3 types derived from MenuItem
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (3)
Menu\MenuFlyoutItem.cs (1)
9 public partial class MenuFlyoutItem : MenuItem, IMenuFlyoutItem
SwipeView\SwipeItem.cs (1)
9 public partial class SwipeItem : MenuItem, Controls.ISwipeItem, Maui.ISwipeItemMenuItem
Toolbar\ToolbarItem.cs (1)
7 public class ToolbarItem : MenuItem
53 references to MenuItem
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (53)
Cells\Cell.cs (6)
21 ObservableCollection<MenuItem> _contextActions; 22 List<MenuItem> _currentContextActions; 87 public IList<MenuItem> ContextActions 93 _contextActions = new ObservableCollection<MenuItem>(); 260 foreach (MenuItem item in _currentContextActions) 266 _currentContextActions = new List<MenuItem>(_contextActions);
Menu\MenuItem.cs (13)
16 public static readonly BindableProperty AcceleratorProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(nameof(Accelerator), typeof(Accelerator), typeof(MenuItem), null); 20 nameof(Command), typeof(ICommand), typeof(MenuItem), null, 26 nameof(CommandParameter), typeof(object), typeof(MenuItem), null, 30 public static readonly BindableProperty IsDestructiveProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IsDestructive), typeof(bool), typeof(MenuItem), false); 33 public static readonly BindableProperty IconImageSourceProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(IconImageSource), typeof(ImageSource), typeof(MenuItem), default(ImageSource), 36 ((MenuItem)bindable).AddRemoveLogicalChildren(oldValue, newValue); 43 nameof(IsEnabled), typeof(bool), typeof(MenuItem), true, 47 public static readonly BindableProperty TextProperty = BindableProperty.Create(nameof(Text), typeof(string), typeof(MenuItem), null); 122 if (bindable is not MenuItem menuItem) 143 if (menuItem.Parent is MenuItem parentMenuItem && !parentMenuItem.IsEnabled) 180 if (bindable is not MenuItem || bindable is not IPropertyPropagationController ppc) 191 oldImageSource.SourceChanged -= ((MenuItem)bindable).OnImageSourceSourceChanged; 194 newImageSource.SourceChanged += ((MenuItem)bindable).OnImageSourceSourceChanged;
Shell\BaseShellItem.cs (3)
443 if (bo is MenuItem) 445 imageBinding = Binding.Create(static (MenuItem item) => item.IconImageSource); 446 labelBinding = Binding.Create(static (MenuItem item) => item.Text);
Shell\MenuItemCollection.cs (13)
10 public sealed class MenuItemCollection : IEnumerable<MenuItem>, IList<MenuItem>, INotifyCollectionChanged 12 ObservableCollection<MenuItem> _inner = new ObservableCollection<MenuItem>(); 24 public bool IsReadOnly => ((IList<MenuItem>)_inner).IsReadOnly; 26 public MenuItem this[int index] 33 public void Add(MenuItem item) => _inner.Add(item); 39 public bool Contains(MenuItem item) => _inner.Contains(item); 42 public void CopyTo(MenuItem[] array, int arrayIndex) => _inner.CopyTo(array, arrayIndex); 45 public IEnumerator<MenuItem> GetEnumerator() => _inner.GetEnumerator(); 48 public int IndexOf(MenuItem item) => _inner.IndexOf(item); 51 public void Insert(int index, MenuItem item) => _inner.Insert(index, item); 54 public bool Remove(MenuItem item) => _inner.Remove(item);
Shell\MenuShellItem.cs (7)
12 internal MenuShellItem(MenuItem menuItem) 18 this.SetBinding(TitleProperty, static (MenuItem item) => item.Text, BindingMode.OneWay, source: menuItem); 19 this.SetBinding(IconProperty, static (MenuItem item) => item.IconImageSource, BindingMode.OneWay, source: menuItem); 20 this.SetBinding(FlyoutIconProperty, static (MenuItem item) => item.IconImageSource, BindingMode.OneWay, source: menuItem); 21 this.SetBinding(AutomationIdProperty, static (MenuItem item) => item.AutomationId, BindingMode.OneWay, source: menuItem); 35 OnPropertyChanged(MenuItem.TextProperty.PropertyName); 49 public MenuItem MenuItem { get; }
Shell\Shell.cs (7)
145 /// Customizes the appearance of each <see cref = "MenuItem" />. 151 /// Gets the <see cref = "DataTemplate" /> applied to <see cref = "MenuItem" /> objects in the MenuItems collection. 158 /// Sets the <see cref = "DataTemplate" /> applied to <see cref = "MenuItem" /> objects in the MenuItems collection. 164 /// <param name="obj">The object that sets the <see cref = "DataTemplate" /> applied to <see cref = "MenuItem" /> objects.</param> 165 /// <param name="menuItemTemplate">The <see cref = "DataTemplate" /> applied to <see cref = "MenuItem" /> objects.</param> 638 if (bo is MenuItem mi && mi.Parent != null && mi.Parent.IsSet(MenuItemTemplateProperty)) 826 case MenuItem m:
Shell\ShellFlyoutItemsManager.cs (1)
218 foreach (var item in menuItems)
Shell\ShellItem.cs (3)
243 public static implicit operator ShellItem(MenuItem menuItem) => new MenuShellItem(menuItem); 353 || sourceType == typeof(MenuItem); 364 MenuItem menuItem => (ShellItem)menuItem,