File: TypedBinding.cs
Web Access
Project: src\src\Controls\src\Core\Controls.Core.csproj (Microsoft.Maui.Controls)
#nullable disable
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Globalization;
using Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.Maui.Dispatching;
namespace Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals
	//FIXME: need a better name for this, and share with Binding, so we can share more unittests
	/// <include file="../../docs/Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals/TypedBindingBase.xml" path="Type[@FullName='Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals.TypedBindingBase']/Docs/*" />
	public abstract class TypedBindingBase : BindingBase
		IValueConverter _converter;
		object _converterParameter;
		object _source;
		string _updateSourceEventName;
		/// <include file="../../docs/Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals/TypedBindingBase.xml" path="//Member[@MemberName='Converter']/Docs/*" />
		public IValueConverter Converter
			get { return _converter; }
				_converter = value;
		/// <include file="../../docs/Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals/TypedBindingBase.xml" path="//Member[@MemberName='ConverterParameter']/Docs/*" />
		public object ConverterParameter
			get { return _converterParameter; }
				_converterParameter = value;
		/// <include file="../../docs/Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Internals/TypedBindingBase.xml" path="//Member[@MemberName='Source']/Docs/*" />
		public object Source
			get { return _source; }
				_source = value;
		public string UpdateSourceEventName
			internal get { return _updateSourceEventName; }
				_updateSourceEventName = value;
		internal TypedBindingBase()
		internal abstract void ApplyToResolvedSource(object sourceObject, BindableObject target, BindableProperty property, bool fromTarget, SetterSpecificity specificity);
		internal abstract void SubscribeToAncestryChanges(List<Element> chain, bool includeBindingContext, bool rootIsSource);
	internal class TypedBinding
		/// <summary>
		/// <para>This factory method was added to simplify creating typed bindings for a property that
		/// isn't nested which is the most common scenario.</para>
		/// <para>This factory method must be used carefully. As the name implies, it is only applicable
		/// when the getter and setter access a property directly on the source object. Whenever the
		/// property is nested two or more levels deep, create the binding manually and construct the
		/// handlers array for that usecase.</para>
		/// </summary>
		/// <typeparam name="TSource">The type of the source object.</typeparam>
		/// <typeparam name="TProperty">The type of the property.</typeparam>
		/// <param name="propertyName">The name of the property.</param>
		/// <param name="getter">The getter function to retrieve the property value from the source object.</param>
		/// <param name="setter">The optional setter action to set the property value on the source object.</param>
		/// <param name="mode">The binding mode.</param>
		/// <param name="converter">The value converter.</param>
		/// <param name="converterParameter">The converter parameter.</param>
		/// <param name="source">The source object.</param>
		/// <returns>The typed binding.</returns>
		internal static TypedBinding<TSource, TProperty> ForSingleNestingLevel<TSource, TProperty>(
			string propertyName,
			Func<TSource, TProperty> getter,
			Action<TSource, TProperty> setter = null,
			BindingMode mode = BindingMode.Default,
			IValueConverter converter = null,
			object converterParameter = null,
			object source = null)
			return new TypedBinding<TSource, TProperty>(
				getter: source => (getter(source), true),
				handlers: new Tuple<Func<TSource, object>, string>[]
					new(static source => source, propertyName),
				Converter = converter,
				ConverterParameter = converterParameter,
				Mode = mode,
				Source = source,
	public sealed class TypedBinding<TSource, TProperty> : TypedBindingBase
		readonly Func<TSource, (TProperty value, bool success)> _getter;
		readonly Action<TSource, TProperty> _setter;
		readonly PropertyChangedProxy[] _handlers;
		public TypedBinding(Func<TSource, (TProperty value, bool success)> getter, Action<TSource, TProperty> setter, Tuple<Func<TSource, object>, string>[] handlers)
			_getter = getter ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(getter));
			_setter = setter;
			if (handlers == null)
			_handlers = new PropertyChangedProxy[handlers.Length];
			for (var i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++)
				if (handlers[i] is null)
				_handlers[i] = new PropertyChangedProxy(handlers[i].Item1, handlers[i].Item2, this);
		readonly WeakReference<object> _weakSource = new WeakReference<object>(null);
		readonly WeakReference<BindableObject> _weakTarget = new WeakReference<BindableObject>(null);
		SetterSpecificity _specificity;
		BindableProperty _targetProperty;
		List<WeakReference<Element>> _ancestryChain;
		bool _isBindingContextRelativeSource;
		// Applies the binding to a previously set source and target.
		internal override void Apply(bool fromTarget = false)
			BindableObject target;
			if (!_weakTarget.TryGetTarget(out target))
			if (!_weakTarget.TryGetTarget(out target) || target == null) {
			object source;
			if (_weakSource.TryGetTarget(out source) && source != null)
				ApplyCore(source, target, _targetProperty, fromTarget, _specificity);
		// Applies the binding to a new source or target.
		internal override void Apply(object context, BindableObject bindObj, BindableProperty targetProperty, bool fromBindingContextChanged, SetterSpecificity specificity)
			_targetProperty = targetProperty;
			this._specificity = specificity;
			var source = Source ?? Context ?? context;
			var isApplied = IsApplied;
			if (Source != null && isApplied && fromBindingContextChanged)
			base.Apply(source, bindObj, targetProperty, fromBindingContextChanged, specificity);
			if (Source is RelativeBindingSource relativeSource)
				var relativeSourceTarget = RelativeSourceTargetOverride ?? bindObj as Element;
				if (relativeSourceTarget is not Element)
					var message = bindObj is not null
						? $"Cannot apply relative binding to {bindObj.GetType().FullName} because it is not a superclass of Element."
						: "Cannot apply relative binding when the target object is null.";
					throw new InvalidOperationException(message);
				ApplyRelativeSourceBinding(relativeSource, relativeSourceTarget, bindObj, targetProperty, specificity);
				ApplyToResolvedSource(source, bindObj, targetProperty, false, specificity);
#pragma warning disable RECS0165 // Asynchronous methods should return a Task instead of void
		async void ApplyRelativeSourceBinding(
			RelativeBindingSource relativeSource, Element relativeSourceTarget, BindableObject targetObject, BindableProperty targetProperty, SetterSpecificity specificity)
#pragma warning restore RECS0165 // Asynchronous methods should return a Task instead of void
			await relativeSource.Apply(this, relativeSourceTarget, targetObject, targetProperty, specificity);
		internal override BindingBase Clone()
			Tuple<Func<TSource, object>, string>[] handlers = _handlers == null ? null : new Tuple<Func<TSource, object>, string>[_handlers.Length];
			if (handlers != null)
				for (var i = 0; i < _handlers.Length; i++)
					if (_handlers[i] == null)
					handlers[i] = new Tuple<Func<TSource, object>, string>(_handlers[i].PartGetter, _handlers[i].PropertyName);
			return new TypedBinding<TSource, TProperty>(_getter, _setter, handlers)
				Mode = Mode,
				Converter = Converter,
				ConverterParameter = ConverterParameter,
				StringFormat = StringFormat,
				Source = Source,
				UpdateSourceEventName = UpdateSourceEventName,
		internal override void ApplyToResolvedSource(object source, BindableObject target, BindableProperty targetProperty, bool fromBindingContextChanged, SetterSpecificity specificity)
			BindableObject prevTarget;
			if (_weakTarget.TryGetTarget(out prevTarget) && !ReferenceEquals(prevTarget, target))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Binding instances cannot be reused");
			object previousSource;
			if (_weakSource.TryGetTarget(out previousSource) && !ReferenceEquals(previousSource, source))
				throw new InvalidOperationException("Binding instances cannot be reused");
			ApplyCore(source, target, targetProperty, fromBindingContextChanged, specificity);
		internal override object GetSourceValue(object value, Type targetPropertyType)
			if (Converter != null)
				value = Converter.Convert(value, targetPropertyType, ConverterParameter, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
			return base.GetSourceValue(value, targetPropertyType);
		internal override object GetTargetValue(object value, Type sourcePropertyType)
			if (Converter != null)
				value = Converter.ConvertBack(value, sourcePropertyType, ConverterParameter, CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture);
			//return base.GetTargetValue(value, sourcePropertyType);
			return value;
		internal override void Unapply(bool fromBindingContextChanged = false)
			if (Source != null && fromBindingContextChanged && IsApplied)
			if (_handlers != null)
		// ApplyCore is as slim as it should be:
		// Setting  100000 values						: 17ms.
		// ApplyCore  100000 (w/o INPC, w/o unnapply)	: 20ms.
		internal void ApplyCore(object sourceObject, BindableObject target, BindableProperty property, bool fromTarget, SetterSpecificity specificity)
			var isTSource = sourceObject is TSource;
			if (!isTSource && sourceObject is not null)
				BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure(this, "Binding", $"Mismatch between the specified x:DataType ({typeof(TSource)}) and the current binding context ({sourceObject.GetType()}).");
			var mode = this.GetRealizedMode(property);
			if ((mode == BindingMode.OneWay || mode == BindingMode.OneTime) && fromTarget)
			var needsGetter = (mode == BindingMode.TwoWay && !fromTarget) || mode == BindingMode.OneWay || mode == BindingMode.OneTime;
			if (isTSource && (mode == BindingMode.OneWay || mode == BindingMode.TwoWay) && _handlers != null)
			if (needsGetter)
				var value = FallbackValue ?? property.GetDefaultValue(target);
				if (isTSource)
						(var retval, bool success) = _getter((TSource)sourceObject);
						if (success) //if the getter failed, return the FallbackValue
							value = GetSourceValue(retval, property.ReturnType);
					catch (Exception ex) when (ex is NullReferenceException || ex is KeyNotFoundException || ex is IndexOutOfRangeException || ex is ArgumentOutOfRangeException)
				if (!BindingExpressionHelper.TryConvert(ref value, property, property.ReturnType, true))
					BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure(this, sourceObject, target, property, "Binding", BindingExpression.CannotConvertTypeErrorMessage, value, property.ReturnType);
				target.SetValueCore(property, value, SetValueFlags.ClearDynamicResource, BindableObject.SetValuePrivateFlags.Default | BindableObject.SetValuePrivateFlags.Converted, specificity);
			var needsSetter = (mode == BindingMode.TwoWay && fromTarget) || mode == BindingMode.OneWayToSource;
			if (needsSetter && _setter != null && isTSource)
				var value = GetTargetValue(target.GetValue(property), typeof(TProperty));
				if (!BindingExpressionHelper.TryConvert(ref value, property, typeof(TProperty), false))
					BindingDiagnostics.SendBindingFailure(this, sourceObject, target, property, "Binding", BindingExpression.CannotConvertTypeErrorMessage, value, typeof(TProperty));
				_setter((TSource)sourceObject, (TProperty)value);
		// SubscribeToAncestryChanges, ClearAncestryChangeSubscriptions, FindAncestryIndex, and
		// OnElementParentSet are used with RelativeSource ancestor-type bindings, to detect when
		// there has been an ancestry change requiring re-applying the binding, and to minimize
		// re-applications especially during visual tree building.
		internal override void SubscribeToAncestryChanges(List<Element> chain, bool includeBindingContext, bool rootIsSource)
			if (chain == null)
			_isBindingContextRelativeSource = includeBindingContext;
			_ancestryChain = new List<WeakReference<Element>>();
			for (int i = 0; i < chain.Count; i++)
				var elem = chain[i];
				if (i != chain.Count - 1 || !rootIsSource)
					// don't care about a successfully resolved source's parents
					elem.ParentSet += OnElementParentSet;
				if (_isBindingContextRelativeSource)
					elem.BindingContextChanged += OnElementBindingContextChanged;
				_ancestryChain.Add(new WeakReference<Element>(elem));
		void ClearAncestryChangeSubscriptions(int beginningWith = 0)
			if (_ancestryChain == null || _ancestryChain.Count == 0)
			int count = _ancestryChain.Count;
			for (int i = beginningWith; i < count; i++)
				Element elem;
				var weakElement = _ancestryChain.Last();
				if (weakElement.TryGetTarget(out elem))
					elem.ParentSet -= OnElementParentSet;
					if (_isBindingContextRelativeSource)
						elem.BindingContextChanged -= OnElementBindingContextChanged;
				_ancestryChain.RemoveAt(_ancestryChain.Count - 1);
		// Returns -1 if the member is not in the chain or the
		// chain is no longer valid.
		int FindAncestryIndex(Element elem)
			for (int i = 0; i < _ancestryChain.Count; i++)
				WeakReference<Element> weak = _ancestryChain[i];
				Element chainMember = null;
				if (!weak.TryGetTarget(out chainMember))
					return -1;
				else if (object.Equals(elem, chainMember))
					return i;
			return -1;
		void OnElementBindingContextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (!(sender is Element elem))
			BindableObject target = null;
			if (_weakTarget?.TryGetTarget(out target) != true)
			object currentSource = null;
			if (_weakSource?.TryGetTarget(out currentSource) == true)
				// make sure that this isn't just a repeat notice
				// from someone else in the chain about our already-resolved 
				// binding source
				if (object.ReferenceEquals(currentSource, elem.BindingContext))
			Apply(null, target, _targetProperty, false, SetterSpecificity.FromBinding);
		void OnElementParentSet(object sender, EventArgs e)
			if (!(sender is Element elem))
			BindableObject target = null;
			if (_weakTarget?.TryGetTarget(out target) != true)
			if (elem.Parent == null)
				// Remove anything further up in the chain
				// than the element with the null parent
				int index = FindAncestryIndex(elem);
				if (index == -1)
				if (index + 1 < _ancestryChain.Count)
					ClearAncestryChangeSubscriptions(index + 1);
				// Force the binding expression to resolve to null
				// for now, until someone in the chain gets a new
				// non-null parent.
				ApplyCore(null, target, _targetProperty, false, _specificity);
				Apply(null, target, _targetProperty, false, _specificity);
		class PropertyChangedProxy
			public Func<TSource, object> PartGetter { get; }
			public string PropertyName { get; }
			public BindingExpression.WeakPropertyChangedProxy Listener { get; }
			readonly BindingBase _binding;
			PropertyChangedEventHandler handler;
			~PropertyChangedProxy() => Listener?.Unsubscribe();
			public INotifyPropertyChanged Part
					if (Listener != null && Listener.TryGetSource(out var target))
						return target;
					return null;
					if (Listener != null)
						//Already subscribed
						if (Listener.TryGetSource(out var source) && ReferenceEquals(value, source))
						//clear out previous subscription
						Listener.Subscribe(value, handler);
			public PropertyChangedProxy(Func<TSource, object> partGetter, string propertyName, BindingBase binding)
				PartGetter = partGetter;
				PropertyName = propertyName;
				_binding = binding;
				Listener = new BindingExpression.WeakPropertyChangedProxy();
				//avoid GC collection, keep a ref to the OnPropertyChanged handler
				handler = new PropertyChangedEventHandler(OnPropertyChanged);
			void OnPropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
				if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(e.PropertyName) && string.CompareOrdinal(e.PropertyName, PropertyName) != 0)
				IDispatcher dispatcher = (sender as BindableObject)?.Dispatcher;
				dispatcher.DispatchIfRequired(() => _binding.Apply(false));
		void Subscribe(TSource sourceObject)
			for (var i = 0; i < _handlers.Length; i++)
				if (_handlers[i] == null)
				var part = _handlers[i].PartGetter(sourceObject);
				if (part == null)
				var inpc = part as INotifyPropertyChanged;
				if (inpc == null)
				_handlers[i].Part = (inpc);
		void Unsubscribe()
			for (var i = 0; i < _handlers.Length; i++)