7 writes to RootPage
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (7)
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (4)
465 RootPage = (Page)newStack[0]; 692 RootPage = navStack[0]; 757 Owner.RootPage = page; 892 Owner.RootPage = (Page)Owner.InternalChildren[0];
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.Legacy.cs (3)
140 RootPage = page; 226 RootPage = page; 253 RootPage = (Page)InternalChildren.First();
10 references to RootPage
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (10)
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (5)
51 static readonly BindablePropertyKey RootPagePropertyKey = BindableProperty.CreateReadOnly(nameof(RootPage), typeof(Page), typeof(NavigationPage), null); 52 /// <summary>Bindable property for <see cref="RootPage"/>.</summary> 814 Page newPage = Owner.RootPage; 873 if (page == Owner.CurrentPage && Owner.CurrentPage == Owner.RootPage) 891 if (Owner.RootPage == page)
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.Legacy.cs (5)
163 CurrentPage = RootPage; 165 var args = new NavigationRequestedEventArgs(RootPage, animated); 176 PoppedToRoot?.Invoke(this, new PoppedToRootEventArgs(RootPage, childrenToRemove.OfType<Page>().ToList())); 236 if (page == CurrentPage && CurrentPage == RootPage) 252 if (RootPage == page)