2 writes to _actionView
Microsoft.Maui (2)
Platform\iOS\MauiSwipeView.cs (2)
50 _actionView = new UIStackView(); 301 _actionView = new UIStackView
16 references to _actionView
Microsoft.Maui (16)
Platform\iOS\MauiSwipeView.cs (16)
310 _actionView.AddSubview(swipeItem); 314 AddSubview(_actionView); 322 if (_actionView == null || childs == null || Element == null) 381 foreach (var view in _actionView.Subviews) 606 var actionBounds = _actionView.Bounds; 616 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionSize + offset, actionBounds.Y, actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 621 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(-actionSize + offset, actionBounds.Y, actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 626 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionBounds.X, actionSize - Math.Abs(offset), actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 631 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionBounds.X, -actionSize + Math.Abs(offset), actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 697 if (_actionView != null) 699 _actionView.RemoveFromSuperview(); 828 var actionBounds = _actionView.Bounds; 836 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionSize - swipeThreshold, actionBounds.Y, actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 841 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(-actionSize + swipeThreshold, actionBounds.Y, actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 846 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionBounds.X, actionSize - Math.Abs(swipeThreshold), actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height); 851 _actionView.Frame = new CGRect(actionBounds.X, -actionSize + Math.Abs(swipeThreshold), actionBounds.Width, actionBounds.Height);