1 write to _list
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (1)
ReadOnlyCastingList.cs (1)
77 _list = list;
14 references to _list
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (14)
ReadOnlyCastingList.cs (14)
82 get => _list[index] as T; 83 set => _list[index] = value as TFrom; 86 public int Count => _list.Count; 88 public bool IsReadOnly => _list.IsReadOnly; 91 _list.Add(item as TFrom); 93 public void Clear() => _list.Clear(); 96 => _list.Contains(item as TFrom); 102 array[i] = _list[i] as T; 107 new CastingEnumerator<T, TFrom>(_list.GetEnumerator()); 110 _list.IndexOf(item as TFrom); 113 _list.Insert(index, item as TFrom); 116 _list.Remove(item as TFrom); 119 _list.RemoveAt(index); 123 return ((IEnumerable)_list).GetEnumerator();