9 references to Locale
Microsoft.Maui.Essentials (9)
TextToSpeech\TextToSpeech.netstandard.cs (1)
13 Task<IEnumerable<Locale>> PlatformGetLocalesAsync() =>
TextToSpeech\TextToSpeech.shared.cs (8)
18 /// <returns>A collection of <see cref="Locale"/> objects with languages supported by text-to-speech on this device.</returns> 19 Task<IEnumerable<Locale>> GetLocalesAsync(); 40 /// <returns>A collection of <see cref="Locale"/> objects with languages supported by text-to-speech on this device.</returns> 41 public static Task<IEnumerable<Locale>> GetLocalesAsync() => 153 public Task<IEnumerable<Locale>> GetLocalesAsync() => 244 /// <remarks>The <see cref="Locale.Language"/> property should match a <see cref="Locale.Language"/> value returned by <see cref="ITextToSpeech.GetLocalesAsync"/>.</remarks> 245 public Locale? Locale { get; set; }