using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Animations
/// <summary>
/// Represents a linear interpolation animation.
/// </summary>
public class LerpingAnimation : Animation
/// <summary>
/// Instantiate a new <see cref="LerpingAnimation"/> object.
/// </summary>
public LerpingAnimation()
/// <summary>
/// Instantiate a new <see cref="LerpingAnimation"/> object with the given parameters.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="callback">The <see cref="Action{T}"/> that is invoked after each tick of this animation.</param>
/// <param name="start">Specifies a delay (in seconds) taken into account before the animation starts.</param>
/// <param name="end">Specifies the duration that this animation should take in seconds.</param>
/// <param name="easing">The easing function to apply to this animation.</param>
/// <param name="finished">A callback <see cref="Action{T}"/> that is invoked after the animation has finished.</param>
public LerpingAnimation(Action<double> callback, double start = 0, double end = 1, Easing? easing = null, Action? finished = null)
: base(callback, start, end, easing, finished)
/// <summary>
/// Instantiate a new <see cref="LerpingAnimation"/> that consists of the given list of child animations.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="animations">A <see cref="List{T}"/> that contains <see cref="Animation"/> objects that will be children of the newly instantiated animation.</param>
public LerpingAnimation(List<Animation> animations)
: base(animations)
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets a callback that is invoked when <see cref="CurrentValue"/> is changed.
/// </summary>
public Action? ValueChanged { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the start value of this animation.
/// </summary>
public object? StartValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the end value of this animation.
/// </summary>
public object? EndValue { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Gets the current value for this animation.
/// </summary>
public object? CurrentValue
get => _currentValue;
protected set
if (_currentValue == value)
_currentValue = value;
Lerp? _lerp;
private object? _currentValue;
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the linear interpolation for this animation.
/// </summary>
public Lerp? Lerp
if (_lerp != null)
return _lerp;
//TODO: later we should find the first matching types of the subclasses
var type = StartValue?.GetType() ?? EndValue?.GetType();
if (type == null)
return null;
return _lerp = Lerp.GetLerp(type);
set => _lerp = value;
/// <inheritdoc/>
public override void Update(double percent)
if (Lerp != null! && StartValue != null && EndValue != null)
CurrentValue = Lerp.Calculate?.Invoke(StartValue, EndValue, Progress);
catch (Exception)
HasFinished = true;
} |