using System;
using Foundation;
using ObjCRuntime;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Platform
public static class AttributedStringExtensions
public static NSMutableAttributedString? WithCharacterSpacing(this NSAttributedString attributedString, double characterSpacing)
if (attributedString == null || attributedString.Length == 0)
return null;
var attribute = attributedString.GetAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.KerningAdjustment, 0, out _);
// if we are going to un-set, but there is no adjustment, then bail out
if (characterSpacing == 0 && attribute == null)
return null;
var mutableAttributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString);
new NSRange(0, mutableAttributedString.Length)
return mutableAttributedString;
internal static NSMutableAttributedString? WithTextColor(this NSAttributedString attributedString, Graphics.Color color)
if (attributedString == null || attributedString.Length == 0)
return null;
var mutableAttributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString);
new NSRange(0, mutableAttributedString.Length)
return mutableAttributedString;
public static NSMutableAttributedString? WithLineHeight(this NSAttributedString attributedString, double lineHeight)
if (attributedString == null || attributedString.Length == 0)
return null;
var attribute = (NSParagraphStyle)attributedString.GetAttribute(UIStringAttributeKey.ParagraphStyle, 0, out _);
// if we need to un-set the line height but there is no attribute to modify then we do nothing
if (lineHeight == -1 && attribute == null)
return null;
var mutableParagraphStyle = new NSMutableParagraphStyle();
if (attribute != null)
mutableParagraphStyle.LineHeightMultiple = new nfloat(lineHeight >= 0 ? lineHeight : -1);
var mutableAttributedString = new NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString);
new NSRange(0, mutableAttributedString.Length)
return mutableAttributedString;
public static NSMutableAttributedString? WithDecorations(this NSAttributedString attributedString, TextDecorations decorations)
if (attributedString == null || attributedString.Length == 0)
return null;
var mutable = new NSMutableAttributedString(attributedString);
var range = new NSRange(0, mutable.Length);
UpdateDecoration(mutable, UIStringAttributeKey.StrikethroughStyle, range,
decorations & TextDecorations.Strikethrough);
UpdateDecoration(mutable, UIStringAttributeKey.UnderlineStyle, range,
decorations & TextDecorations.Underline);
return mutable;
public static NSAttributedString? TrimToMaxLength(this NSAttributedString? attributedString, int maxLength) =>
maxLength >= 0 && attributedString?.Length > maxLength
? attributedString.Substring(0, maxLength)
: attributedString;
static void UpdateDecoration(NSMutableAttributedString attributedString, NSString key,
NSRange range, TextDecorations decorations)
if (decorations == 0)
attributedString.RemoveAttribute(key, range);
attributedString.AddAttribute(key, NSNumber.FromInt32((int)NSUnderlineStyle.Single), range);
} |