38 implementations of IElementConfiguration
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (38)
ActivityIndicator\ActivityIndicator.cs (1)
11 public partial class ActivityIndicator : View, IColorElement, IElementConfiguration<ActivityIndicator>, IActivityIndicator
Application\Application.cs (1)
19 public partial class Application : Element, IResourcesProvider, IApplicationController, IElementConfiguration<Application>, IVisualTreeElement, IApplication
BoxView\BoxView.cs (1)
10 public partial class BoxView : View, IColorElement, ICornerElement, IElementConfiguration<BoxView>, IShapeView, IShape
Button\Button.cs (1)
18 public partial class Button : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, IBorderElement, IButtonController, IElementConfiguration<Button>, IPaddingElement, IImageController, IViewController, IButtonElement, ICommandElement, IImageElement, IButton, ITextButton, IImageButton
CarouselPage\CarouselPage.cs (1)
7 internal class CarouselPage : MultiPage<ContentPage>, IElementConfiguration<CarouselPage>
Cells\Cell.cs (1)
345 class ElementConfiguration : IElementConfiguration<Cell>
CheckBox\CheckBox.cs (1)
10 public partial class CheckBox : View, IElementConfiguration<CheckBox>, IBorderElement, IColorElement, ICheckBox
DatePicker\DatePicker.cs (1)
11 public partial class DatePicker : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, IElementConfiguration<DatePicker>, IDatePicker
Editor\Editor.cs (1)
12 public partial class Editor : InputView, IEditorController, ITextAlignmentElement, IElementConfiguration<Editor>, IEditor
Entry\Entry.cs (1)
12 public partial class Entry : InputView, ITextAlignmentElement, IEntryController, IElementConfiguration<Entry>, IEntry
FlyoutPage\FlyoutPage.cs (1)
17 public partial class FlyoutPage : Page, IFlyoutPageController, IElementConfiguration<FlyoutPage>, IFlyoutView
Frame\Frame.cs (1)
11 public partial class Frame : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<Frame>, IPaddingElement, IBorderElement, IView, IContentView
Image\Image.cs (1)
11 public partial class Image : View, IImageController, IElementConfiguration<Image>, IViewController, IImageElement, IImage
ImageButton\ImageButton.cs (1)
14 public partial class ImageButton : View, IImageController, IElementConfiguration<ImageButton>, IBorderElement, IButtonController, IViewController, IPaddingElement, IButtonElement, ICommandElement, IImageElement, IImageButton
Label\Label.cs (1)
18 public partial class Label : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, ITextAlignmentElement, ILineHeightElement, IElementConfiguration<Label>, IDecorableTextElement, IPaddingElement, ILabel
LegacyLayouts\AbsoluteLayout.cs (1)
15 public class AbsoluteLayout : Layout<View>, IElementConfiguration<AbsoluteLayout>
LegacyLayouts\Grid.cs (1)
14 public partial class Grid : Layout<View>, IGridController, IElementConfiguration<Grid>, IGridLayout
LegacyLayouts\RelativeLayout.cs (1)
15 public class RelativeLayout : Layout<View>, IElementConfiguration<RelativeLayout>
LegacyLayouts\StackLayout.cs (1)
11 public class StackLayout : Layout<View>, IElementConfiguration<StackLayout>, IView
ListView\ListView.cs (1)
19 public class ListView : ItemsView<Cell>, IListViewController, IElementConfiguration<ListView>, IVisualTreeElement
NavigationPage\NavigationPage.cs (1)
15 public partial class NavigationPage : Page, IPageContainer<Page>, IBarElement, IElementConfiguration<NavigationPage>, IStackNavigationView, IToolbarElement
Page\Page.cs (1)
24 public partial class Page : VisualElement, ILayout, IPageController, IElementConfiguration<Page>, IPaddingElement, ISafeAreaView, ISafeAreaView2, IView, ITitledElement, IToolbarElement
Picker\Picker.cs (1)
19 public partial class Picker : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, ITextAlignmentElement, IElementConfiguration<Picker>, IPicker
PlatformConfigurationRegistry.cs (1)
8 public class PlatformConfigurationRegistry<TElement> : IElementConfiguration<TElement>
ProgressBar\ProgressBar.cs (1)
13 public partial class ProgressBar : View, IElementConfiguration<ProgressBar>, IProgress
RadioButton\RadioButton.cs (1)
15 public partial class RadioButton : TemplatedView, IElementConfiguration<RadioButton>, ITextElement, IFontElement, IBorderElement, IRadioButton
RefreshView\RefreshView.cs (1)
15 public partial class RefreshView : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<RefreshView>, IRefreshView, ICommandElement
ScrollView\ScrollView.cs (1)
17 public partial class ScrollView : Compatibility.Layout, IScrollViewController, IElementConfiguration<ScrollView>, IFlowDirectionController, IScrollView, IContentView
SearchBar\SearchBar.cs (1)
14 public partial class SearchBar : InputView, ITextAlignmentElement, ISearchBarController, IElementConfiguration<SearchBar>, ICommandElement, ISearchBar
Shell\ShellItem.cs (1)
54 public class ShellItem : ShellGroupItem, IShellItemController, IElementConfiguration<ShellItem>, IPropertyPropagationController, IVisualTreeElement
Slider\Slider.cs (1)
11 public partial class Slider : View, ISliderController, IElementConfiguration<Slider>, ISlider
Stepper\Stepper.cs (1)
11 public partial class Stepper : View, IElementConfiguration<Stepper>, IStepper
SwipeView\SwipeView.cs (1)
12 public partial class SwipeView : ContentView, IElementConfiguration<SwipeView>, ISwipeViewController, ISwipeView, IVisualTreeElement
Switch\Switch.cs (1)
11 public partial class Switch : View, IElementConfiguration<Switch>, ISwitch
TabbedPage\TabbedPage.cs (1)
9 public partial class TabbedPage : MultiPage<Page>, IBarElement, IElementConfiguration<TabbedPage>, ITabbedView
TableView\TableView.cs (1)
16 public class TableView : View, ITableViewController, IElementConfiguration<TableView>, IVisualTreeElement
TimePicker\TimePicker.cs (1)
11 public partial class TimePicker : View, IFontElement, ITextElement, IElementConfiguration<TimePicker>, ITimePicker
WebView\WebView.cs (1)
17 public partial class WebView : View, IWebViewController, IElementConfiguration<WebView>, IWebView
7 references to IElementConfiguration
Microsoft.Maui.Controls (7)
Cells\Cell.cs (1)
340 IElementConfiguration<Cell> GetElementConfiguration()
PlatformConfiguration\ExtensionPoints.cs (6)
7 /// Developers specifiy the type name of this marker class to the <see cref="IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying Android control on which to run a platform-specific effect. 15 /// Developers specify the type name of this marker class to the <see cref = "IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying iOS control on which to run a platform-specific effect. 23 /// Developers specify the type name of this marker class to the <see cref = "IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying Windows control on which to run a platform-specific effect. 31 /// Developers specify the type name of this marker class to the <see cref = "IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying Tizen control on which to run a platform-specific effect. 39 /// Developers specify the type name of this marker class to the <see cref = "IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying macOS control on which to run a platform-specific effect. 47 /// Developers specify the type name of this marker class to the <see cref = "IElementConfiguration{TElement}.On{T}" /> method to specify the underlying GTK control on which to run a platform-specific effect.