1 write to TopRight
Microsoft.Maui (1)
Primitives\CornerRadius.cs (1)
34 TopRight = topRight;
17 references to TopRight
Microsoft.Maui (5)
Converters\CornerRadiusTypeConverter.cs (1)
77 return $"{cr.TopLeft.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, {cr.TopRight.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture)}, " +
Primitives\CornerRadius.cs (4)
49 return TopLeft == other.TopLeft && TopRight == other.TopRight && BottomLeft == other.BottomLeft && BottomRight == other.BottomRight; 67 hashCode = (hashCode * 397) ^ TopRight.GetHashCode(); 88 topRight = TopRight;
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (11)
BoxView\BoxView.cs (1)
93 (float)CornerRadius.TopRight,
Shapes\RoundRectangle.cs (2)
62 float topRightCornerRadius = (float)CornerRadius.TopRight; 93 float topRightCornerRadius = (float)Math.Max(0, CornerRadius.TopRight - strokeThickness);
Shapes\RoundRectangleGeometry.cs (8)
78 if (CornerRadius.TopRight > 0) 80 new EllipseGeometry(new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.TopRight, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopRight), CornerRadius.TopRight, CornerRadius.TopRight)); 96 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width - CornerRadius.TopRight, Rect.Location.Y) }, 97 new LineSegment { Point = new Point(Rect.Location.X + Rect.Width, Rect.Location.Y + CornerRadius.TopRight) }, 124 float tr = (float)CornerRadius.TopRight;
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Build.Tasks (1)
CompiledConverters\StrokeShapeTypeConverter.cs (1)
180 yield return Instruction.Create(OpCodes.Ldc_R8, cornerRadius.TopRight);