6 interfaces inheriting from IContentView
Microsoft.Maui (6)
Core\IBorderView.cs (1)
6 public interface IBorderView : IContentView, IBorderStroke
Core\IRadioButton.cs (1)
6 public interface IRadioButton : IView, ITextStyle, IContentView, IButtonStroke
Core\IScrollView.cs (1)
5 public interface IScrollView : IContentView
Core\ISwipeItemView.cs (1)
6 public interface ISwipeItemView : IContentView, ISwipeItem
Core\ISwipeView.cs (1)
6 public interface ISwipeView : IContentView
Core\ITitleBar.cs (1)
8 public interface ITitleBar : IView, IContentView
7 implementations of IContentView
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (7)
Border\Border.cs (1)
13 public class Border : View, IContentView, IBorderView, IPaddingElement
ContentPage\ContentPage.cs (1)
15 public partial class ContentPage : TemplatedPage, IContentView, HotReload.IHotReloadableView
ContentPresenter.cs (1)
12 public class ContentPresenter : Compatibility.Layout, IContentView
ContentView\ContentView.cs (1)
12 public partial class ContentView : TemplatedView, IContentView
Frame\Frame.cs (1)
11 public partial class Frame : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<Frame>, IPaddingElement, IBorderElement, IView, IContentView
ScrollView\ScrollView.cs (1)
17 public partial class ScrollView : Compatibility.Layout, IScrollViewController, IElementConfiguration<ScrollView>, IFlowDirectionController, IScrollView, IContentView
TemplatedView\TemplatedView.cs (1)
12 public partial class TemplatedView : Compatibility.Layout, IControlTemplated, IContentView
43 references to IContentView
Microsoft.Maui (23)
Handlers\Border\BorderHandler.cs (1)
173 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IContentView.Content"/> property to the platform-specific implementations.
Handlers\ContentView\ContentViewHandler.cs (9)
17 /// Represents the view handler for the abstract <see cref="IContentView"/> view and its platform-specific implementation. 22 public static IPropertyMapper<IContentView, IContentViewHandler> Mapper = 23 new PropertyMapper<IContentView, IContentViewHandler>(ViewMapper) 25 [nameof(IContentView.Content)] = MapContent, 31 public static CommandMapper<IContentView, IContentViewHandler> CommandMapper = 49 IContentView IContentViewHandler.VirtualView => VirtualView; 63 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="IContentView.Content"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 66 /// <param name="page">The associated <see cref="IContentView"/> instance.</param> 67 public static partial void MapContent(IContentViewHandler handler, IContentView page);
Handlers\ContentView\ContentViewHandler.Standard.cs (2)
5 public partial class ContentViewHandler : ViewHandler<IContentView, object> 9 public static partial void MapContent(IContentViewHandler handler, IContentView page)
Handlers\ContentView\IContentViewHandler.cs (1)
17 new IContentView VirtualView { get; }
Handlers\Page\PageHandler.cs (3)
6 public static new IPropertyMapper<IContentView, IPageHandler> Mapper = 7 new PropertyMapper<IContentView, IPageHandler>(ContentViewHandler.Mapper) 19 public static new CommandMapper<IContentView, IPageHandler> CommandMapper =
Handlers\Page\PageHandler.Standard.cs (1)
5 public static void MapTitle(IPageHandler handler, IContentView page) { }
Handlers\SwipeView\SwipeViewHandler.cs (1)
19 [nameof(IContentView.Content)] = MapContent,
HotReload\HotReloadExtensions.cs (1)
26 if (view is IContentView p)
Layouts\LayoutExtensions.cs (4)
140 public static Size MeasureContent(this IContentView contentView, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) 145 public static Size MeasureContent(this IContentView contentView, Thickness inset, double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint) 170 public static void ArrangeContent(this IContentView contentView, Rect bounds) 210 public static Size ArrangeContentUnbounded(this IContentView contentView, Rect bounds)
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (20)
Border\Border.cs (2)
258 object? IContentView.Content => Content; 260 IView? IContentView.PresentedContent => Content;
ContentPage\ContentPage.cs (4)
71 object IContentView.Content => Content; 72 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? Content; 144 Size IContentView.CrossPlatformArrange(Rect bounds) 149 Size IContentView.CrossPlatformMeasure(double widthConstraint, double heightConstraint)
ContentPresenter.cs (3)
24 static (IContentView view) => view.Content, 37 object IContentView.Content => Content; 38 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => Content;
ContentView\ContentView.cs (2)
49 object IContentView.Content => Content; 51 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? Content;
Hosting\AppHostBuilderExtensions.cs (1)
94 handlersCollection.AddHandler<IContentView, ContentViewHandler>();
RadioButton\RadioButton.cs (1)
653 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => ((this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView) ?? (Content as IView);
ScrollView\ScrollView.cs (3)
395 object IContentView.Content => Content; 396 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => Content; 437 if ((this as IContentView)?.PresentedContent is not IView content)
TemplatedView\TemplatedView.cs (3)
120 object? IContentView.Content => null; 122 IView? IContentView.PresentedContent => 127 Handler?.UpdateValue(nameof(IContentView.Content));
TitleBar\TitleBar.cs (1)
245 IView IContentView.PresentedContent => (this as IControlTemplated).TemplateRoot as IView;