53 references to XamlParseException
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (15)
BindablePropertyConverter.cs (10)
42 throw new XamlParseException(msg, lineinfo); 60 throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {parts[0]}", lineinfo); 69 throw new XamlParseException(msg, lineinfo); 73 throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {value}. Syntax is [[prefix:]Type.]PropertyName.", lineinfo); 102 throw new XamlParseException($"Can't resolve {name} on {type.Name}", lineinfo); 106 throw new XamlParseException($"The PropertyName of {type.Name}.{name} is not {propertyName}", lineinfo); 136 throw new XamlParseException($"Expected {nameof(VisualStateGroup)} but found {parents[2]}.", lineInfo); 143 throw new XamlParseException($"Expected {nameof(VisualStateGroupList)} but found {parents[3]}.", lineInfo); 149 throw new XamlParseException($"Expected {nameof(Setter)} but found {parents[4]}.", lineInfo); 158 throw new XamlParseException($"Unable to find a TragetType for the Bindable Property. Try prefixing it with the TargetType.", lineInfo);
Interactivity\PropertyCondition.cs (2)
46 throw new XamlParseException($"Multiple properties with name '{Property.DeclaringType}.{Property.PropertyName}' found.", new XmlLineInfo(), innerException: e); 76 throw new XamlParseException($"Multiple properties with name '{Property.DeclaringType}.{Property.PropertyName}' found.", new XmlLineInfo(), innerException: e);
StyleSheets\StyleSheet.cs (2)
136 throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{resourcePath}' not found.", lineInfo); 141 throw new XamlParseException($"No resource found for '{resourceId}'.", lineInfo);
XamlParseException.cs (1)
40 : this(message, GetLineInfo(serviceProvider), innerException)
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Build.Tasks (2)
CompiledConverters\BindablePropertyConverter.cs (1)
90 throw new XamlParseException($"Expected {nameof(VisualStateGroup)} but found {parent.Parent}", lineInfo);
CompiledValueProviders\StyleSheetProvider.cs (1)
61 throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{source}' not found.", node);
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Xaml (36)
ApplyPropertiesVisitor.cs (14)
143 xpe = new XamlParseException("x:Key expects a string literal.", node as IXmlLineInfo); 184 xpe = xpe ?? new XamlParseException($"Cannot set the content of {((IElementNode)parentNode).XmlType.Name} as it doesn't have a ContentPropertyAttribute", node); 205 xpe = new XamlParseException("x:Key expects a string literal.", node as IXmlLineInfo); 210 xpe = new XamlParseException($"Property {parentList.XmlName.LocalName} is null or is not IEnumerable", node); 221 xpe = xpe ?? new XamlParseException($"Value of {parentList.XmlName.LocalName} does not have a Add() method", node); 427 xpe = xpe ?? new XamlParseException($"Cannot assign property \"{localName}\": Property does not exist, or is not assignable, or mismatching type between value and property", lineInfo); 450 xpe = xpe ?? new XamlParseException($"Property {localName} is not found or does not have an accessible getter", lineInfo); 517 exception = new XamlParseException($"No method {value} with correct signature found on type {rootElement.GetType()}", lineInfo); 534 exception = new XamlParseException($"{elementType.Name} is not a BindableObject", lineInfo); 569 exception = new XamlParseException($"{elementType.Name} is not a BindableObject or does not support native bindings", lineInfo); 597 throw new XamlParseException($"Multiple methods with name '{property.DeclaringType}.Get{property.PropertyName}' found.", lineInfo, innerException: e); 633 exception = new XamlParseException($"{elementType.Name} is not a BindableObject or does not support setting native BindableProperties", lineInfo); 702 throw new XamlParseException($"Multiple properties with name '{elementType}.{localName}' found.", lineInfo, innerException: e); 779 exception = new XamlParseException("resources in ResourceDictionary require a x:Key attribute", lineInfo);
CreateValuesVisitor.cs (3)
84 throw new XamlParseException($"The Property {ctorargname} is required to create a {type.FullName} object.", node); 121 throw new XamlParseException(mme.Message, node, mme); 319 throw new XamlParseException($"The Property {propname} is required to create a {ctorInfo.DeclaringType.FullName} object.", enode as IXmlLineInfo);
ExpandMarkupsVisitor.cs (2)
85 var ex = new XamlParseException("Expression must end with '}'", xmlLineInfo); 100 var ex = new XamlParseException("Expression did not end in '}'", xmlLineInfo);
MarkupExtensions\DataTemplateExtension.cs (2)
22 throw new XamlParseException("TypeName isn't set.", li); 29 throw new XamlParseException($"DataTemplateExtension: Could not locate type for {TypeName}.", lineInfo);
MarkupExtensions\StaticResourceExtension.cs (1)
28 throw new XamlParseException($"StaticResource not found for key {Key}", xmlLineInfo);
MarkupExtensions\StyleSheetExtension.cs (1)
30 throw new XamlParseException($"Source only accepts Relative URIs", lineInfo);
MarkupExtensions\TypeExtension.cs (1)
21 throw new XamlParseException("TypeName isn't set.", li);
RegisterXNamesVisitor.cs (1)
37 var xpe = new XamlParseException($"An element with the name \"{(string)node.Value}\" already exists in this NameScope", node);
ResourceDictionaryHelpers.cs (2)
69 throw new XamlParseException($"Resource '{resourcePath}' not found.", lineInfo); 74 throw new XamlParseException($"No resource found for '{resourceId}'.", lineInfo);
TypeArgumentsParser.cs (2)
27 throw new XamlParseException($"Invalid type expression or more than one type declared in '{expression}'", lineInfo, null); 84 throw new XamlParseException($"No xmlns declaration for prefix '{prefix}'.", lineinfo, null);
XamlLoader.cs (1)
52 throw new XamlParseException(string.Format("No embeddedresource found for {0}", callingType), new XmlLineInfo());
XamlParser.cs (6)
80 throw new XamlParseException($"'{reader.Name}' is a duplicate property name.", ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).Clone()); 95 throw new XamlParseException($"'x:Arguments' is a duplicate directive name.", ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).Clone()); 106 throw new XamlParseException($"Multiple child elements in {node.XmlType.Name}", ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).Clone()); 192 throw new XamlParseException("Closing PropertyElement expected", ((IXmlLineInfo)reader).Clone()); 427 exception = new XamlParseException($"Type {type} is not a GenericTypeDefinition", xmlInfo); 432 exception = new XamlParseException($"Type {xmlType.Name} not found in xmlns {xmlType.NamespaceUri}", xmlInfo);