2 implementations of Width
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (2)
AbstractPattern.cs (1)
5 public float Width { get; }
PaintPattern.cs (1)
8 public float Width => Wrapped?.Width ?? 0;
5 references to Width
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics (1)
PaintPattern.cs (1)
8 public float Width => Wrapped?.Width ?? 0;
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Skia (2)
SKGraphicsExtensions.cs (2)
363 using (var context = new SkiaBitmapExportContext((int)(pattern.Width * scale), (int)(pattern.Height * scale), scale, disposeBitmap: false)) 380 using (var context = new SkiaBitmapExportContext((int)(pattern.Width * scaleX), (int)(pattern.Height * scaleY), 1, disposeBitmap: false))
Microsoft.Maui.Graphics.Win2D.WinUI.Desktop (2)
src\Graphics\src\Graphics\Platforms\Windows\PlatformCanvas.cs (2)
452 (pattern.Width - pattern.StepX) / 2, 511 var context = GetOrCreatePatternContext(new global::Windows.Foundation.Size(pattern.Width, pattern.Height));