3 interfaces inheriting from ITextInput
Microsoft.Maui (3)
Core\IEditor.cs (1)
6 public interface IEditor : IView, ITextInput, ITextStyle, ITextAlignment
Core\IEntry.cs (1)
6 public interface IEntry : IView, ITextInput, ITextAlignment
Core\ISearchBar.cs (1)
8 public interface ISearchBar : IView, ITextInput, ITextAlignment
1 implementation of ITextInput
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
InputView\InputView.cs (1)
12 public partial class InputView : View, IPlaceholderElement, ITextElement, ITextInput, IFontElement
17 references to ITextInput
Microsoft.Maui (13)
Core\Extensions\ITextInputExtensions.cs (1)
9 public static void UpdateText(this ITextInput textInput, string? text)
Handlers\Editor\EditorHandler.Standard.cs (4)
17 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsTextPredictionEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 24 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsSpellCheckEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 35 public static void MapCursorPosition(IEditorHandler handler, ITextInput editor) { } 36 public static void MapSelectionLength(IEditorHandler handler, ITextInput editor) { }
Handlers\Entry\EntryHandler.Standard.cs (2)
16 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsTextPredictionEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 23 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsSpellCheckEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations.
Handlers\SearchBar\SearchBarHandler.Standard.cs (2)
24 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsTextPredictionEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations. 31 /// Maps the abstract <see cref="ITextInput.IsSpellCheckEnabled"/> property to the platform-specific implementations.
SoftInputExtensions.cs (4)
35 public static Task<bool> HideSoftInputAsync(this ITextInput targetView, CancellationToken token) 57 public static Task<bool> ShowSoftInputAsync(this ITextInput targetView, CancellationToken token) 106 public static bool IsSoftInputShowing(this ITextInput targetView) 116 static bool TryGetPlatformView(this ITextInput textInput,
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (4)
InputView\InputView.cs (3)
260 int ITextInput.SelectionLength 266 int ITextInput.CursorPosition 272 string ITextInput.Text
SearchBar\SearchBar.cs (1)
151 bool ITextInput.IsTextPredictionEnabled => true;