1 implementation of ILabel
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
Label\Label.cs (1)
18 public partial class Label : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, ITextAlignmentElement, ILineHeightElement, IElementConfiguration<Label>, IDecorableTextElement, IPaddingElement, ILabel
21 references to ILabel
Microsoft.Maui (20)
Handlers\Label\ILabelHandler.cs (1)
17 new ILabel VirtualView { get; }
Handlers\Label\LabelHandler.cs (8)
18 public static IPropertyMapper<ILabel, ILabelHandler> Mapper = new PropertyMapper<ILabel, ILabelHandler>(ViewHandler.ViewMapper) 35 [nameof(ILabel.LineHeight)] = MapLineHeight, 36 [nameof(ILabel.Padding)] = MapPadding, 37 [nameof(ILabel.Text)] = MapText, 39 [nameof(ILabel.TextDecorations)] = MapTextDecorations, 45 public static CommandMapper<ILabel, ILabelHandler> CommandMapper = new(ViewCommandMapper) 63 ILabel ILabelHandler.VirtualView => VirtualView;
Handlers\Label\LabelHandler.Standard.cs (11)
5 public partial class LabelHandler : ViewHandler<ILabel, object> 9 public static void MapText(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 10 public static void MapTextColor(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 11 public static void MapCharacterSpacing(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 12 public static void MapFont(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 13 public static void MapHorizontalTextAlignment(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 14 public static void MapVerticalTextAlignment(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 15 public static void MapTextDecorations(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 16 public static void MapMaxLines(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 17 public static void MapPadding(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { } 18 public static void MapLineHeight(ILabelHandler handler, ILabel label) { }
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
ViewExtensions.cs (1)
396 if (element is ILabel label)