File: Handlers\MenuFlyoutItem\MenuFlyoutItemHandler.iOS.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Core\src\Core.csproj (Microsoft.Maui)
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Foundation;
using UIKit;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Handlers
	public partial class MenuFlyoutItemHandler
		internal static Dictionary<int, IMenuElement> menus = new Dictionary<int, IMenuElement>();
		bool IsInContextFlyout()
			IElement? current = VirtualView;
			while (current != null)
				if (current is Microsoft.Maui.IMenuFlyout)
					return true;
				current = current.Parent;
			return false;
		protected override UIMenuElement CreatePlatformElement()
			// The menu code needs to be converted over to using `UIAction`
			// so that all of this can be the same
			if (IsInContextFlyout())
				UIImage? contextUiImage = VirtualView.Source.GetPlatformMenuImage(MauiContext!);
				var uiAction = UIAction.Create(
					title: VirtualView.Text,
					image: contextUiImage,
					identifier: null,
					handler: (_) => VirtualView?.Clicked());
				return uiAction;
			return VirtualView.CreateMenuItem(MauiContext!);
		public static void MapIsEnabled(IMenuFlyoutItemHandler handler, IMenuFlyoutItem view)
		internal static void Execute(UICommand uICommand)
			if (uICommand.PropertyList is NSString nsString &&
				Int32.TryParse(nsString.ToString(), out int index))
		internal static void Reset()
			if (!OperatingSystem.IsIOSVersionAtLeast(13))