3 interfaces inheriting from IStroke
Microsoft.Maui (2)
Core\IBorderStroke.cs (1)
8 public interface IBorderStroke : IStroke
Core\IShapeView.cs (1)
8 public interface IShapeView : IView, IStroke
Microsoft.Maui.Maps (1)
Core\IMapElement.cs (1)
6 public interface IMapElement : IElement, IStroke
31 references to IStroke
Microsoft.Maui (7)
Handlers\Border\BorderHandler.cs (7)
101 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.Stroke"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 112 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeThickness"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 123 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeLineCap"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 133 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeLineJoin"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 143 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeDashPattern"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 153 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeDashOffset"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 163 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IStroke.StrokeMiterLimit"/> property to the platform-specific implementations.
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (17)
Border\Border.cs (5)
217 Paint? IStroke.Stroke => Stroke; 219 LineCap IStroke.StrokeLineCap => 228 LineJoin IStroke.StrokeLineJoin => 253 float IStroke.StrokeDashOffset => (float)StrokeDashOffset; 255 float IStroke.StrokeMiterLimit => (float)StrokeMiterLimit;
BoxView\BoxView.cs (7)
72 Paint? IStroke.Stroke => null; 74 double IStroke.StrokeThickness => 0; 76 LineCap IStroke.StrokeLineCap => LineCap.Butt; 78 LineJoin IStroke.StrokeLineJoin => LineJoin.Miter; 80 float[]? IStroke.StrokeDashPattern => null; 82 float IStroke.StrokeDashOffset => 0f; 84 float IStroke.StrokeMiterLimit => 0;
Shapes\Shape.cs (5)
166 Paint IStroke.Stroke => Stroke; 168 LineCap IStroke.StrokeLineCap => 177 LineJoin IStroke.StrokeLineJoin => 189 float IStroke.StrokeDashOffset => (float)StrokeDashOffset; 191 float IStroke.StrokeMiterLimit => (float)StrokeMiterLimit;
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps (7)
HandlerImpl\MapElement.Impl.cs (7)
9 Paint? IStroke.Stroke => StrokeColor?.AsPaint(); 11 double IStroke.StrokeThickness => StrokeWidth; 13 LineCap IStroke.StrokeLineCap => throw new NotImplementedException(); 15 LineJoin IStroke.StrokeLineJoin => throw new NotImplementedException(); 17 float[] IStroke.StrokeDashPattern => throw new NotImplementedException(); 19 float IStroke.StrokeDashOffset => throw new NotImplementedException(); 21 float IStroke.StrokeMiterLimit => throw new NotImplementedException();