File: Platform\Tizen\ViewExtensions.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Core\src\Core.csproj (Microsoft.Maui)
using System;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.Maui.Graphics;
using Tizen.NUI;
using Tizen.UIExtensions.NUI;
using static Microsoft.Maui.Primitives.Dimension;
using NColor = Tizen.NUI.Color;
using NView = Tizen.NUI.BaseComponents.View;
using Rect = Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Rect;
using TRect = Tizen.UIExtensions.Common.Rect;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Platform
	public static partial class ViewExtensions
		public static void UpdateIsEnabled(this NView platformView, IView view)
			platformView.IsEnabled = view.IsEnabled;
		public static void Focus(this NView platformView, FocusRequest request)
		public static void Unfocus(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (Tizen.NUI.FocusManager.Instance.GetCurrentFocusView() == platformView)
		public static void UpdateVisibility(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (view.Visibility.ToPlatformVisibility())
		public static bool ToPlatformVisibility(this Visibility visibility)
			return visibility switch
				Visibility.Hidden => false,
				Visibility.Collapsed => false,
				_ => true,
		public static void UpdateBackground(this ContentViewGroup platformView, IBorderView border)
			(platformView.GetParent() as WrapperView)?.UpdateBackground(border.Background);
		public static void UpdateBackground(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (view.Background is ImageSourcePaint image)
				var provider = view.Handler?.GetRequiredService<IImageSourceServiceProvider>();
				platformView.UpdateBackgroundImageSourceAsync(image.ImageSource, provider)
			var paint = view.Background;
			if (platformView is WrapperView wrapperView)
			else if (platformView.GetParent() is WrapperView parent)
				platformView.BackgroundColor = NColor.Transparent;
			else if (paint is not null)
		public static void UpdateBackground(this NView platformView, Paint? paint)
			if (paint == null)
			if (platformView is WrapperView wrapperView)
			else if (paint is not null)
		public static async Task UpdateBackgroundImageSourceAsync(this NView platformView, IImageSource? imageSource, IImageSourceServiceProvider? provider)
			if (provider == null)
			if (platformView is WrapperView wrapperView && wrapperView.Content != null)
				await UpdateBackgroundImageSourceAsync(wrapperView.Content, imageSource, provider);
			if (imageSource != null)
				var service = provider.GetRequiredImageSourceService(imageSource);
				var result = await service.GetImageAsync(imageSource);
				if (result != null)
					var bg = new ImageVisual
						URL = result.Value.ResourceUrl,
						FittingMode = FittingModeType.ScaleToFill
					platformView.Background = bg.OutputVisualMap;
		[Obsolete("IBorder is not used and will be removed in a future release.")]
		public static void UpdateBorder(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (view is IBorder border && platformView is WrapperView wrapperView)
				wrapperView.Border = border.Border;
		public static void UpdateOpacity(this NView platformView, IView view) => platformView.UpdateOpacity(view.Opacity);
		internal static void UpdateOpacity(this NView platformView, double opacity) => platformView.Opacity = (float)opacity;
		public static void UpdateClip(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (platformView is WrapperView wrapper)
				wrapper.Clip = view.Clip;
		public static void UpdateShadow(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (platformView is WrapperView wrapper)
				wrapper.Shadow = view.Shadow;
		public static void UpdateAutomationId(this NView platformView, IView view)
				//TODO: EvasObject.AutomationId is supported from tizen60.
				//platformView.AutomationId = view.AutomationId;
		public static void UpdateSemantics(this NView platformView, IView view)
		public static void InvalidateMeasure(this NView platformView, IView view)
			if (platformView is LayoutViewGroup layoutViewGroup)
			else if (platformView is ViewGroup viewGroup)
			else if (view.ToPlatform().GetParent() is ViewGroup parentViewGroup)
		public static void UpdateWidth(this NView platformView, IView view)
			UpdateSize(platformView, view);
		public static void UpdateHeight(this NView platformView, IView view)
			UpdateSize(platformView, view);
		public static void UpdateMinimumWidth(this NView platformView, IView view)
			platformView.MinimumSize = new Tizen.NUI.Size2D(view.MinimumWidth.ToScaledPixel(), platformView.MinimumSize.Height);
		public static void UpdateMinimumHeight(this NView platformView, IView view)
			platformView.MinimumSize = new Tizen.NUI.Size2D(platformView.MinimumSize.Width, view.MinimumHeight.ToScaledPixel());
		public static void UpdateMaximumWidth(this NView platformView, IView view)
			// empty on purpose
			// NUI MaximumSize is not working properly
		public static void UpdateMaximumHeight(this NView platformView, IView view)
			// empty on purpose
			// NUI MaximumSize is not working properly
		public static void UpdateInputTransparent(this NView platformView, IViewHandler handler, IView view)
			platformView.Sensitive = !view.InputTransparent;
		public static void UpdateSize(NView platformView, IView view)
			if (!IsExplicitSet(view.Width) || !IsExplicitSet(view.Height))
				// Ignore the initial setting of the value; the initial layout will take care of it
			// Updating the frame (assuming it's an actual change) will kick off a layout update
			// Handling of the default (-1) width/height will be taken care of by GetDesiredSize
			platformView.UpdateSize(new Tizen.UIExtensions.Common.Size(view.Width, view.Height));
		public static void UpdateToolTip(this NView platformView, ToolTip? tooltip)
		internal static Rect GetPlatformViewBounds(this IView view)
			var platformView = view?.ToPlatform();
			if (platformView == null)
				return new Rect();
			return platformView.GetPlatformViewBounds();
		internal static Rect GetPlatformViewBounds(this NView platformView)
			if (platformView == null)
				return new Rect();
			var screenPosition = platformView.ScreenPosition;
			return new TRect(screenPosition.X, screenPosition.Y, platformView.SizeWidth, platformView.SizeHeight).ToDP();
		internal static Matrix4x4 GetViewTransform(this IView view)
			var platformView = view?.ToPlatform();
			if (platformView == null)
				return new Matrix4x4();
			return platformView.GetViewTransform();
		internal static Matrix4x4 GetViewTransform(this NView platformView)
			=> new Matrix4x4();
		internal static Graphics.Rect GetBoundingBox(this IView view)
			=> view.ToPlatform().GetBoundingBox();
		internal static Graphics.Rect GetBoundingBox(this NView? platformView)
			if (platformView == null)
				return new Rect();
			return platformView.GetPlatformViewBounds();
		internal static NView? GetParent(this NView? view)
			return view?.GetParent() as NView;
		internal static bool IsLoaded(this NView view) => view.IsOnWindow;
		internal static IDisposable OnLoaded(this NView view, Action action)
			if (view.IsLoaded())
				return new ActionDisposable(() => { });
			EventHandler? routedEventHandler = null;
			ActionDisposable disposable = new ActionDisposable(() =>
				if (routedEventHandler != null)
					view.AddedToWindow -= routedEventHandler;
			routedEventHandler = (_, __) =>
			view.AddedToWindow += routedEventHandler;
			return disposable;
		internal static IDisposable OnUnloaded(this NView view, Action action)
			if (!view.IsLoaded())
				return new ActionDisposable(() => { });
			EventHandler? routedEventHandler = null;
			ActionDisposable disposable = new ActionDisposable(() =>
				if (routedEventHandler != null)
					view.RemovedFromWindow -= routedEventHandler;
			routedEventHandler = (_, __) =>
			view.RemovedFromWindow += routedEventHandler;
			return disposable;
		internal static bool NeedsContainer(this IView? view)
			if (view is IBorderView border)
				return border?.Shape != null || border?.Stroke != null;
			return false;
		internal static T? GetChildAt<T>(this NView view, int index) where T : NView
			return (T?)view.Children[index];
		internal static bool HideSoftInput(this NView view) => SetKeyInputFocus(view, false);
		internal static bool ShowSoftInput(this NView view) => SetKeyInputFocus(view, true);
		internal static bool IsSoftInputShowing(this NView view)
			return view.KeyInputFocus;
		internal static bool SetKeyInputFocus(NView view, bool isShow)
			view.KeyInputFocus = isShow;
			return view.KeyInputFocus;