5 types derived from Geometry
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (5)
Shapes\EllipseGeometry.cs (1)
8 public class EllipseGeometry : Geometry
Shapes\GeometryGroup.cs (1)
10 public class GeometryGroup : Geometry
Shapes\LineGeometry.cs (1)
8 public class LineGeometry : Geometry
Shapes\PathGeometry.cs (1)
13 public sealed class PathGeometry : Geometry
Shapes\RectangleGeometry.cs (1)
8 public class RectangleGeometry : Geometry
34 references to Geometry
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (29)
Platform\ShapeExtensions.cs (1)
13 var data = path.Data;
Shapes\GeometryCollection.cs (1)
6 public sealed class GeometryCollection : ObservableCollection<Geometry>
Shapes\GeometryGroup.cs (5)
54 foreach (var oldChildren in oldCollection) 65 foreach (var newChildren in newCollection) 77 if (!(oldItem is Geometry oldGeometry)) 88 if (!(newItem is Geometry newGeometry)) 110 foreach (var c in Children)
Shapes\GeometryHelper.cs (3)
12 public static PathGeometry FlattenGeometry(Geometry geoSrc, double tolerance) 25 public static void FlattenGeometry(PathGeometry pathGeoDst, Geometry geoSrc, double tolerance, Matrix matxPrevious) 33 foreach (Geometry geoChild in (geoSrc as GeometryGroup).Children)
Shapes\Path.cs (6)
17 public Path(Geometry data) : this() 24 BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Data), typeof(Geometry), typeof(Path), null, 34 public Geometry Data 37 get { return (Geometry)GetValue(DataProperty); } 51 (oldValue as Geometry).PropertyChanged -= (bindable as Path).OnGeometryPropertyChanged; 59 (newValue as Geometry).PropertyChanged += (bindable as Path).OnGeometryPropertyChanged;
Shapes\RoundRectangleGeometry.cs (1)
67 Geometry GetRoundRectangleGeometry()
Shapes\StrokeShapeTypeConverter.cs (2)
69 Geometry pathGeometry = pathGeometryConverter.ConvertFromInvariantString(parts[1]) as Geometry;
VisualElement\VisualElement.cs (10)
10using Geometry = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Geometry; 97 public static readonly BindableProperty ClipProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Clip), typeof(Geometry), typeof(VisualElement), null, 111 var clip = Clip; 125 class WeakClipChangedProxy : WeakEventProxy<Geometry, EventHandler> 139 public override void Subscribe(Geometry source, EventHandler handler) 141 if (TryGetSource(out var s)) 158 if (TryGetSource(out var s)) 911 /// <remarks>When an element is rendered, only the portion of the element that falls inside the clipping <see cref="Geometry"/> is displayed, while any content that extends outside the clipping region is clipped (that is, not displayed).</remarks> 913 public Geometry Clip 915 get { return (Geometry)GetValue(ClipProperty); }
Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Compatibility (5)
iOS\Extensions\GeometryExtensions.cs (3)
7using Geometry = Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Shapes.Geometry; 17 public static PathData ToCGPath(this Geometry geometry, Transform renderTransform = null) 60 foreach (Geometry child in geometryGroup.Children)
iOS\VisualElementTracker.cs (2)
416 var formsGeometry = element.Clip; 486 var formsGeometry = element.Clip;