5 instantiations of MapSpan
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps (1)
Map.cs (1)
69 public Map() : this(new MapSpan(new Devices.Sensors.Location(20.793062527, -156.336394697), 0.5, 0.5))
Microsoft.Maui.Maps (4)
Platform\iOS\MauiMKMapView.cs (1)
213 handler.VirtualView.VisibleRegion = new MapSpan(new Devices.Sensors.Location(Region.Center.Latitude, Region.Center.Longitude), Region.Span.LatitudeDelta, Region.Span.LongitudeDelta);
Primitives\MapSpan.cs (3)
40 return new MapSpan(new Location(lat, Center.Longitude), Math.Min(LatitudeDegrees, maxDLat), LongitudeDegrees); 54 return new MapSpan(center, 2 * DistanceToLatitudeDegrees(radius), 2 * DistanceToLongitudeDegrees(center, radius)); 81 return new MapSpan(Center, Math.Min(LatitudeDegrees / zoomFactor, maxDLat), LongitudeDegrees / zoomFactor);
24 references to MapSpan
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Maps (8)
HandlerImpl\Map.Impl.cs (1)
16 MapSpan? IMap.VisibleRegion
Map.cs (7)
47 MapSpan? _visibleRegion; 48 MapSpan? _lastMoveToRegion; 54 public Map(MapSpan region) 175 public MapSpan? VisibleRegion 192 /// <param name="mapSpan">A <see cref="MapSpan"/> object containing details on what region should be shown.</param> 194 public void MoveToRegion(MapSpan mapSpan) 210 void SetVisibleRegion(MapSpan? visibleRegion)
Microsoft.Maui.Maps (16)
Core\IMap.cs (3)
14 MapSpan? VisibleRegion { get; set; } 57 /// Moves the map so that it displays the specified <see cref="MapSpan"/> region. 59 void MoveToRegion(MapSpan region);
Handlers\Map\MapHandler.iOS.cs (3)
90 MapSpan? newRegion = arg as MapSpan; 101 void MoveToRegion(MapSpan mapSpan, bool animated = true)
Primitives\MapSpan.cs (10)
34 public MapSpan ClampLatitude(double north, double south) 49 return obj is MapSpan && Equals((MapSpan)obj); 52 public static MapSpan FromCenterAndRadius(Location center, Distance radius) 68 public static bool operator ==(MapSpan? left, MapSpan? right) 73 public static bool operator !=(MapSpan? left, MapSpan? right) 78 public MapSpan WithZoom(double zoomFactor) 95 bool Equals(MapSpan other)