElse result < SByte.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CSByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-65536, 65534]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) + CInt(right)
If result > Int16.MaxValue OrElse result < Int16.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 131070]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) + CInt(right)
If result > UInt16.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CUShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-4294967296, 4294967294]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) + CLng(right)
If result > Int32.MaxValue OrElse result < Int32.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 8589934590]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) + CLng(right)
If result > UInt32.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CUInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-18446744073709551616, 18446744073709551614]
Return left + right
Catch e As OverflowException
Return CDec(left) + CDec(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function AddUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 36893488147419103230]
Return left + right
Catch e As OverflowException
Return CDec(left) + CDec(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function AddDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Object
Dim leftValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(left)
Dim rightValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(right)
Return leftValue + rightValue
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDbl(leftValue) + CDbl(rightValue)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function AddSingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As Object
Dim result As Double = CDbl(left) + CDbl(right)
If ((result <= Single.MaxValue AndAlso result >= Single.MinValue)) Then
Return CSng(result)
ElseIf Double.IsInfinity(result) AndAlso (Single.IsInfinity(left) OrElse Single.IsInfinity(right)) Then
Return CSng(result)
Return result
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function AddDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As Object
Return left + right
End Function
Private Shared Function AddString(ByVal left As String, ByVal right As String) As Object
Return left & right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Minus - "
Public Shared Function SubtractObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractInt16(Nothing, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return SubtractSByte(Nothing, Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return SubtractByte(Nothing, Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return SubtractInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return SubtractUInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return SubtractInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return SubtractUInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return SubtractInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return SubtractUInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return SubtractDecimal(0D, Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return SubtractSingle(Nothing, Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return SubtractDouble(Nothing, Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return SubtractDouble(Nothing, CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return SubtractInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractInt16(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return SubtractSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return SubtractInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return SubtractInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return SubtractInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return SubtractDecimal(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDecimal(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return SubtractSingle(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return SubtractDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return SubtractDouble(ToVBBool(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToSByte(Left)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return SubtractSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return SubtractInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return SubtractInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return SubtractInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return SubtractDecimal(Left, Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return SubtractSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return SubtractDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return SubtractDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToByte(Left)
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return SubtractByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return SubtractUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return SubtractUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return SubtractUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt16(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt32(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToInt64(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Left)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractDecimal(Left, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Left
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return SubtractDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return SubtractDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return SubtractDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case Else
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object OrElse
(tc1 = TypeCode.DateTime AndAlso tc2 = TypeCode.DateTime) OrElse
(tc1 = TypeCode.DateTime AndAlso tc2 = TypeCode.Empty) OrElse
(tc1 = TypeCode.Empty AndAlso tc2 = TypeCode.DateTime) Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Minus, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Minus, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-255, 255]
Dim result As Int16 = CShort(left) - CShort(right)
If result < Byte.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-255, 255]
Dim result As Int16 = CShort(left) - CShort(right)
If result < SByte.MinValue OrElse result > SByte.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CSByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-65535, 65535]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) - CInt(right)
If result < Int16.MinValue OrElse result > Int16.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-65535, 65535]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) - CInt(right)
If result < UInt16.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CUShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-4294967295, 4294967295]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) - CLng(right)
If result < Int32.MinValue OrElse result > Int32.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-4294967295, 4294967295]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) - CLng(right)
If result < UInt32.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CUInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551615]
Return left - right
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDec(left) - CDec(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-18446744073709551615, 18446744073709551615]
Return left - right
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDec(left) - CDec(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Object
Dim leftValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(left)
Dim rightValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(right)
Return leftValue - rightValue
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDbl(leftValue) - CDbl(rightValue)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractSingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As Object
Dim result As Double = CDbl(left) - CDbl(right)
If ((result <= Single.MaxValue AndAlso result >= Single.MinValue)) Then
Return CSng(result)
ElseIf Double.IsInfinity(result) AndAlso (Single.IsInfinity(left) OrElse Single.IsInfinity(right)) Then
Return CSng(result)
Return result
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function SubtractDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As Object
Return left - right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Multiply * "
Public Shared Function MultiplyObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroShort
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroSByte
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroByte
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroUShort
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroUInteger
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroLong
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroULong
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroDecimal
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroSinge
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return Boxed_ZeroDouble
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return MultiplyDouble(Nothing, CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyInt16(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return MultiplySByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return MultiplyInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return MultiplyInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return MultiplyInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return MultiplyDecimal(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDecimal(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return MultiplySingle(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return MultiplyDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return MultiplyDouble(ToVBBool(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplySByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return MultiplySByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return MultiplyInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return MultiplyInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return MultiplyInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return MultiplyDecimal(Left, Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return MultiplySingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return MultiplyDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return MultiplyDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return MultiplyByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return MultiplyUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return MultiplyUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return MultiplyUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyDecimal(Left, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplySingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return MultiplyDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return MultiplyDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return MultiplyDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return MultiplyDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case Else
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Multiply, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Multiply, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 65025]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) * CInt(right)
If result > Byte.MaxValue Then
If result > Int16.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CShort(result)
End If
Return CByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplySByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-16256 ,16384]
Dim result As Int16 = CShort(left) * CShort(right)
If result > SByte.MaxValue OrElse result < SByte.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CSByte(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-1073709056, 1073741824]
Dim result As Int32 = CInt(left) * CInt(right)
If result > Int16.MaxValue OrElse result < Int16.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 4294836225]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) * CLng(right)
If result > UInt16.MaxValue Then
If result > Int32.MaxValue Then
Return result
Return CInt(result)
End If
Return CUShort(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [-4611686016279904256, 4611686018427387904]
Dim result As Int64 = CLng(left) * CLng(right)
If result > Int32.MaxValue OrElse result < Int32.MinValue Then
Return result
Return CInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As Object
'Range of possible values: [0, 18446744065119617025]
Dim result As UInt64 = CULng(left) * CULng(right)
If result > UInt32.MaxValue Then
If result > Int64.MaxValue Then
Return CDec(result)
Return CLng(result)
End If
Return CUInt(result)
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As Object
Return left * right
Catch ex As OverflowException
End Try
Return CDec(left) * CDec(right)
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDbl(left) * CDbl(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As Object
Return left * right
Catch ex As OverflowException
End Try
Return CDec(left) * CDec(right)
Catch ex As OverflowException
Return CDbl(left) * CDbl(right)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Object
Dim leftValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(left)
Dim rightValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(right)
Return leftValue * rightValue
Catch ex As OverflowException
'Converting to Double is inconsistent with Division, where we convert to Single.
Return CDbl(leftValue) * CDbl(rightValue)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplySingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As Object
Dim result As Double = CDbl(left) * CDbl(right)
If ((result <= Single.MaxValue AndAlso result >= Single.MinValue)) Then
Return CSng(result)
ElseIf Double.IsInfinity(result) AndAlso (Single.IsInfinity(left) OrElse Single.IsInfinity(right)) Then
Return CSng(result)
Return result
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function MultiplyDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As Object
Return left * right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Divide / "
Public Shared Function DivideObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideDouble(Nothing, Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideDouble(Nothing, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return DivideDouble(Nothing, Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return DivideDecimal(0D, Right)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return DivideSingle(Nothing, Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return DivideDouble(Nothing, CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideDouble(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return DivideDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return DivideDecimal(ToVBBool(Left), Right)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return DivideSingle(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return DivideDouble(ToVBBool(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return DivideDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return DivideDecimal(Left, Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return DivideSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return DivideDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideDecimal(Left, 0D)
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideDecimal(Left, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return DivideDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return DivideDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return DivideDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return DivideDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case Else
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Divide, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Divide, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function DivideDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Object
Dim leftValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(left)
Dim rightValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(right)
Return leftValue / rightValue
Catch ex As OverflowException
'Converting to Single is inconsistent with Multiplication, where we convert to Double.
Return CSng(leftValue) / CSng(rightValue)
End Try
End Function
Private Shared Function DivideSingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As Object
Dim result As Single = left / right
If Single.IsInfinity(result) Then
If Single.IsInfinity(left) OrElse Single.IsInfinity(right) Then
Return result
End If
Return CDbl(left) / CDbl(right)
Return result
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function DivideDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As Object
Return left / right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Power ^ "
Public Shared Function ExponentObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Dim leftValue As Double
Dim rightValue As Double
Select Case tc1
Case TypeCode.Empty
leftValue = 0.0R
Case TypeCode.Boolean
leftValue = ToVBBool(Left)
Case TypeCode.SByte,
leftValue = Convert.ToDouble(Left)
Case TypeCode.String
leftValue = CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left))
Case TypeCode.Object
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Power, Left, Right)
Case Else
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Power, Left, Right)
End Select
Select Case tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty
rightValue = 0.0R
Case TypeCode.Boolean
rightValue = ToVBBool(Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte,
rightValue = Convert.ToDouble(Right)
Case TypeCode.String
rightValue = CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right))
Case TypeCode.Object
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Power, Left, Right)
Case Else
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Power, Left, Right)
End Select
Return leftValue ^ rightValue
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Mod "
Public Shared Function ModObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModInt32(Nothing, Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModInt16(Nothing, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return ModSByte(Nothing, Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return ModByte(Nothing, Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return ModInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return ModUInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return ModInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return ModUInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return ModInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return ModUInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return ModDecimal(0D, Convert.ToDecimal(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return ModSingle(Nothing, Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return ModDouble(Nothing, Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return ModDouble(Nothing, CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModInt16(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return ModSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return ModInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return ModInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return ModInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return ModDecimal(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDecimal(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return ModSingle(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return ModDouble(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return ModDouble(ToVBBool(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return ModSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return ModInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return ModInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return ModInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal
Return ModDecimal(Left, Right)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single
Return ModSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Convert.ToSingle(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return ModDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return ModDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return ModByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return ModUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return ModUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return ModUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModDecimal(Left, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModDecimal(Left, 0D)
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModSingle(Convert.ToSingle(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModDouble(Convert.ToDouble(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return ModDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return ModDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return ModDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToDouble(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return ModDouble(CDbl(Convert.ToString(Left)), CDbl(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case Else
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Modulus, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.Modulus, Left, Right)
End Function
<MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)> ' To work around https://github.com/dotnet/runtime/issues/7141
Private Shared Function ModSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModInt32(ByVal left As Integer, ByVal right As Integer) As Object
If left = Integer.MinValue AndAlso right = -1 Then
Return 0
Return left Mod right
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function ModUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As Object
If left = Int64.MinValue AndAlso right = -1 Then
Return 0L
Return left Mod right
End If
End Function
Private Shared Function ModUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModDecimal(ByVal left As Object, ByVal right As Object) As Object
Dim leftValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(left)
Dim rightValue As Decimal = Convert.ToDecimal(right)
Return leftValue Mod rightValue
End Function
Private Shared Function ModSingle(ByVal left As Single, ByVal right As Single) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
Private Shared Function ModDouble(ByVal left As Double, ByVal right As Double) As Object
Return left Mod right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Integral Divide \ "
Public Shared Function IntDivideObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Left)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Right)
Select Case tc1 * s_TCMAX + tc2
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt32(Nothing, Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt16(Nothing, ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return IntDivideSByte(Nothing, Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return IntDivideByte(Nothing, Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return IntDivideInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return IntDivideUInt16(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return IntDivideInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return IntDivideUInt32(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64
Return IntDivideInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return IntDivideUInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return IntDivideInt64(Nothing, Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Empty * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return IntDivideInt64(Nothing, CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt16(ToVBBool(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return IntDivideSByte(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return IntDivideInt16(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return IntDivideInt32(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return IntDivideInt64(ToVBBool(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Boolean * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return IntDivideInt64(ToVBBool(Left), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte
Return IntDivideSByte(Convert.ToSByte(Left), Convert.ToSByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16
Return IntDivideInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Convert.ToInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32
Return IntDivideInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Convert.ToInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return IntDivideInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.SByte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return IntDivideInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte
Return IntDivideByte(Convert.ToByte(Left), Convert.ToByte(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16
Return IntDivideUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Convert.ToUInt16(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32
Return IntDivideUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Convert.ToUInt32(Right))
Case TypeCode.Byte * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64
Return IntDivideUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Convert.ToUInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt16(Convert.ToInt16(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideUInt16(Convert.ToUInt16(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt16 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt32(Convert.ToInt32(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideUInt32(Convert.ToUInt32(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt32 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.Int64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.UInt64 * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideUInt64(Convert.ToUInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.Decimal * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Single * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty,
TypeCode.Double * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt64(Convert.ToInt64(Left), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Empty
Return IntDivideInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Nothing)
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Boolean
Return IntDivideInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), ToVBBool(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.SByte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Byte,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt16,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt32,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Int64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.UInt64,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Decimal,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Single,
TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.Double
Return IntDivideInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), Convert.ToInt64(Right))
Case TypeCode.String * s_TCMAX + TypeCode.String
Return IntDivideInt64(CLng(Convert.ToString(Left)), CLng(Convert.ToString(Right)))
End Select
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.IntegralDivide, Left, Right)
End If
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.IntegralDivide, Left, Right)
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideSByte(ByVal left As SByte, ByVal right As SByte) As Object
If left = SByte.MinValue AndAlso right = -1 Then
Return -CShort(SByte.MinValue)
End If
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideByte(ByVal left As Byte, ByVal right As Byte) As Object
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideInt16(ByVal left As Int16, ByVal right As Int16) As Object
If left = Short.MinValue AndAlso right = -1 Then
Return -CInt(Short.MinValue)
End If
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideUInt16(ByVal left As UInt16, ByVal right As UInt16) As Object
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideInt32(ByVal left As Int32, ByVal right As Int32) As Object
If left = Integer.MinValue AndAlso right = -1 Then
Return -CLng(Integer.MinValue)
End If
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideUInt32(ByVal left As UInt32, ByVal right As UInt32) As Object
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideInt64(ByVal left As Int64, ByVal right As Int64) As Object
Return left \ right
End Function
Private Shared Function IntDivideUInt64(ByVal left As UInt64, ByVal right As UInt64) As Object
Return left \ right
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Shift Left << "
Public Shared Function LeftShiftObject(ByVal Operand As Object, ByVal Amount As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Operand)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Amount)
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.ShiftLeft, Operand, Amount)
End If
Select Case tc1
Case TypeCode.Empty
Return Nothing << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Boolean
Return CShort(Convert.ToBoolean(Operand)) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.SByte
Return Convert.ToSByte(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Byte
Return Convert.ToByte(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int16
Return Convert.ToInt16(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt16
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int32
Return Convert.ToInt32(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt32
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int64,
Return Convert.ToInt64(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt64
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Operand) << CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.String
Return CLng(Convert.ToString(Operand)) << CInt(Amount)
End Select
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.ShiftLeft, Operand)
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Shift Right >> "
Public Shared Function RightShiftObject(ByVal Operand As Object, ByVal Amount As Object) As Object
Dim tc1 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Operand)
Dim tc2 As TypeCode = GetTypeCode(Amount)
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.ShiftRight, Operand, Amount)
End If
Select Case tc1
Case TypeCode.Empty
Return Nothing >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Boolean
Return CShort(Convert.ToBoolean(Operand)) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.SByte
Return Convert.ToSByte(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Byte
Return Convert.ToByte(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int16
Return Convert.ToInt16(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt16
Return Convert.ToUInt16(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int32
Return Convert.ToInt32(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt32
Return Convert.ToUInt32(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.Int64,
Return Convert.ToInt64(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.UInt64
Return Convert.ToUInt64(Operand) >> CInt(Amount)
Case TypeCode.String
Return CLng(Convert.ToString(Operand)) >> CInt(Amount)
End Select
Throw GetNoValidOperatorException(UserDefinedOperator.ShiftRight, Operand)
End Function
#End Region
#Region " Operator Concatenate & "
Public Shared Function ConcatenateObject(ByVal Left As Object, ByVal Right As Object) As Object
Dim conv1, conv2 As IConvertible
Dim tc1, tc2 As TypeCode
conv1 = TryCast(Left, IConvertible)
If conv1 Is Nothing Then
If Left Is Nothing Then
tc1 = TypeCode.Empty
tc1 = TypeCode.Object
End If
tc1 = conv1.GetTypeCode()
End If
conv2 = TryCast(Right, IConvertible)
If conv2 Is Nothing Then
If Right Is Nothing Then
tc2 = TypeCode.Empty
tc2 = TypeCode.Object
End If
tc2 = conv2.GetTypeCode()
End If
'Special cases for Char()
If (tc1 = TypeCode.Object) AndAlso (TypeOf Left Is Char()) Then
tc1 = TypeCode.String
End If
If (tc2 = TypeCode.Object) AndAlso (TypeOf Right Is Char()) Then
tc2 = TypeCode.String
End If
If tc1 = TypeCode.Object OrElse tc2 = TypeCode.Object Then
Return InvokeUserDefinedOperator(UserDefinedOperator.Concatenate, Left, Right)
End If
Dim LeftIsNull As Boolean = (tc1 = TypeCode.DBNull)
Dim RightIsNull As Boolean = (tc2 = TypeCode.DBNull)
If LeftIsNull And RightIsNull Then
Return Left
ElseIf LeftIsNull And Not RightIsNull Then
Left = ""
ElseIf RightIsNull And Not LeftIsNull Then
Right = ""
End If
Return CStr(Left) & CStr(Right)
End Function
#End Region
End Class
End Namespace