2 interfaces inheriting from IButton
Microsoft.Maui (2)
Core\IImageButton.cs (1)
6 public interface IImageButton : IButton, IImage, IButtonStroke
Core\ITextButton.cs (1)
6 public interface ITextButton : IView, IButton, IText
1 implementation of IButton
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
Button\Button.cs (1)
18 public partial class Button : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, IBorderElement, IButtonController, IElementConfiguration<Button>, IPaddingElement, IImageController, IViewController, IButtonElement, ICommandElement, IImageElement, IButton, ITextButton, IImageButton
15 references to IButton
Microsoft.Maui (9)
Handlers\Button\ButtonHandler.cs (6)
36 public static IPropertyMapper<IButton, IButtonHandler> Mapper = new PropertyMapper<IButton, IButtonHandler>(TextButtonMapper, ImageButtonMapper, ViewHandler.ViewMapper) 38 [nameof(IButton.Background)] = MapBackground, 39 [nameof(IButton.Padding)] = MapPadding, 45 public static CommandMapper<IButton, IButtonHandler> CommandMapper = new(ViewCommandMapper); 63 IButton IButtonHandler.VirtualView => VirtualView;
Handlers\Button\ButtonHandler.Standard.cs (2)
5 public partial class ButtonHandler : ViewHandler<IButton, object> 16 public static void MapPadding(IButtonHandler handler, IButton button) { }
Handlers\Button\IButtonHandler.cs (1)
17 new IButton VirtualView { get; }
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (6)
Button\Button.cs (3)
484 void IButton.Clicked() 489 void IButton.Pressed() 494 void IButton.Released()
ImageButton\ImageButton.cs (3)
271 void IButton.Clicked() 276 void IButton.Pressed() 281 void IButton.Released()